I Will Make You Believe You Are Lovely

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I couldn't stop eating. Tyler made me nervous. And I always ate when I felt nervous. I reached for the final chip on the plate at the same time Tyler did. We both moved our hand away from it. He motioned for me to take it and so I did. I dipped it in the cheese until the entire chip was covered by the warm, yellow liquid. And then I stuffed it into my mouth. My thumb and forefinger were also covered in cheese up to the knuckle, so I licked them clean as well.

I realized what I was doing and immediately stopped. Grabbing the napkin to wiping my fingers dry.

Tyler's elbow was sitting on the table. His head resting in his hand. He was watching me with a clouded look in his eyes. A small smile playing along the corners of his mouth. His smile widened when he saw I was looking back.

Was he laughing at me? Why was he staring?

"Do I have something on my face?" I folded the napkin. The cloth was dabbed around my lips gently. My eyes brows rose in question. Silently asking if my face was clear.

He picked up his own unused napkin. Tyler appeared to be a cleaner eater. Though he did chew with his mouth open. It was ridiculously cute. He inspected the cloth and decided it was clean enough. Leaning over the table, he wiped at my chin. I lifted it to give him better access to the mess.

"Sorry. I can be a little messy."

"You're adorable." He sat back in his chair.

"No I'm not." I slouched. "I got cheese everywhere."

"You're a passionate eater." He corrected.

"And I ate it all."

Tyler did have some. But I'd definitely finished over half of the appetizer. Gosh he most likely thought I was a pig.

"I enjoyed watching you eat. And I'm going to enjoy watching you eat the entire pizza when it comes."

"Shut up." I blushed down at my lap. "Now I'm embarrassed."

"Jenna, nothing you do will ever not be cute."

"Is that so?"

"It is." He said matter-o-factly.

"What if I killed someone?" I challenged. Not serious at all.

"Then you'd just be my little murderer." He cooed. I laughed. "You pretty little psychopath, you." He reached over to pinch my chin. I playfully swatted his hand away.

"I don't usually eat like that, you know."

"Yeah right."

"I'm just really nervous."

"Why? It isn't like this is our first date."

"I know." Now I was embarrassed again. I didn't know how to explain it without sounding stupid. "Just being around you makes me nervous. But in a good way. I like it."

"I know what you mean. I get butterflies every time I see you. It's like the first time all over again. When you came backstage before the show and I couldn't remember how to form a word."

"I remember that!"

"That's still how you make me feel. Except I can talk now."

"Thank God."

"I thank God for you every day."

"Tyler." I stretched out his name. My hand pressed against my chest in a vain attempt to slow down the beating. The compliment was unexpected. Which made my skin tingle even more.

No guy I'd ever dated was as sweet to me as Tyler was. I don't know what I did to deserve him, but I wish I could do it again a thousand time over. I didn't know how else to respond to his kind words. So I placed my palm open on the table. An invitation for his to join. He didn't hesitate to intertwine our fingers. His thumb stroked the back of my hand.

My eyes bored into his darker ones. The brown pupil reminding me of the color of a tree's bark. Spot on considering staring into Tyler's eyes was like standing in the middle of a forest. How ridiculously easy it was to get lost in them. I never wanted to look at anything else.

"Sorry to interrupt." Joseph - our waiter- stood over us. "But your pizza has arrived."

We made room for him to sit the dish on the table. Thanking him as he collected the scraps from our nacho adventure.


"Thank you." I smiled up at him.

"Also, we're having open mike night here this weekend."

"That sounds cool." Tyler muttered offhandedly. Lifting a slice of the pizza.

"I know you're a big singing star and all now," he started and he almost sounded bitter. "But it might still be fun to perform for just a few dozen people. If you want to sign up."

"Of course he'll sign up." I answered for him. Tyler's left brow rose but he didn't object.

I just didn't like the tone Joe was using. It was as if he was chastising Tyler for his growing success. I didn't want people thinking that he thought he was better than anybody in town because he was in a great band. Because Tyler wasn't like that at all.

"You will?"

"Sure. I guess." Tyler shrugged. More interested in his pizza than the actual conversation.

"That's awesome, man." Clearly Joe was satisfied with the noncommittal response. He threw me a thumbs up as he rushed away from us.

"What was that about?" He wondered aloud when we were alone at the table again.


"You volunteering me for that."

"I just thought you'd like it."

"I knew about it. I didn't plan on doing it. But you know I will if you want me to."

"I want you to." I said quickly. "You could sing me a pretty song."

"I do that all the time. Every show I pretend you're the only one in the crowd."

"But I'm not at every show." I pointed out.

"Yet yours is the only face I see."

I could never go longer than a few minutes without blushing around this boy.

"You really should slow down with the compliments. My head is going to be huge by the time we leave this place."

"And I'd bet my last nacho that it would be the most beautiful, gigantic head to exist."

"Would a kiss make you stop?"

His face lit up. "Kiss me and I'll do whatever you want."

I thought for a moment.


"Okay." He pursed his lips.

I slid out of my seat and into his lap. Lowering my face into his.

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