39 | convenience store

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A few days had passed, and finally Yoongi's blood test results had come back. He has been eating whatever the nurse gave him and followed their strict sleeping schedules, because he needed to get out of there as quick as possible. Hoseok had been keeping him company throughout all of it, scaring away some visitors like Namjoon and Yoongi's mother.

It was the first time he had seen Yoongi's mom, and she didn't even hesitate to leave right when she saw Hoseok. He thought that because his dad was suddenly so forgiving, his mom would be open too.. But no.

When Namjoon came, Hoseok was taken by surprise. He thought that Yoongi had cut off ties with Namjoon completely, but Yoongi seemed like he genuinely wanted to see him. Did Yoongi still have feelings for him? No.. Can't be.

'So, Yoongi.' The doctor smiled comfortingly. 'The nurses have told me you're doing well! I'm glad to hear that.'
Yoongi nodded and fidgeted with his fingers, anxious to hear the result.
'We think you're stable enough to leave.. But you'll have to make some visits in a few weeks.'
'That's okay!' Yoongi smiled wide, flashing his gums. 'Am I leaving today?'
The doctor nodded, chuckling at the excited boy. 'Your nose will recover fully soon, and after checking your x-ray scans and your blood test results we've concluded there really is no reason to keep you here anymore.'

Yoongi practically jumped onto Hoseok when he saw him waiting outside, and Hoseok already knew what that meant.
'We're leaving?' He grinned.
Yoongi nodded and smiled widely. 'Finally!'

Having cleaned up the messy room they had stayed in for this past week, they were finally going home. Hoseok had messaged Seokjin to ask him to bring them home, but he said he was busy, so instead he hired a taxi.

Luckily, Yoongi's house wasn't that far away so they arrived rather quickly. After Hoseok had paid the taxi driver, they ultimately entered Yoongi's apartment, which was cleaned up and smelled fresh.

Yoongi walked inside, confused, only to be greeted by a neon pink post-it that read:
"hi Yoongs! it's Jin!! I hope you're feeling better now that you're home again. Namjoon and I wanted to do something to celebrate your recovery, so we decided to help cleaning up your place.
I hope we can meet up sometime again.. I miss hanging out with you :(
love, Seokjin"

'Wow.' Hoseok broke the silence. 'That's really sweet of them.'
'I know.. It's just.. I'm not comfortable with them having the key to my house.'
'I suppose you could just ask the key back.. But today's not the day for that. We're going out for dinner!' Hoseok grabbed Yoongi's wrist and pulled him off the couch.
'Dinner? Like.. At a restaurant?'
'No, at a landfill. Of course we're going to a restaurant dummy.'
'Hobi, I literally look like death. Can we just cook at home today and go to a restaurant some other day? Maybe you could invite your friends as well then.'
'You look good!' Hoseok smiled, but Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows. 'Okay, fine.' Hoseok sighed.

'I didn't have any food before going to the hospital.. But maybe Namjoon bought something!' Yoongi optimistically walked to the kitchen, expecting to find some kind of food.
'Namjoon.. And Seokjin.' Hoseok cleared his throat. 'Are you still talking to Namjoon?'
'Uh.. Sometimes.' Yoongi started searching through his cabinets.
'But.. Why..?' Hoseok combed his hair backwards.
'Seriously, it's nothing. Don't worry about it.'

Hoseok stared at Yoongi's arched back, while he was busy looking through the last cabinet.
'There's nothing.' He said, pouting his lips.
'We could go to that store we went on the first day we met up..' Hoseok smiled thinking back on it.
'Oh! Let's get noodles again like that day.'
Yoongi dragged the taller boy with him excitedly, making him forget about Namjoon. This was the first time in forever that Yoongi seemed genuinely happy, and Hoseok wanted to keep it like that so he put all negativity behind him.

It was chilly outside but luckily the convenience store was not so far away from Yoongi's apartment. They walked hand in hand, not saying too much. Instead both of them appreciated the sunset, and just enjoyed the free time they had together after such a long time of being in the hospital.

The sight of the store brought back tons of memories. Yoongi recalls walking past the store, on his way to the train station to pick Hoseok up. He was so incredibly nervous back then..

The store was empty, except for the lady behind the counter. They quietly walked towards the noodles section, not hesitating in their choice of noodles. Hoseok started walking towards the counter already, but Yoongi quickly pulled him back, dragging him to the alcohol section.
'No.. Seokjin told me about your alcohol abuse. Sorry baby.' Hoseok stared towards the tiles on the floor, biting his lip. He felt terrible.
'Please..? We're celebrating, right?'
Hoseok remained silent.
'Oh, come on! It's just this once.' Yoongi grabbed one of the bottles and quickly walked away, leaving Hoseok defeated.

'Damn you..' Hoseok muttered under his breath as Yoongi was already paying.

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