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Jade stands, staring herself over in a mirror and hears a voice.

"don't you want to know jade?"

she turns back eyeing Konnor and he grins standing in her doorway as he plays with his knife. she rolls her eyes and he laughs stepping inside.

"I said don't you want to know jade?"

she bites her lip asking.

"know what?"

he grins stepping closer to her.

"what your sister's place is in our great society?"

She shakes her head and Konnor grins.

"come on now you must be curious she isn't going to be doing any hard-hitting or learning any great skills..."

Jade turns and Konnor smiles.

"just ask..."

Jade eyes Konnor and he whispers.


Jade turns to Konnor and he laughs.

'isn't that a treat we all have to work our ass off and your sister well all she has to do is spread her legs wide open..."

Jade shakes her head and Konnor comes up towards her.

"she will be plenty busy the male to female ratio here is a bit crazy. the boys are gonna have some fun with her. I can imagine what they will do to someone fresh like her-"

he steps back gripping his throat as jade jams her open hand into it. he grips it coughing and then laughs.

"damn, Jade we are on the same side here. See I think it's fucked up too. my sister, she is in the same bullshit as your sister. So, I was thinking of proposing something to you think of it as a sort of alliance."

Jade remains quiet and Konnor comes up to her.

"your gonna have to pass the trials, you'll need friends and I am a good friend to have. I want my sister out of it and I know you do too. it's sick what they do to them rape, barely keep them alive trade them around like toys. but if I help you pass the trials and if Mason is killed then new management can move in-"

he quiets down hearing a voice from the doorway.

"Everything okay here?"

Konnor looks back at Presley and grins wide.

"oh we are just fine ley, me and my new friend were just talking."

Presley steps in and walks up beside Konnor and grins.

"I am sure that is all you were doing Konnor didn't Lewis make it clear you should be patrolling?"

Konnor raises his hands up and nods to Presley.

"why yes I think he did but Jade if you get some time you should come see me out in the training rooms we should talk more..."

Konnor nods to Presley and bumps by her as she watches him leave.

"you should stay away from him. He's not the type of friend you want around here."

Jade looks herself over and asks.

"is my sister a sex slave?"

Presley remains quiet and jade walks up to her.

"was he telling the truth?"

Presley shakes her head.

"it's not like that they are not slaves they are volunteers. They want to repopulate to help build an army. We need more people-"

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