30 | revealing the truth

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After what happened, Jungkook and Taehyung didn't really feel like staying over so they left. Taehyung hadn't drank anything, so it wasn't dangerous for him to drive back.
Hoseok felt incredibly dizzy since he had to take that shot, but he was afraid that if he told Yoongi he'd think he's weak.

It was already pretty late, so they decided to just go to bed already. Not to sleep though, but just to talk for a while.
Yoongi was busy texting someone while Hoseok just laid on the bed. He wanted to sleep so bad, but Yoongi didn't allow him to.
'Who are you texting?' Hoseok grabbed his phone to see who it was.
'Jin..? Why the hell Yoongi?'

'You do remember he has my dog, right?' Yoongi also laid down next to him. 'And I asked him about where Namjoon was tonight.'
'Oh my god, you're a genius.' Hoseok quickly scrolled through the messages till he found it.

And by the way, how is Namjoon?

Pretty terrible. Lately the only thing he talks about is you and Hoseok

Oh, wow. Did today go well though?

Yeah, I'd say it went well. We watched a movie and afterwards he went to sleep early

Seriously? That's so unlike him

The other messages weren't of importance to Hoseok, so he stopped reading.
'I told you guys it's wasn't Namjoon!' Yoongi grabbed his phone again and put it on the nightstand beside the table.
'W-wait.. You don't know for sure yet! Jin might be lying for him.'
'Hobi, stop trying to point everything towards them. Don't you think even they deserve a second chance?'

'Sure. I'll admit Namjoon isn't guilty once I get to try once more.' Hoseok grabbed his phone off the nightstand and started typing.
'Just.. Don't say something weird, please.' Yoongi nervously looked at what he was typing.


'I said don't say something weird!' Yoongi laughed. 'What do you expect him to say?'
'Believe me, if it was really them Jin will feel guilty and explain it to you.'

What do you mean Yoongi..?

'This is stupid Hobi, he has no clue what you're talking about.'
'He's just pretending.' Hoseok rolled his eyes.
'I don't understand why you are so sure they are innocent.'

You know damn well what I mean

I'm sorry.. For everything. We just wanted you to forgive us and be mutual again but you just couldn't. We thought that if we did this you might forgive us.. It was stupid, I know

'What the fuck is he talking about?' Hoseok looked at Yoongi but he didn't respond.

How is Namjoon spying on us gonna make me forgive you?

Wait what? Namjoon didn't spy on you

Seriously, he never did that

Jungkook literally saw Namjoon outside Hoseok's house less than an hour ago

Yoongi, I'm being completely honest right now. Namjoon hasn't left our house at all tonight, he's sleeping here right in front of me. Besides, we both have no clue where your bf lives

'He's telling the truth.'
'So it really wasn't Namjoon?' Hoseok sighed. 'Meaning someone else has got something on us..'
'What was Jin talking about before anyway?' Yoongi took his phone and scrolled back.
'What did he apologize for?'

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