war part 3

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Konnor stops his bike in front of the sanctuary entrance and eyes the fire coming from the building. A boy covered in walker skin comes up to him and turns back to the fire whispering.

"she is waiting for you."

Konnor walks slowly following the boy who stops in front of a younger girl. The girl looks up to Konnor and places out her hand to him. He takes it and the girl walks him towards a large crowd of people. The people slowly move to the side and open up showing Alpha standing in the middle. She eyes over konnor and walks up to him.

"so you have returned?"

Konnor remains quiet and Alpha looks to the girl.

"it seems your brother has decided to come back home"

Konnor remains quiet and Alpha walks up to him eyeing him over.

"were you weak, did you not make it?"

Konnor remains quiet as Alpha continues.

"are you crawling back?"

Alpha raises a knife to Konnor's neck and he smiles towards her.

"I came back to tell you I won't be coming home. My place isn't here."

She lowers the knife eyeing over her son and he nods to Alpha.

"I'm saying goodbye."

He goes to walk away but the girl grips his hand. He looks down at his younger sister and back towards his mother.

"you won't see me after this."

Alpha smiles and looks over her grown son

"you seem so sure, no hesitation"

Konnor glances around the group and his mother speaks without looking at him

"you can never escape this Konnor. It follows you still and once it never bothered you. Why does it now?"

Konnor stares at the crowd and looks to the floor.

"it doesn't, I just realized I can't be this. I have a name, a background and it matters"

Alpha stares down her son and looks back at the burning sanctuary. She points to it and whispers.

"does it really? Everything eventually dies. you know this, yet you still hold on, why?"

Konnor looks to his younger sister and back to his mother as he answers.


Alpha laughs and Konnor shakes his head. He stares to the large group of men and women and eyes his sister. Konnor remains quiet for a second and stares at the burning sanctuary. He whispers looking towards his sister.


Alpha remains quiet watching her kids and Konnor nods to his sister.

"your almost 16. There are things that you need to know about this world, cruel things that if you stay here you will find out very soon."

Alpha walks closer to Konnor and points to the flames.

"look into the flames"

Konnor eyes the orange flames and the black smoke rising as Alpha speaks motioning for her group to walk away and watches as the large crowd disappears into the woods. she walks closer to Konnor and whispers.

"you were a difficult birth stayed in my womb for hours. I had told the doctors many times something wasn't right the cord had become wrapped around your neck and you were deprived of oxygen but science saved you. then you were a difficult child you yelled and cried a lot, you wouldn't sleep, you always wanted to be held. Then you were a teenager and you were wild, always causing me grief and worry about where you were or who you were with. Then you were a man and science destroyed this world"

Alpha eyes over Konnor and whispers.

"if you say your place isn't here than your place isn't here but my people we will not bow down to enemies. Choose your friends carefully I cannot promise you won't be on the wrong side."

Alpha goes to walk away and Konnor turns to his sister.


Alpha stops and eyes her children. She stands still and Konnor glances up to his mother.


Alpha eyes her youngest daughter and her eldest child and stares Konnor down.

"is this why you came back?" 

Konnor closes his eyes and hears the walkers and Alpha steps towards him. She places her hands on her son's upper arms and whispers.

"will you walk away from this?"

Lydia steps back behind Konnor and Alpha nods her head.

"so you too then?"

Lydia grips onto Konnor's arm and Konnor nods to Alpha.

"it's for the best."

Alpha stands still eyeing over her eldest child.

"so who will you go home to? we have watched you Negan, Mason, your wife."

Konnor stares up to his mother and she smiles.

"will she forgive everything if she knew what you have done, who you are?"

Alpha smiles up to Konnor. Konnor steps towards her and reaches for his knife. He slowly brings it out and brings up his hand. Konnor takes the knife slicing up his hand and drips his blood into the dirt by his mother's feet. She stares down at the blood-soaked dirt and glances up to her soon. Alpha reaches out and opens Konnor's palm eyeing the blood and looks up to him.

"so what will you do now?"

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