20 | hickeys

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Yoongi and Hoseok were finally eating the sushi they had ordered. After Namjoon and Jin left, the delivery guy took about 20 minutes to deliver their food. While they were eating, they were talking about how strange Jimin was behaving today.

'Back when he used to go to my school, he was always so happy and bubbly.'
'But he still is!' Yoongi stopped. 'I mean.. He really was.'
'I am concerned about him.' Hoseok said, looking Yoongi straight in his eyes. 'He used to be super insecure about himself.'
'Really?' Yoongi shook his head in disbelief. How can Jimin be insecure? He has literally dozens of boys and girls who'd kill to have him be their boyfriend.
'Yeah, really. I used to always try to cheer him up.'
Yoongi smiled. 'That's so sweet of you.'

'How about you ask him to come over tomorrow? I think he really needs to talk to someone.'
'Do you think he'd wanna come over? I mean, it doesn't really seem like he likes me that much.'
'What do you mean baby?'
'He tries to avoid me a lot.'
'You're just imagining that Yoongi. I'm sure you'd make him really happy if you offered him to come over.'
'Okay okay, if you insist.'

Yoongi grabbed his phone and started typing Jimin a message.
'Oh yeah, and dont forget to tell him that we found Holly too.' Hoseok smiled as he rested his head on Yoongi's shoulder and looked at what he was typing.

Hey Jimin, I want to thank you once again for coming with us to look for Holly!! Just about 10 minutes ago, Namjoon and Jin came over and have brought back Holly. They said that they saw him near their house or something, I'm so happy!!!!!!

'Why'd you type 10 minutes ago? I'm sure it has been like 30 minutes already.' Hoseok laughed.
'Because.. It would seem strange if we'd share this news with him this late.'
'You need to stop worrying about everything!' Hoseok wrapped his hands around Yoongi's neck and Yoongi smiled softly.
'I'm sorry, I can't help it.'

I'm so glad they found him!

'And now ask him if he wants to come over!'
Hoseok was about to grab Yoongi's phone, but Yoongi didn't let him.
'We have to explain first why we think he should come over.'
Hoseok chuckled. 'You're such a nerd.'

By the way Jimin, you seemed quite upset today, is everything alright?

I'm always here for you if you want to talk about something

Both Hoseok and Yoongi waited patiently for Jimin to answer, but he didn't.
'Why isn't he texting back?' Hoseok nervously fidgeted with his fingers.
'No idea.'

Why aren't you responding?

Still no response.
'I think he's not comfortable with telling you via text.'
'Yeah could be it.' Yoongi sighed.
'Maybe.. If you tell him I leave tomorrow morning, and then ask him to come over.'
'He'd be more comfortable with coming over if you weren't with your boyfriend.'
'That actually makes sense.'

Hobi leaves tomorrow morning, do you want to come over after that?

If you're okay with that

Of course I'm okay with that

You can come over whenever you want

Yoongi turned off his phone and put it back in his pocket. 'Don't forget to text me tomorrow and tell me how it went.'
Yoongi nodded. 'Of course.'

After a while, Yoongi stood up and walked over to his couch. 'Are you not eating any more? You only ate like half of your food.'
'I'm full. You can eat the rest of my sushi if you want.'
Hoseok followed Yoongi to the couch and Yoongi looked up confused. 'Hobi, finish your food.'
'I'm not hungry.'
'Yes, you are. You haven't eaten all day.'
'But you haven't either.'
Hoseok sat down next to Yoongi and Yoongi sighed. 'You don't ever listen, do you?'

Hoseok grinned as he pinned Yoongi down to the couch. 'Now why should I listen to you?'
'I.. Uh..' Yoongi turned his head to the left as his cheeks were colored a bright pink. 'That's what I thought.' Hoseok said cheekily.

Hoseok slowly bent over and kissed Yoongi's exposed collarbone. He wasn't able to do anything, because both of his arms were pinned down. He just enjoyed Hoseok's heavy breathing and the tingling sensation he felt. Wait.. Is he giving me a love bite?
'Hobi stop..' Yoongi softly said.
Hoseok looked up with a concerned look on his face.
'Did I hurt you? I'm so sorry baby..'
He let go of Yoongi's arms and sat back down.

'No! It's not that.' Yoongi sat on Hoseok's lap, his face completely flushed right now. He can't believe he would do something that cheesy.
'It's just that you shouldn't give me hickeys.' Yoongi said so softly, it was almost like he was whispering.
'Why is that?' Hoseok asked, putting his hands around Yoongi's waist.
'I don't want other people to know about.. You know.'
'Oh, I get it. It's just that.. It's too late now. I'm so sorry baby! I didn't know!'
Yoongi pushed his hands against his face.
'Oh my god.. Fuck!'
Hoseok scratched the back of his head. 'I'm sorry, that was stupid of me.'
'No.. No it wasn't. I should've told you earlier. Only very few people know that I came out as bisexual.. My parents in particular don't know about it. They absolutely hate gay people.'

Hoseok felt so bad for him. He came out a long time ago to his parents, and they were both fine with it.
'That must be so hard for you.' Hoseok said.
Yoongi nodded. 'I have to visit them every Sunday, what if they see my hickeys?'
'You could easily cover these up with a turtleneck shirt or something, don't worry about it.'
'You're right.' Yoongi smiled shortly. 'I really do worry too much.'

Finally, their lips met again. This time they were kissing more aggressively. Hoseok smoothly entered his tongue into Yoongi's mouth, startling Yoongi. He tugged on Hoseok's shirt, forcing him to pull away from the kiss. Yoongi then yanked off Hoseok's shirt, exposing his bare stomach. Hoseok wanted to say something, but Yoongi quickly pushed his lips back on the other's lips. He continued making out while caressing the younger's toned body.

Yoongi pulled away from the kiss again, both breathing heavily.
'Oh and Hobi..'
'You can give me as many hickeys as you want. Fuck my parents.'
'Are you sure?'

Hoseok pushed Yoongi back down on the couch as they slowly got back in their old position. Yoongi nervously looked away as he was waiting for Hoseok to do it.
Hoseok leaned back down and sloppily sucked on Yoongi's neck and collarbones, making Yoongi breathe faster and heavier. He wrapped his legs around Hoseok as Hoseok continuously kissed his neck.

Hoseok pulled up from Yoongi's neck, revealing his artwork. His skin was colored all kinds of red and purple, and it looked so hot. 
'Fuck Yoongi, you somehow look even cuter with hickeys all over your neck.'
'It burns..' Yoongi bit his lip. His neck hurt like hell, but it was a good kind of pain.
'Aw baby..' Hoseok cupped his cheeks.
'It's okay though.' Yoongi grinned as he gave his boyfriend a final sweet kiss.

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