31 | revealing the truth pt.2

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Jin stared in front of him, where Namjoon was sleeping peacefully. There is no way.. Hoseok must be lying. How could Namjoon even do something like that?
Is that why he was so surprised that Yoongi was dating him?

Jin wanted to wake him up and ask him about everything, but at the same time he was afraid. Not only did he apparently almost rape Yoongi's boyfriend, but now he has to tell him that Hoseok knows about what they did. Their stupid plan that just about ruined any chance of them becoming friends again.

Holly was playing with a squeaky toy in the other room, while Jin rested his head on a pillow and tried to sleep. This was all just too much for him, he didn't want to think of this right now. But no matter how hard he tried, Hoseok's words still ran through his head.

You guys.. You are the absolute scum of the world! First he's a rapist and now he kidnaps dogs?!

Is he really that much of a bad person? No, Namjoon has a good heart. Is he talking about me? Is it because I used Yoongi?

Hoseok is right. I just left Yoongi in the dark while he was always there for me.. I left him alone knowing all of his problems. His abusive parents, his anxiety. And still, I left him.

Jin sighed. He needs to sleep now, his head is pounding. He closed his eyes and tried to clear his mind.

'Jin?' Namjoon's husky voice startled him. He kept his eyes closed, hoping that Namjoon would just go to sleep again.
'Ah, he's asleep..' He mumbled to himself. Namjoon walked over to him to confirm it. 'Why didn't you sleep next to me?' He sat next to him and stroked his hair.

Jin loved it when he did that, but now it just felt wrong. He can't stay like this, he has to talk to him.
'Joon-' Jin suddenly sat up.
'Did I wake you up..? Sorry.' Namjoon held his hand, but Jin quickly pulled his hand away.
'Is something wrong?'

'Hoseok called me.' Jin took a deep breath.
'Listen, I honestly don't believe him but.. Did you do something..? At this party?'
'Jin, I-'
'Is it true?'

Namjoon looked down and didn't say anything. 'I-I can't believe this..' Jin scoffed. 'How..? You are not like that Namjoon, I know for sure.'
'Please let me explain it to you.'
'I'm all ears.'

'So.. You know one of my childhood friends Johnny..? Johnny Seo.'
'Yeah, the freakishly tall one.'
'Right. He had this party at his house and everyone was there.. Except for a few people including you.' Namjoon took a deep breath.
'Well, we all got fucking wasted, that's what happened.'

'I don't want to believe this.'
'Jin.. You know that this won't change anything.' Namjoon put his arms around him. 'I still love you endlessly.'
'This'll change just about everything! You.. You did something so terrible, and now people are blaming me for it!'
'No one's blaming you for it, don't say that.'
'Hoseok already hates me.. And I don't even know the guy!'

'Did he tell you that?'
'Yeah, after I..' Jin quickly stopped himself. He couldn't bring himself to tell him that he told Hoseok what happened with Holly that day, not now that Namjoon is upset already.
'After you what?' Namjoon released Jin from his grip.
'Nothing.. My head really hurts, let's go to sleep.'
'Uh.. Sure.'

Jin rested his head on Namjoon's chest.
Our relationship only consists of lies and using people, yet we're still together. We both love each other, but to what extent?

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