•The Seventh Wheel•

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Discription: We get to see what's it like to be a seventh wheel.

Ship: klance

Trigger warning: cutting and suicide attempt


"You know, Lance. What you did today was very stupid. You shouldn't go off and flirt with girls all the time. You didn't show up right away and it risked people's lives!" Pidge glares at Lance over the top of her glasses. The team is all around the table, eating the usual green goo.

"As much as I hate to agree with Pidge, she's right," Hunk sighs, refusing to look Lance in his face. Lance's stomach sinks with sadness. He slowly stands up, taking his plate off the table.

"I'm sorry." Lance mutters, starting up to walk away. He could feel the other Paladin's stares on the back of his head, but he didn't care. After depositing his plate, Lance heads to the training deck. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Lance chants to himself.

Yes, you are. You are the stupidest Paladin on the team.

Lance sighs and yells, "start training sequence level ten!" Ten bots appear and get in position to attack.

Shiro can barely get past this level, but if you want to stay on the team, you need to get better.

After a couple hours, Lance finally made it to level seventeen. He had minor bruises and scrapes, but nothing he can't handle.

Lance collapses to the ground, shaking from exhilaration. Haha! I think I did pretty good there! Lance thinks to himself.

Lance gets off the castle floor and into the elevator that's takes him to the where all the paladin's rooms are.

You're going to have to do much better than that, you worthless idiot.

"Ok, who's saying that?!" Lance yells, already sick of the terrible voice that keeps popping into his head. There is no replay so the Cuban throws himself onto his bed and his eyes flutter shut in exhaustion.

The next morning, Lance felt like he got beaten the day before. (Because he did) He had a headache, and his whole body ripples with pain when he sit up.

Pathetic. You can't even handle a few injuries. Absolutely unwanted by others.

Lance lets out a quite growl from the back of his throat and rolls out of bed. As Lance trudge down to breakfast, he thinks about what his roll on the team is. He came to realize that he really doesn't have one, he's more of a seventh wheel... nothing more.

Lance walks into the dinning room and sit down in his usual spot next to Keith. No one even turns to acknowledge he is there. "Oh Lance, you're late. Be more on time, will you?" Lance starts to object that he was there the whole time, but Shiro cuts him off. "Don't complain. It's time to start today's training."

Wow see, your whole team doesn't even care to take notice in you.

Lance gradually made his way to the training room. He slips on his suit and places his helmet on his head.

After of hours and hours of training, the team finally gets a break. "Great job, Paladins. Lance, I would like you to train for one more hour since it didn't look like you were doing much out there." Allura orders.

Lance nods, "of course, princess." Everyone leave the training area, just leaving Lance with his thoughts.

You deserved it. You are the most worthless teammate. End their misery by leaving. Stop bringing the team down.

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