•Out With A Bang•

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(A/N~ © to the artist spiritually! If you know that artist, please tell me!)

*Trigger Warning*
-mentions of cutting
-suicide/major character death

Lance did always say that he will go out with a bang...


- Lance's pov-

Team Voltron is the middle of battle when my Lion gets hit.

I am calling for help, forgetting that I turned off my mic when the team told me to shut up for the seventh time. The gravitational pull forced Blue and I down to the planet below, crashing against the surface of the planet.

I let out a pained groan. "Damn, that hurt," I says, rubbing the bump on my head.

"Hello? Can anyone here me?" I ask over the com. My helmet is cracked and unresponsive.

"Great... Well I can't just sit here, can I?" I get out of the pilots chair and walks down to the surface of the green planet. Blue is stuck between trees and rocks.

"Oh no, Blue! Are you ok girl?" I asks the lion. I don't get a response. I sigh for the second time.

I walks around the broken lion to see if there is anything I can fix. There's nothing...

"I gotta do something," I says out loud to no one in specific. I begin to take in my surroundings. There are some type of mushrooms growing under the shady roof of the forest. I look up at the stars. They look like lucid snowflakes of silver as they sprinkle on the planet's night sky. There's not a single trace of life around. Or so I thought.

I could get used to this. It's so beautiful hear! No more getting yelled at. No more getting told that I'm just needed for Voltron. No more people telling me to shut up.

Ya see, I'm not really liked by most people. Or, any of my teammates if you wanted to be specific. It gets pretty lonely when you are always getting told to shut up or just get plain old ignored.

I think I also hates myself more than anyone else on the team. My arms are covered in red lines to prove it.

I just want someone to tell me that they were worried about me for once. To ask if I'm ok.. but that never happens.

Do you ever crave someone's presence? Like, you would literally be happy sitting next to someone in silence. It just sucks to be alone, even when there are people all around you.

I has all of my teammates that supposedly love me, but it sure doesn't feel like it. They are always telling me to shut up, go away, or to pay attention. I know that I can be annoying at times, but it still hurts.

I hear a loud rumbling from behind me. I quickly spin around and point my bayard at the strange noise.

"W-Who's there?" I ask with a shaky voice. The noise stops and doesn't respond. I huff and continue walking.

Am I being stalked? Maybe it's just a space alien rabbit or something...

After a while, the noise is there again. It sounds like is getting closer and closer to me. I try to turn around to see what's happening, but I didn't turn fast enough and I get hit by a solid figure.

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