34 | psycho

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Taehyung stopped by Yoongi's apartment when they had arrived. Hoseok, Yoongi and Jungkook were forced to hear Taehyung rant about how much he hated Namjoon and Jin the whole way there, since Hoseok had told them about Holly. It began to be a little creepy how much Taehyung despised them.

'Thank you for the ride, Tae.' Yoongi said slowly, breaking the awkward silence.
'Wait!' Hoseok grabbed his wrist and pulled him back in the car. 'Think about what I said today, okay?'
'..Yeah.' Yoongi nodded and looked the other direction.
'I'm serious! If you want I'll stay at your place..'
'It's fine, don't worry about it.' Yoongi quickly pecked him on his lips and left the car.

'What was that about?' Jungkook stared at him from the passenger seat with a big grin plastered on his face.
'Nothing.. He's just worried I'll leave him someday so we talked about it.' Hoseok stared outside of his window to make sure Yoongi got into his house safely.

'Who's that kid?' Taehyung also followed the raven haired boy with his eyes. Some guy was in front of the door, blocking Yoongi's path.
'Hobi, he doesn't seem to be his friend..' Jungkook also looked at the two boys having some intense conversation.
'I'll.. I'll go check it out.' Hoseok ran out of the car and followed Yoongi up to his home.

'You're the oh so loved Min Yoongi?' The guy walked over to him, making Yoongi take a few steps back.
'Who are you? What do you want from me..?' Yoongi's voice cracked.
'I want you to pay for what you've done!' The mysterious guy violently grabbed his shoulders, making Hoseok flinch. Who the hell was this? What was he even talking about?

'You don't even realize what you've done, huh?! You are such a brat!'
'What?! What have I done?' He tried to escape from his grip, but failed.
'You.. You killed him!' He pushed Yoongi to the ground. 'You killed my brother!'

'Please-' Yoongi couldn't finish his sentence as the boy gripped his neck tightly.
'You're gonna feel the pain he went through!' He tightened his grip on his neck, Yoongi's face turning pale.
This is it.. This is the end.

'Hey, what the fuck is wrong with you?!' Hoseok punched him in his face, making him let go of Yoongi.

'And who are you? Why are you defending a murderer?!' The guy painfully grabbed his face.
'I.. I'm not a murderer.' Yoongi panted heavily.
'You killed Jimin!' The boy finally released his tears, and that's when Yoongi finally understood who this was.

'Jihyun..?' Yoongi stared at the sobbing boy in front of him. He remembers all the stories Jimin would tell about his little brother.
'Why did you have to hurt him?!' Jihyun wiped away his tears aggressively. 'Didn't you realize how important this was for him?'

'Please, you don't understand..'
'I understand everything! You are a piece of shit, Yoongi. That is all there is to it!' Jihyun threw a punch in his face, leaving his nose bleeding. 'I hate you! I hate you for taking him away.. I hate you for ruining my fami-' Jihyun was cut off my Hoseok smacking him across his face.
'Don't you fucking dare touch him again, you psycho!' Hoseok pushed him away and protectively put his arms around Yoongi.

'Tsch, I can't believe you would date him..' Jihyun shook his head and laughed astonishingly. 'You do know what he's done.. Right?'
'Jimin committing suicide isn't Yoongi's fault.' Hoseok threateningly glared at him.
'He's right though.' Yoongi softly spoke. 'I deserve this.'

Jihyun blankly stared at him and didn't say anything.
'What do you mean you deserve this? Are you out of your damn mind?!' Hoseok wiped away the blood that streamed down Yoongi's face with his sleeves.
'I shouldn't have been so cruel to Jimin..' Yoongi sniffed. 'I'm sorry Jihyun.'

'Sorry won't bring him back.' Jihyun sighed and got up. 'But.. I appreciate the apology.' He started walking away slowly.
'Wait! Hoseok grabbed his arm. 'Do you think you can just get away with this?!'
'Let him be Hobi, it's okay.'
'He nearly choked you to death! This is not okay at all.'
'Please, Hoseok.' Yoongi grabbed his arm and forced him to let go of Jihyun.

'I'll tell Tae and Jungkook to leave without me.' Hoseok quickly messaged Taehyung on his phone.

Sorry for making you wait. I gotta stay here for now, but ty for bringing us

Wait, are you ok? What happened?

I'll ttyl, bye

Um.. Okay. Message me if something happens

'Are you sure you want to stay here? I'm okay, honestly.'
'Of course I'll stay! Do you think I'm just gonna leave you alone after that?' Hoseok grabbed the keys out of his hand and unlocked the door.

Yoongi went to his bathroom to clean up his face. He stared at himself in the mirror, his nose and mouth were bloody and his neck was bruised. He carefully tried to wash off the blood, his eyes tearing up because it hurt so bad.
Hoseok soon after followed him into the restroom and gasped at the sight. After cleaning up all the blood, his nose was swollen and red and his upper lip was bursted open.

'I think your nose is broken..' Hoseok tried to grab his face, making Yoongi shriek.
'You have to go to some doctor.'
'But how? We can't walk all the way to the hospital, and Tae has already left.' Yoongi sighed. 'Let's just go to sleep, I'll probably feel better tommorow.'

'Ask Jin. He has his own car, right?'
'..Yeah, but-'
'It doesn't matter for now, you just have to see a doctor this instant.' Hoseok grabbed his phone out of his pocket and started texting.

This is Hoseok, we need your help

Like right now

What's wrong?

Yoongi needs to go to the hospital but I can't bring him

Hospital..? Is he okay?

Just come here quick, he's in a lot of pain

I'll explain on the way

Please just hurry

I'll be there in 10

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