Tour? Tour!

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I wasn't a fan of these management meetings. I didn't like dressing for them. The shirt and tie was a ridiculous look when I was sporting a Mohawk. Tyler insisted that it would be fine for me to go in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. But he himself wasn't wearing anything that casual. I didn't want to stand out in the Fueled By Ramen office. We both needed to look like we belonged here.

Another thing I hated about these kind of meetings was the table. No matter what label office we visited, the tables were intimidating. Always a dark, smooth, shiny wood. The legs too tall. The shape too perfectly sculpted. I was lucky to be sitting beside Tyler this time. Sometimes we were forced to sit across from each other. What was the point of a table that separated you feet away from who you were talking to?

The over all worst thing about these meetings were the talking. I didn't understand half the words being thrown around the room. Our manager had our full trust. He knew what he was talking about. He knew how to get us the best contracts and whatnot.

Tyler and I just had to sit there and look presentable. Though, Tyler understood this stuff better. He spoke up sometimes. Pointing out things that were unacceptable. And feeding them fresh opinions on how to fix it.

Despite trying to convince me to dress casually, Tyler looked anything but. He was wearing a collarless button up shirt and some well fitted slacks. All black. All attractive. Hot even. Mouth watering. I needed to stop now. Still my head kept turning to sneak glances at his way.

Today's meeting was a little different. It wasn't just our manager arguing with our record label about royalties and budgets. No, today he was talking to another manager of a much more well known band. Fall Out Boy. FALL OUT BOY WANTED US TO TOUR WITH THEM! Yes, they wanted Tyler and I to open for them. They wanted us to travel on tour busses together and share arenas and holy crud I was going to start hyperventilating.

My excitement must have been obvious because I felt Tyler place his hand on my knee. My knee that was bouncing without my notice. It was his gentle way of telling me to calm down without drawing the unwanted attention. Our manger still noticed. He shot a us a sympathetic look.

"We're going to take a minute here, guys. I know you must be bored with the logistics of things."

"Why don't you two take a tour around the place." The representative for our label suggested. "Walk around. Make yourselves at home."

It took my full self control not to celebrate them excusing us from
The boring mumbo jumbo. We stood from the table. Walking from the room with poise and dignity. As soon as we were out of sight, we squeaked. Grabbing onto each other's hands and jumping around in circles.

"Fall Out Boy wants us on tour!" Tyler squeezed my hands.

"This can't be real. Pinch me!"

"Fine." He dropped my hand to pinch my arm.


"It's real!"

"Let's go to the lounge by the elevator." I pulled him along without waiting for a response. "I peeked in when we walked by it. There were snacks everywhere."

"Did they have Red Bull?"

"Probably in the fridge."

My feet froze under me when we walked into the large room. Slack jawed, I stared at he two men sitting on the leather sofa. And then at the man standing by the snack table. Three of the four members of Fall Out Boy returned my gaze. More confused and less star struck than I was.

"Josh? Tyler?" Pete Wentz. The Pete Wentz grinned from his spot on the couch. "What's up dudes?"

"W-What's up?" Tyler tried to sound cool and causal beside me. But I knew him well enough to know he was faking it.

"How's it going?" Andy lifted a banana from the table. Peeling it as he approached us. I internally cringed. People just shouldn't eat those. It was gross.


Joe stood up. Stretching loudly and dramatically. "Have you guys said yes and signed the contract yet?"

"N-No sir." I stammered. "We will, sir. We love your band."

"My name is Joe." His chuckle made me smile. "Calling me sir makes me feel old."

"You are old." Andy bit into his fruit.

"You guys don't think I'm old, right?"

"N-No." Tyler was just as nervous as I was.

"I love your band. The concept. The music. The lyrics. It's genius." Pete complimented.

"Really?" My best friend beamed at me before turning his smile on the others.

"You wouldn't be here if that weren't true." Joe lifted his shoulder. As if that were obvious. As if it was normal for a band as big as Fall Out Boy to listen to our music.

"Don't look so surprised." Andy nudged Tyler since he was closest to him. "We are family. Fueled By Ramen brothers." His kind words were warmed even more by his soft voice.

"I want this tour to be like a big family reunion for us. All fun." Pete pursed his lips. "That's if you decide to come."

"We're going to go on the tour." I spoke quickly. "I'd say yes even if it's really no."

They all laughed. I flushed pink in embarrassment.

"Patrick!" Pete waved at some one past us. His fingers curved in a come here gesture. "Come meet Josh and Tyler."

Tyler and I twisted to look over our shoulders at the same time. He was even shorter than the other guys. I had to tilt my head down to look at his face.

"Hey." He was all smiles. Just like everyone else in the band. "I love your music. I can't wait to get to know you more on tour."

"They haven't even said yes yet." Joe teased.

"They will." He lashes fluttered up at us. "Won't you?"

"Y-Yes." Tyler nodded. "Of course. We've never been on such a big tour before. This will no doubt be a great opportunity for us."

He sounded so formal. So unlike himself. It must be the nerves getting the best of him. Patrick wasn't bothered by it in the slightest. He pointed to the lounge. Non verbally asking us to move in so he could enter. We scurried away from the door frame.

"I should probably warn you that Panic! At The Disco will also be joining us on tour. Brendon's a force to be reckoned with."

"He's going to love these guys." Pete squeezed between us. Placing a hand on our shoulders. "We're going to save rock and roll together."

"That's a big job." The pressure of just the words were beginning to make me anxious.

Joe laughed at the worried confusion on my face. "It's the Save Rock and Roll tour. Named after the album."

"We're not really... rock and roll." Tyler admitted. Glancing down at his fancy shoes.

"Rock and roll is anything you want it to be. It's a spirit." Andy's hands flew in the air. Sending the remains of his banana flying across the room. On the floor. Near the trash. Where it belonged.

"And even if you don't feel like your music is rock and roll," Patrick added on a lighter note. "Doesn't mean you can't help us save it."

Not a big fan of this chapter but it was needed. It's kind of a filler. (I actually love bananas)

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