23 | omw

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Taehyung actually found himself enjoying the drive to Yoongi's house more than he expected. He expected to get bored but it was kind of fun just talking with his boyfriend and his best friend. Jungkook sat next to him in the car and Hoseok sat in the back, alone.

'Hobi.. Are you guys planning on living together and stuff?' Jungkook asked him tiredly. They weren't even halfway through the ride and Jungkook was already tired. He has been basically screaming about how excited he was to have a 'sleepover'.

'Living together? Uh.. I don't know actually. It's way too soon for that I think.'
'Way too soon?' Taehyung joined in the conversation. 'What are you waiting for? It is quite obvious that you guys love each other, right?'
'Then you should ask him after we get there. I think it is crucial for you guys since you can't go all the way to his house on a daily basis.'
'I guess you are right..'
'I'm always right! Right, Jungkook?'
Hoseok chuckled. 'He fell asleep.'
'My god.. He was the one who kept on begging me to go to Yoongi's house, and now he's sleeping.'
'Wait.. Didn't you just want to go to his house yourself?' Hoseok was confused. It really seemed like Taehyung genuinely wanted to go over to his house.
'I mean.. not really. But both you and Jungkook were really looking forward to it and I couldn't just disappoint you guys.'
'Oh wow.. I am so sorry.'
'No it's okay really. I actually think it's fun now that I'm doing it, and I'm curious to see what kind of person Yoongi is.'
'Yoongi? He's really shy.'
'Shy? That's like the polar opposite of you.' Taehyung laughed. 'Is shy all you've got to describe him?'
'Uh.. He's kind of small, has raven hair, small eyes and a squishy face.'

'Cute..' The sudden husky voice scaring both Hoseok and Taehyung.
'Jungkook..! You scared the shit out of me.' Taehyung shook his head. 'Have you just been pretending to be asleep?'
Taehyung jokingly slapped his thigh. 'I swear to god you're still a child.'

Hoseok stared outside his window as Jungkook and Taehyung were being clingy again. Outside of the car was a forest, which looked really creepy being lit up by the lights of the cars on the road. Surprisingly, there were a bunch of cars even though it was already past 12.

Only about 15 minutes left.. And he can finally sit next to Yoongi.

'Hobi? Are you asleep?'
'No, there's no way.' Jungkook sat backwards in his seat, facing Hoseok.
Hoseok groaned. 'Hm?'
'Are you sleeepy?' Jungkook asked childishly. 'Me? Sleepy? Nooo..' Hoseok laughed softly. He just can't stay up late, that's something he'll never achieve.

Jungkook turned around and started talking with Taehyung again, but Hoseok couldn't be bothered to join them. His eyelids felt heavy as he slowly drifted to sleep.

Hoseok peacefully slept until both Taehyung and Jungkook were aggressively shaking his shoulders.
'We have arrived!' Jungkook screamed excitedly.
'Oh really?'
'Yeah.. You fell asleep.' Taehyung laughed.
Hoseok looked outside the window again and there it was, the familiar street in front of Yoongi's apartment. He couldn't help but smile when he realized that he was seeing Yoongi again already.

'Hobi, you should go and get him. We'll be waiting right over here.' Taehyung opened Hoseok's door and smiled. 'Don't take too long.'
'I promise.'

Hoseok left his friends alone in the car as he walked over to the apartment again, smiling ear to ear now. He didn't even realise he missed him this much until he was literally outside his house.

He rang his doorbell, his fingers shaking because of how nervous he was. Or was it because he was excited? He wasn't sure.

Yoongi almost immediately opened the door, surprising Hoseok. It was like he was just waiting for him to arrive. Both of them didn't even hesitate to kiss right after seeing each other again.

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