18 | soft namjin

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'They don't like seeing us, let's just leave now.'
Namjoon stared at the ground, hoping this awkward moment would end soon. He could see Hoseok staring furiously at him from the corner of his eyes, what made Namjoon feel terrible again. He has tried to forget the past, but it all came back to him again when he saw Hoseok. Another thing that made him think about his past again was Yoongi's apartment. He used to come here all the time.

He noticed that Jin was finished and he sighed with relief. Jin quickly walked over to him and grinned. 'They believed it.'
Namjoon smiled half and squeezed his boyfriend's hands. 'I feel terrible.'
Jin didn't really know what to say. He kind of dragged Namjoon with him to do this.. All because he wanted Yoongi to stop hating him?
'At least Yoongi doesn't hate us anymore.'
'I don't think Yoongi could ever stop hating us, but whatever.' Namjoon walked away and Jin followed him.
'Joonie.. He don't have to know what happened. He's just grateful for us bringing his dog back.'

Jin didn't understand why Namjoon was so upset. His plan may have been a little extreme, but seeing Yoongi smile that bright surely made his day.

'Who was that other guy with Yoongi anyway?' Jin held onto Namjoon's arm.
'His boyfriend.'
'Oh? He told you?'
Namjoon scratched the back of his head with his free hand. 'Uh.. Yeah. I recently texted him.'
Jin was confused. Why would Yoongi tell him that? At the same time, he kind of wished Yoongi would tell him instead, but unfortunately he ruined the friendship between them already.
'I texted him because I tried to apologize, and that's when he told me he has a new boyfriend.'

Suddenly, Namjoon stopped walking when they reached a dark street lit up by the moonlight and a few lampposts. Jin stopped too and looked at him confused.
'Jin, I can't stand this guilt anymore.'
Jin noticed that his eyes started tearing up and he hugged him tightly. 'I know, I-'
Jin wanted to say something, but Namjoon interrupted him.
'Do you not feel bad for what we did?'
'Namjoon I-'
'No, really. You used to be his best friend and I used to be his boyfriend. Both of us knew he had no one else, but we were so selfish.'
Namjoon rested his head on Jin's shoulder and hugged him back.
'You've tried your best to apologize, but he has moved on. You should too.' Jin softly said.
He could hear Namjoon sobbing softly and he couldn't help but wish this moment lasted forever. Namjoon rarely shows his soft side, and Jin wishes he did this more often. He gently rubbed Namjoon's back, not knowing what else to do.

When Namjoon was done, he tilted his head and gave Jin a long kiss.
'I'm just glad that I'm with you, even if it took all this effort.' He whispered into Jin's ear, making him shiver.

They reached their own apartment after a 15 minute walk, and Namjoon went straight to their bed. Jin laid next to him and pushed his face against Namjoon's chest.
'You know, I don't think anyone else would actually do such a thing.' Namjoon chuckled and Jin laughed loudly.
'To be completely honest, your idea wasn't even half as bad as I thought. I mean, yeah we basically kidnapped Yoongi's dog, but we took good care of him and Yoongi was really happy to see him again.'
'See! I told you my idea was good!' Jin smiled cheekily and wrapped his legs around the younger's body.

'You know, when we first started dating I didn't feel bad for Yoongi at all.' Jin said softly and Namjoon didn't say anything.
'It's just recently that I feel so terrible for it, but back then I was just happy that we were finally a thing.'
'The worst thing is that he won't accept my apologies.' Namjoon said, putting his hands around Jin's waist.
'I don't understand what I'm supposed to do though. He really doesn't want to see us again, but I want to make it up to him.'

Namjoon kept on talking about how he regrets his decisions of the past only to realize Jin had fallen asleep halfway through his stories.
He smiled as he wrapped a blanket around them and closed his own eyes.
He regrets his past a lot, but he's glad that it resulted him in dating Jin.
He ran his fingers through the older's hair as he thought of Yoongi and his dog. Namjoon loved playing with Holly and seeing Holly for that one day was a lot of fun for both Namjoon and Jin. Jin has known Holly since he was just a little puppy.

He remembers when Jin told him about his idea a few weeks ago. He seemed so excited about it that Namjoon couldn't help but just agree with him.
'You still have that spare key to Yoongi's apartment, right?'
'Uh, yeah?'
'How about.. We get Holly when he's sleeping and-'
'Jin, what are you saying?!'
'Listen! We can get him and then bring him back to Yoongi! It would make him so happy!'
Jin smiled brightly and Namjoon didn't know what to say. Jin really wanted to take Yoongi's dog just to bring it back to him and make him happy?
'Please please Joonie.. Imagine how happy he would be!'
Jin looked at him with pleading eyes and Namjoon couldn't help but say 'Okay, fine.'

The day that Jin and Namjoon wanted to actually work out the plan, Namjoon was at the convenience store close to their house. He was looking for the candy Jin had asked for, when he heard someone say his name. He looked over to where he heard the sound come from and saw, to his surprise, Yoongi and Hoseok.
The two people that hated him the most.

He walked over to them, thinking that they were calling for him, but noticed that both of them didn't like him walking over to him. Yoongi couldn't even look up and Hoseok was visibly terrified.

Namjoon cringed at the memory and quickly tried to forget it. He rested his chin on Jin's head as he slowly drifted to sleep.

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