Trial Three (The hike) - Rick and Michonne

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Rick hears a loud siren and rolls around feeling his hands tied and his body numb as he hears Michonne.


He blinks feeling his body cold and can't seem to feel his legs as he hears Michonne scream again.


He watches her slices into a walker and hears the loud siren blaring as Michonne yells.

"we have to turn it off!"

Rick attempts to get to his feet but still can't feel his legs and pushes himself against a tree staring at the horde of walkers slowly making their way in their direction. He reaches to his belt but finds no gun and watches Michonne quickly slice through two walkers as she stares back at rick worried. He tries to speak but his throat is dry and his body is burning in pain. Michonne turns back trying to help rick up but he falls back and she stares him over questioning.

"what's going on?"

he finally feels his voice come back as it cracks and he speaks firm.

"I can't move my legs or feel them..."

Michonne looks back at the advancing horde and turns back to rick sitting against a tree debating what to do.


Aston sits at a table eyeing Carol and Daryl over as he smiles to himself thinking over the third trial. Carol stares back at him speaking firm.

"rationing, thirst and hunger all important skills so whats the third trial?"

Aston remains quiet and a few boys come out placing large plates of food in front of Carol, Daryl, cherry and Ash as he stares down at his plate. Carol stares him over and asks.

"it's worse isn't it?"

Aston stares into his plate thinking about his third trial and feels his handshake with fear as he nods his head as he stares up to Carol and smiles as he picks up his fork and begins eating. Carol stares the teenager down as she asks firmly.

"so what's your story?"

Daryl looks don at the food and Ash eyes him over as he smiles and motions down.

"it's healthy has all the daily vitamins and minerals your body needs both of you. I can't have you two weak out their the hike it changes you"

Carol states firmly staring over ash.

"your just a kid."

Ash laughs as he shuffles around his food and ignores carol's assessment but she keeps pushing forward with her questioning.

"what are you? 16,  17 years old?"

Ash takes a sip of his water and stares down Carol as he comments.

"17 as of a few days ago. Mason was nice enough to send a cake and his wishes for a better year. He still has it his humanity even after all this shit he sends me a cake."

Carol stares down ash and brushes her fingers against her gun as ash comments staring off at a few of his men huddled together with their guns out and smiles to himself. He doesn't take his eyes off the younger boys and comments as he shifts his gaze back to Carol.

"I let you keep the weapon, Carol because I trust you're a smart woman and I gave you your bow back Daryl because you seem to keep your cool."

Ash glares down Carol.

"it would be a big mistake to point that gun at me. fuck, you may kill me, even kill all the boys and girls here but you won't find rick or michonne"

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