•I Don't Want To Be Alone•

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*Warning: Season 4 spoilers*

Description: Lance and how he deals with Keith away with the Blades.

Relationship: Klance

Warning: Depression


-Lance's pov-

It has not been the same since Keith left with the blades. I don't have anyone to hang out with now...

Hunk has Pidge and Matt since they all are really smart and talk about stuff that I don't understand.

Coran, Allura, and Shiro have been so busy talking to Lotor and the alliance he offered.

They say silence is the most powerful scream.

Now here I am... sitting near a window shunning the world. A mouth that was usually is open and bubbly, now it's closed and pressed in a thin line. No one in their right mind could ignore a silent soul, begging to be saved.

Well apparently it's easier than expected.

I'm staring out the window at the billions of stars that are scattered around the deep, never ending dark space. My legs are pressed up against my chest, my arms are wrapped around them protectively as if I am trying to keep all my emotions together through them.

No one is going to come and check on me... they're to busy or just don't care enough to see how I am.

I feel tears well up in my eyes and I subconsciously find myself gripping my forearm tightly with my fingernails digging into my flesh. The tears slip past and dripping down my cheeks.

They burn as they fall, reminding me how disgusting, worthless and useless I am.

I wasn't enough to keep Keith to stay here...

I reluctantly bring my hands away from where they were gripping my arm to brush them across my cheeks and eyes attempting to wipe away the painful tears.

I allow a sob to break though my lips and freely let the tears to run down my face. My hands continued on their own accord, almost like they are attempting to scratch out whatever demon is festering inside of me. To sedate my mind into a calmed down state.

I get started by Pidge's phone she's been letting me borrow rings suddenly. I fiddle with it until I finally get a good grip on it. I clear my throat and press a button that answers the call.

"Uhh-Heellooo?" I extend the greeting.

"Oh-Uh-Hey, Lance. I was wondering if I can talk to Pidge for a little bit." Keith's face appears, he awkwardly scratching the back of his head. He is wearing his Blade of Mamora outfit, sitting down, with more Blade soldiers in the background.

"Oh-Of course! I-I'll go get her for you!" I get up and run down the lit-up hallways to look for Pidge.

Once I find the gremlin, laughing and joking with Matt and Hunk while carrying around some parts for some type of project, I gradually walk into the room and tap her on her shoulder. She jumps and drops everything.

"Awww Lance, you ruined it! Hunk, Matt and I were trying of making more cloaking devices for all of the lions! Get, now there're all broken! Ugh, Hunk! We need to go back down! Lance shattered them!" Pidge hollers begins her shoulder.

"P-Pidge, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to! I just came to give your phone back because Keith wants to talk to you about something." I hand the phone to the green paladin and she glares back at me. She rips the phone out of my hand and brings it up to her face.

She walks out of the room so I can't really hear anything other than little bits and pieces of her and Keith's conversation.

"Keith?-Hey!-I'll tell Shiro-You really want to talk to him later?-Ok whatever bye!" Pidge ends the calm and throws the phone back at me. I scramble to catch the orange device and place it back into my cargo jacket's pocket.

"The emo wants to talk to you later so you can keep the communication device for tonight. But ONLY tonight!" I nod as she walks back to where the others are.


Later that night, I'm waiting patiently for the device to ring while I play around with my thumbs.

I wonder why Keith wants to talk to me. Did I do something? I don't believe I did...



I answer on the third ring.

"Heya, Mullet. How've ya been?" I ask him and shoot a smile into the camera.

"Uh-good? I guess... Anyways, I wanted to talk to you about something..." Keith's gaze looks down.

"Uh-what about?" I ask, my eyebrows crunching together.

Keith opens his mouth, but stops for a second and then says, "Are you ok?"

I give a soft chuckle, but make no room to reply with yes or no.

"Have you ever noticed how far we are from Earth?" I ask instead.

"Well of course," Keith exclaims, "but that's okay because we are here protecting Earth from the Galra."

I shift from the uncomfortable tension between us. Keith coughs awkwardly taps fingers on his leg.

"So I was talking to the others and they said you've been in a bad mood for the last couple days. Why is that?" Keith asks.

'Because I miss you...' Is what I want to say. However, I bury that thought way down and say "It's not that important," I try to shrink in on myself. "I just want to go home."

"Lance, you know we have a duty to form Volt-" I quickly try to cut Keith off.

"I know that! I know that and that's why I shouldn't have told you! I'm sorry. I've been trying to keep it to myself but it's been getting harder and harder. I just want to go home, but don't worry I won't force this on to anyone."

Keith blinks at me and frowns.

"Lance, it's fine. We all want to go home and it's fine to be sad about missing your home and family. Just know that we are all here for you and you don't need to hide away. We wouldn't push away someone in need, especially not a friend."

I set the communication device on my bed so he can't see me through the camera because I don't want him to see some salty tears form in my eyes.

"You think as me as your friend?" I crock.

"Of course I think your a friend! We are Voltron and I know it's possible to find a replacement to fly Blue, but it's not possible to find a replacement for YOU. I know I'm not really a Paladin anymore, but I hope you still think of me as your teammate."

I sigh and pick up the device off of the bed, "I never stopped think you as a teammate, Keith. You always will be. Also, thank you for saying all those things about me. You have no idea how much I needed to hear that."

"Yeah... I have to go now. Get some sleep. You have training tomorrow and the blades are looking for me." Keith tells me.

"Actually, can you please stay with me? I don't want to be alone." I say without making eye contact.

Keith drags out a sigh. "Alright."

"Goodnight, Mullet." I offer.

"Goodnight, Cargo Pilot."

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