You Aren't Seeing My Side

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Baby fever was real. I could feel my heart heating up with it while I watched Tyler play with my nice, Mercy. He sat cross legged on the carpet with the toddler perched on his thigh. Her attention was guided less towards the brightly dressed Barbies and more towards my fiance. Her chocolate eyes rarely strayed from his face. And when they did it was only to watch in fascination as he swung her toy around in his hand. Her small fingers made a quick habit of patting his cheeks to make his words shake. She would even occasionally lay her head on his shoulder to make sure she was the focus of his attention.

Mercy was smitten in a way only a two year old could be. It was adorable to watch them interact. Which is why I was still doing so. With Tyler looking after Mercy, this was my only free time for the rest of the day until her bed time. I could be taking a well needed nap right now. Or getting started on dinner. Even catching up on some reading. But I just couldn't bring myself to get up and walk away from the sight.

"Can you say not today?" He cooed.

"Not today!"

"Very good, Mercy!" He poked her side and she giggled.

"Very good!" She praised herself. Dropping the doll on the floor to clap her hands together.

"I'm out of my mind." Tyler sung the words

"My mind!" She echoed.

"I'm not seeing things right."

"I n-not. I'm not seeing this right!"

"Perfect." She preened under the praise. "I wasted all this time trying to run from you. But I'm, I'm out of my mind." He ran the last note longer and louder than necessary.

"Yay!" Instead of trying to mimic him again, Mercy cheered the way we cheered  for her when she did anything.

"Is that applause for me?" Tyler exclaimed. Lifting Mercy off of his lap to stand up. He didn't bother placing her back on the floor or holding her on his hip. He stretched his arms to hold her above his head. Swinging her slightly to simulate flying. "And the crowd goes wild."

"Don't swing her too much." My protective side jumped out. "She ate a little while ago and she might get a sore tummy."

Tyler rolled his eyes but thankfully obeyed my request. He sat Mercy back on the carpet and placed a doll in each of her hands. Realizing this was his attempt to give her less attention, she pouted. But because it was Tyler, she still took the toys without verbal complaint. He sat in the chair beside mine but didn't take his eyes off of the baby girl in front of us. It took a full two minutes of her playing before she decided it wasn't good enough. She tossed the toys to the side and took the four steps needed to get to Tyler. 

"Mercy, you are the most beautiful girl in the world." He delicately tugged at one of her curls. It bounced back into place. "Don't you ever let anyone tell you otherwise."

"Hey!" I mock punched his arm. "I'm right here."

He smiled over at me. "Look at that. Even your aunt is jealous."

"I am." I shrugged. "It's hard to match that kind of perfection."

"Don't you let any stupid boys treat you like you're not good enough." Despite the fact that she probably didn't understand half of what he was saying, Mercy's gaze didn't waver from his. "You're going to be a dime piece wife one day."

I swallowed the lump in my throat. Slow down, Jenna. At least get past the wedding before you start considering baby names.

"Why don't I ever get speeches like that?"

"Because you're already a dime piece wife."

"But we aren't married yet."

He broke eye contact with Mercy to look at me. "I feel like you're my wife already."

There was no point in trying to hide my blush. "Did you ask Josh to be in the wedding yet?"

Tyler distracted himself by playing with the collar of the baby girl's shirt. Stalling. "We've both just been really busy."

Yeah right. "Ask him today."

He shook his head. "We have an interview today."

"Ask him during the interview."

Another head shake. "Josh gets nervous during interviews. I don't want to add pressure."

"Okay." I sighed. He would run out of excuses eventually. "But it's not like he would tell his best friend no."

Tyler slipped his hands under Mercy's arms to pick her up. He positioned her on his lap much to her satisfaction.

"We're performing Tear In My Heart today." It was his way of telling me that he was done talking about Josh being in the wedding. I'd take the bait for now.

"You know that's my favorite song."

His lips quirked up. "Josh knew you'd be over the moon about that one when he first heard it."

"You played it for him first?"

The look he threw my way told me that it should have been obvious. "I play all the songs for Josh first. He helps with them. He is my band mate."

More than that my brain dangerously wanted to reply. I held back. Maybe I had my suspicions about the level of their friendship in the past. But I'd long since decided to keep said suspicions to myself. What would throwing around accusations solve? Some things were better left unsaid. Still, a question remained on the tip of my tongue. It wasn't as dangerous as the question I'd held myself back from asking for so long. It wasn't completely innocent either.

"Have you ever written a song about Josh?"


That wasn't an answer.

"You've been best friends for so many years. Have you ever written a song about him?"

"All of our songs are more on the introspective side. I don't like to write about people because they usually suck or leave."

"Josh doesn't suck." My mouth supplied without my consent. "He's never left."

He exhaled loudly through his nose.  "Jenna, why are you so stuck on this?"

"You haven't answered."

"Do you think I would write a song about Josh just because I wrote one about you?" Still not a yes or no.

"It would make sense."

"No it wouldn't. That's two different types of love."

"Are you sure about that, Ty?" My lips snapped shut as soon as I realized what I said. What I implied.

Tyler snapped like I knew he would. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

He was clearly upset. Angry even. I needed to backtrack. Change the subject to avoid the progression of an argument. "Don't use that language around Mercy."

"I'm so sorry sweetheart." Of course that endearment wasn't aimed towards me. He painted on a smile for the little girl who was watching us curiously. It was clear she knew something was amiss but couldn't process what it was. She must feel the tension. Tyler stood up. Switching my niece to my lap as he did so. "Jenna, you're being a swearing swear word right now. I don't know what the swear word is wrong with you. I have to go." He pressed a kiss to Mercy's forehead. "I love you." And then under his breath, "Both of you. Bye."

A/N: Meh

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