38 | coffee

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Yoongi rolled over to his side. His eyelids were heavy and all he wanted to do was get some rest, but he was afraid it would happen again.
Hoseok was messaging someone on his phone, too busy minding his own business.
Who was he even texting? Yoongi couldn't bother to care. He kept staring at him till Hoseok couldn't help but notice.

'Go to sleep.' Hoseok whispered.
Yoongi shook his head and playfully smirked.
'It's 1 am.' Hoseok finally put his phone away and also laid down.
'Every time I fall asleep here I get the same damn nightmare over and over again.'
'..Is that why you were so persistent to leave?'
Yoongi nodded and sighed. 'They are so real.. I swear I could feel his hands.'
'Who's hands?' Hoseok looked at him with wide eyes.

'You need to stop thinking about that, seriously Yoongi.'
'I can't decide what I dream about! It's like my mind is punishing me for what I've done.'
'What do you mean?! Why would you need punishment for something you're not even guilty of?'
'Jihyun is right! I killed his brother!'
'I'm so sorry Yoongi, but you need help. Like.. Like a therapist or something. I'm not just gonna be sitting here watching you torture yourself like that.'
'What? You don't need to do that!' Yoongi quickly wrapped arms around him. 'Please, please, please don't.'

'Oh my god, stop.' Hoseok looked away from the pouting boy.
'I swear I won't talk about him anymore.'
'Don't think about him either.'
'..Promise.' Yoongi gritted his teeth.
'Now go to sleep.' Hoseok turned off the night light beside him and pushed his face into Yoongi's hair, back hugging him.

'Hoseok.' Yoongi awkwardly shuffled around in his grip.
'Just go to sleep.' He whispered in response.
'I slept the whole day, I'm not tired.' Yoongi lied.
'You slept the whole time I wasn't here?' Hoseok let go of him, allowing Yoongi to turn around.
'Actually-' Yoongi thought back of when Namjoon came by. He didn't want to mention that to him. 'Yeah. I slept till I heard you and Seokjin come in.'

'I feel like you're lying to me.'
Even though it was dark, Yoongi could feel Hoseok's piercing gaze.
'Why would I lie about that?' He awkwardly laughed.
Hoseok shrugged. 'So.. You're not letting me get some rest, huh?'
'Please, please, please stay up with me, I don't want to be alone.'

He sighed in defeat as he turned the night lamp beside him on again. He couldn't help but follow the smaller's instructions, because Hoseok knew how bratty he could get. All Yoongi needed to do was pout his lips and whine, and he got what he wanted.
'Can you at least get me some coffee then?'
'Fine.' Yoongi slugged outside of the room in his white pajamas, furrowing his eyebrows at Hoseok for making him stand up from his bed.
After he closed the door, Hoseok grabbed his phone again.

wait what? explain in more detail


and of course you just stop responding

SORRY had to talk to yoongi

There isn't much detail left.. Jihyun went bat shit insane and outed it on Yoongi. Now we're in the hospital. That's it.

Before, when Hoseok was texting, he was finally telling Taehyung what happened after 2 days of not saying anything.

you're seriously at a fucking hospital?? and you just tell me this?

who the fuck is jihyun

Jimin's little brother

oh..... park jimin

That's the one

I'm gonna go to sleep, but I'll call you tomorrow?

yeah for sure. goodnight


Hoseok lied to Taehyung just so that he wouldn't ask him any more questions. He already knew that Taehyung would tell Jungkook, who will bombard Hoseok with messages next morning.

He tiredly scrolled through his twitter feed, waiting for Yoongi to come back. He wanted to go to sleep so bad, but Yoongi would be all alone if he did that. Hoseok couldn't bring himself to do that.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the door slammed open. Yoongi quickly walked into the room, rapidly putting the cup on the bedside table.
'My hands..' His eyes were watering.
'Did you burn them?' Hoseok sighed and pulled him into his lap. 'You have to be more careful.'
'I was! But then I saw this nurse and I got scared so I walked away quickly and the coffee spilled all over my hands..' Yoongi stared at the half-empty cup. 'I'm sorry.'
'It's okay.' Hoseok smiled and planted a kiss on his forehead.

'Excuse me?' Someone knocked on the open door, gaining both of their attention. Yoongi immediately pushed himself off of Hoseok, his face blushing red.
'Min Yoongi.. You should've been sleeping a long time ago.' The nurse shuffled in her place. Yoongi recognized her as the nurse that brought him his food as well, she must be assigned to this hall of patients.
'If you want to recover quickly, you have to follow the doctor's orders, alright? If you don't sleep and don't eat you'll stay here for even longer.'
'I understand.. I'll do my best.' Yoongi nodded.
'And by the way, Yoongi, no caffeine.' She pointed at the coffee.
'Oh- That's not mine.'
The nurse gritted her teeth and left without saying anything, making sure to close the door.

'Why didn't you eat?'
'God, I ate a gazillion lamb skewers.' Yoongi laughed.
'Yeah, but what if we hadn't bought that?'
Yoongi shrugged. 'Doesn't matter.'

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