Taken By Sleep

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"You have to hear this band, dude." My friend David was saying.

We were walking into the small space where they were playing that night. Yet he was still trying to convince me although I'd already agreed to come. Probably because he knew I was going to do whatever he asked. I had a hard time saying no to anyone. But also because he knew I didn't want to be here, he knew I might not really pay attention to the music.

"I'm here, aren't I?"

"Yes, but you need to listen."

"I will. I promise." Now I had to.

Walking in, the first thing I noticed was that we were legitimately in someone's basement. The second thing I noticed was the dust everywhere. I coughed at the sight.

There were no more than thirty people crowded around the makeshift stage. They all looked to be a bunch of drunk teens. Not that I was judging them. I was just making an observation. It was too dark to see clearly though. Even the light pointed at the performers was weak.

David didn't seem to be bothered by the environment. He was grinning wildly at the stage. There were only three people playing. Kind of a small number for a band. But again, I wasn't judging. Just making an observation.

Most of the people in the small crowd was totally fixated on the stage. Even in their drunken states. So I decided to follow their lead. My eyes slid towards the drums first because that was most familiar to me. I taught myself to play years ago. The dude had skills. Finally my attention was given the boy with the microphone.

He was a small looking dude. Not that he was exceptionally short or skinny. He wasn't. He just looked small in my eyes. The way he was sort of folded into himself as he spoke into the microphone. His eyes were closed as he sung his words.

"And I know it might be a little selfish for me to say. But I need to know if you thought of me at all today." Were the first words I actually listened to him speak without a distracted mind. And with just those two sentences, I was hooked. Like all the other people in the room. "Cause every day walk past the place you lived 5 days of the week. And now it's 10 after 4 and I am taken by sleep."

The way he spoke, the way he sung. There was so much emotion in his voice. Like he was talking directly to the person he wrote the song about. While at the same time he was talking directly to each and every one of us. Whispering his most selfish secrets into that microphone. Blessing our ears with his existential thoughts.

"And somebody told me they saw you cry and break down. Do you know how hard that is to get around and think about?" And I did know. I knew because he made me know. "It's not like you to let emotions get the best of things." He looked genuinely perplexed by the thought of whoever he was talking me about letting their emotions show. "Especially when everything is hanging in the air we breathe."

I felt myself getting emotional as he finished the song. But not in the sense where I was going to break down and cry in the middle of this random basement. Maybe emotional wasn't a good word. Overwhelmed was more like it. I was overwhelmed with feeling for whoever this mystery friend of his was. I was feeling what he felt.

"I'll sing a song to you my friend." He finally opened his eyes. And I swear he was looking right at me. "I'll sing a song to you my friend." I couldn't look away from his gaze. "I'll sing a song to you my friend." His dark eyes bored into mine. Suddenly I was the only one in there. I was the friend he wanted to sing a song to. "I'll sing a song to you my friend."

The room erupted in cheers and claps. David was screaming his approval at the stage. Jumping up and down dramatically. Pretending to be the ultimate fan girl. It distracted me from the singer, which I was grateful for. I smiled over at my friend and mimicked his actions.

"Didn't I tell you they were good?"

"Yeah, they're pretty good. I'm glad I'm here."

"Thank you all for coming out." The dismissal made my head snap back towards the stage. "We're Twenty One Pilots and so are you!"

"That's it. One song?"

"No. They played for a while. I just waited until the end to come because I knew you wouldn't want to stand around listening to some band no one knows."

"Are you insane?" I laughed. "They were amazing. I could listen to that dude sing all night."

"I didn't know you'd like them so much. You want to meet them?"


"Yeah. I don't know the singer. But the drummer, Chris, is my friend from school. He asked me to come out and bring some friends."

"Alright." I nodded. "Cool."

David walked me through the scarce crowd. The three members were talking to a few of the other watchers who'd gone up to them. The lead singer was smiling now. He had the brightest most innocent smile I'd ever seen. It made me smile too.

"Chris. Nick. Tyler." David called out as we approached them. "That was awesome!"

"Darn right it was!" One of the guys pulled him into a side hug. I assumed he was Chris. Since he was the one I saw drumming.

"This is my good friend, and your new number one fan, Josh."

"Is that so?" The singer raised an eyebrow.

"He loved your sound. He was going on and on about it."

"No I wasn't." My blush had to be obvious. I smiled self consciously and looked at the three guys. "Yes I was. Your sound is amazing." My eyes stopped on the singer. Who I realized wasn't small at all. "Your voice is amazing."

"Why thank you." He bowed. "I'd have to agree with you."

"You've always been humble, Tyler." The third one, Nick, pushed his shoulder."

"Humble and hungry." He placed his hand on his stomach to emphasize his point. "Do you guys wanna go get some Taco Bell?"

Everyone around me laughed. I didn't. It was uncomfortable not being in on the joke.

"I promised my boy David here that I'd buy him a drink if he showed up. So we're headed to do that." Chris grinned at David.

"Sorry man." Nick shrugged. "You're welcome to come."

"You guys know I'd rather not." He sighed. "I'll see you at practice. I suppose I'll head to the mother land alone now."

"I like Taco Bell." I heard myself saying as he walked away. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Why did I say that out loud? Why was I stopping him?

"What was that, man?" He turned around.

Well, it was already said now. I couldn't back away from it. "I-I could go to Taco Bell with you. I-If you wanted. So you don't eat alone."

"Are you sure?" He pursed his lips. "I don't want you to go just because you feel bad for me. Go drink. Have fun."

"I don't like to drink." I wanted him to know we had that in common. "And I'm sort of hungry too."

David glanced at me sideways. We'd eaten at my parents house before coming out here. Less than thirty minutes ago.

"Okay cool." Tyler linked his arm with mine. "Let's go get some delicious food!"

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