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Description: Voltron defeats Zarkon's empire and get to go home. When Lance finally gets to go home and see his family, he finds a mess of his old home. Destroyed. And his family... dead.

(A/N~ I have never experienced a hurricane before, but I tried as best as I can to write one so here ya go. Enjoy!)


-Lance's pov-

We did it. We finally defeated Zarkon and Prince L'oreal or whatever his name was... We got Matt and Mr. Holt back as well and we are aloud to go home.

We are in Earth's galaxy and flying straight towards my home planet. I can't wait to see my mamá and papá, my siblings and their kids.

"Former paladins, we will be on Earth in a few ticks," Coran announces. I jump up and down in excitement.

Once we reach Earth, Hunk, Pidge, and I fall to our knees. "It's so good to be back!" I yell. Hunk nods in agreement.

"Well, since it will be a while tell we see each other again, we should all get each other's information so we can keep in touch," Shiro suggests.

Everyone exchanges their numbers and Skype info. We hug and shed lots of tears. We all go our separate ways and get on a plane to go home.

Hours later, I'm finally in Cuba. I hail a taxicab and hop in.

"¿Hola, puedes por favor llevarme a Varadero?" I ask the driver in Spanish.
(Hello, can you please take me to Varadero?)

"¿Estás seguro?" He asks me.
(Are you sure?)

I nod with a confused look on my face. The sky is a dark, gray colour and not it's regular light blue.

After a few minutes of passing houses that look like they have water damage or have complete collapse, we finally make it to Varadero. I run to my neighborhood down the road. The closer I get, the more scared I become.

The normal beautiful beach houses are destroyed. There's no walls up, no roofs, nothing. After what seems like forever, I make it to my house... or, what's left of it anyways.

I look up and see one of our old neighbors looking for stuff in their destroyed home.

"¿perdón, puede decirme qué sucedió aquí? ¿Hubo una tormenta?" I holler.
(Pardon, can you please tell me what happened here? Was there a storm?)

"¿Lanza? ¿Eres tu? ¡Ha sido tan largo! Pensé que aún estabas en la guarnición. Probablemente estés buscando a tu familia, ¿eh? Ahora siento ser el barullo de las malas noticias, pero tu familia probablemente está en un hospiltal. Deberías ir y comprobar," She yells back.
(Lance? Is that you? It's been so long! I thought you were still at the Garrison. You are probably looking for your family, huh? Now I'm sorry to be the barror of bad news, but your family is probably at a hospital. You should go and check.)

Hospital? Was the storm that bad? They are never this bad!

"Gracias!" I shout. I get another cab and ask them to take me to the nearest hospital.


They weren't there. Or the one after that. Or the one after that. I couldn't find them. I've been looking for them for days and I still can't find them. Tears slip past my eyes.

I finally get home and they aren't there. Will I ever see them again? Are they dead?

My cell phone rings and I look at the caller. 'Pidge' pops up on my screen and I answer it.

"H-Hey Pidge."

"Lance, I know we saw each other a few days ago, but I was wondering how everything went greeting your parents?" She asks.

"Oh ah, i-it went... great!" I lie.

"You ok, Lance?" She questions.

"Uh, I'm totally fine! Why would you ask that?" I ask, defensively.

"Dude, relax. You just sound a little shaky. I'll talk to you later. Matt and I are gonna go shopping by ourselves, so this will be interesting," she says with a laugh.

"Alright, have fun. Bye." I click the button and the phone call ends.

What am I going to do? Where am I going to live? I don't have a job or anything like that. Oh god... Maybe I could live with Hunk? Or Shiro and Keith? They probably don't want me in their lives anymore... but what else am I supposed to do.

I scroll threw my contacts and finally find Shiro's name. I start to call him, my breath shaky and labored.


"Hey Shiro! It's, ah, Lance. I know you are probably are going to say no, but I'm still going to ask. So, ummmm yeah. Can, uh, can I live with you guys for awhile? Just until I get enough money to buy my own place? I mean, it's ok if you say that I can't. I understand, but I would really appreciate it if I-"

"Sure, Lance. Of course you can. But if I may ask, why aren't you staying with your family? Did you have a fight or something?"

"Well uh, you see... I haven't been able to see my family yet because a hurricane destroyed everything and I-I'm not sure where anyone is or if they're a-alive or not." My voice cracks.

"Oh Lance, I'm so sorry. I'll get your room set. I'll see you soon, ok? Everything will be alright."

"Thank you, Shiro. I'll see ya later. Bye." They call ends and tears burst out of my eyes.

My birth family might be gone, but at least I have my space family to watch my back.

(A/N~ How was that? Was that ok? I hope it was. Please tell me what you think! I hope you enjoyed it!)

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