The Sanctuary Part 1

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The doors shut close as the gun fire erupts outside and Miya and Konnor look to each other. konnor takes off his mask shaking his head.

"this isn't right. Negan wasn't suppose to come here."

Miya kneels down next to him whispering.

"but he's here"

Konnor shakes his head and motions to a few of his men who come forward and he points to the ground laying out a map with his hands.

"i want you to gather the men and fall back to the woods. they can find cover there-"

The man nods asking.

"what do we tell alpha?"

Konnor nods his head and turns back to Miya.

"you lead them out and back to Alpha, tell them Rick got to the supplies first-"

The man goes to speak and konnor shoots the man before he can talk, killing him. He turns back to his sister nodding his head.

"we can't let word of Negan being here get out. it will ruin everything."

Miya nods her head and motions to the back exit.

"ill take them out the back, lead them to the woods and-"

Konnor looks to his sister and whispers.

"kill them"

Miya looks down and Konnor whispers.

"no survivors. if they saw negan they have to die."

Konnor gets to his feet and walks up to a railing. He looks down at the group of men and motions to them.

"today we hold the sanctuary in the name of alpha and in the name of Mason."

Miya walks up besdie him and Konnor places back on the walker skin. He stares to his sister and leans towards her.

"new plan i want you to leave I am going to lead them against negan."

Miya looks up to Konnor and Konnor nods his head as he turns back to the men. He motions to his sister and she walks away backing out of the exit. Konnor glances down smiling.

"this sanctuary has supplies. Mason's word is good and today we take those to those who deserve it. to the strong!"

The group yells back.

"to the strong!"

Konnor nods his head and points down to the group.

"Negan controls a group that isn't his own, they are stolen and their loyalty is weak. we will break them and make them regret their disloyalty to the estate and remind them who their true leader is."

Konnor looks down at the men and women and nods his head as he points to the exit where the gunshots are head.

"we will not surrender. Negan will show no one mercy. he cares for himself and his agenda and that agenda is to kill us, to get revenge on us but we will survive."

Konnor walks along the upper level and comes to the foot of some stairs. the group looks over him and he smile nodding to them.

"we will endure because we are strong."

Konnor walks down the steps and stairs at the two doors and closes his eyes seeing Negan staring down at him and hears his voice.

"you need help kid?"

He opens his eyes and stares down the doors as he nods to himself and turns back to the group. Konnor walks to the door and grabs the handle, he opens it wide and yells.

"take what is ours!"

The group runs out and Negan's men open fire on them shooting the men down. Some of the group fall to the ground while others run forward shooting back. Negan yells out to his men.

"keep shooting!"

Negan glances around and smiles to himself eyeing the bodies dropping to the floor. He places his fingers to his mouth letting our a loud whistle and the group grows silent. He motions around and his men slowly put down their weapons. Negan walks up to the bodies and glances around smiling as he turns back to his men. He eyes over the dead bodies and nods his head.

"and that, is how we get shit done!"

Negan smiles looking over his men but hears a voice from behind him and feels a gun placed to his back.

"don't move-"

Negan glances back at the young women covered in walker skin and grips his bat as he speaks.

"well, i don't believe we have met?"

She grips the gun pushing it into Negan's back.

"shut up! I've waited for this for a long time-"

Negan smiles to himself as he grips his bat and laughs.

"well this is awkward you see normally when someone tries to kill me i know why and you see as much as i respect revenge i don' know who the fuck you are."

Negan goes to look back and the girl pushes the gun to his back.

"your the man who killed my sister-"

Negan shakes his head and taps his hand on the tip of his bat.

"well this is awkward, you see i don't know what the fuck your talking about-"

The women slowly removes the walker skin covering her face and drops the walker skin to the floor.

"you killed those kids too, at the estate."

Negan eyes his men and asks.

"your from the estate?"

She shoves the gun hard into his back yelling.

"my sister, she was a kind person but she was smart and you killed her-"

Negan laughs out and the girl yells.

"shut up! You deserve this!"

Negan motions out to the large group.

"think carefully. i don't know who you are but this is a stupid idea. these men are loyal to me one whistle and they will kill you-"

The girl grins whispering.

"i'm from the estate, they won't-"

Negan laughs gripping his bat as he looks over the men and down to the dead bodies. He surveys his surroundings and asks.

"i take it mason told you i killed her?"

Negan smiles to himself and nods his head as he eyes the men around him all glaring at him. He grips his bat and hears the girl.

"her name was jade, she was kind, smart and she knew what it took to survive-"

Negan glances back stating.

"but she's dead."

The girl glares at Negan's back and Negan eyes the crowd of men standing in a line staring him down as he nods his head and the girl yells.

"you killed jade, you killed those kids-"

Negan whispers.

"Mason is playing you and your falling into it. He's smart, you see you kill me and a problem is gone or i kill you and another problem is gone"

Negan taps his bat on the ground whispering.

"calculated mace."

Negan turns around fast and rams his bat down onto the girls arm making her fall to the ground. The girl stares up at Negan and Negan glances down to her as he whispers.

"your gonna do me a favor and maybe-"

He presses the bat to the girl's face and whispers.

"maybe i won't smash your face with Lucille"

The walking dead Fanfic: The EstateWhere stories live. Discover now