•Skin Deep•

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Description: Lance with vitiligo.

(A/N~ art is not mine!!)


-Lance's pov-

Lance runs into his bedroom and slams the door behind him. He gradually makes his way to the mirror and glares at his appearance.

"Don't cry. If you cry, the makeup will come off. Everyone will see how hideous you are. So stop it and don't cry." Lance takes some deep breaths before his inhale hitches and he coughs.

He starts the water for the bath. He was instructed to have one by Shiro after the battle they just had. He hoists himself onto the bathroom counter and glare at the warm water filling the tub.

Maybe I can ask Allura for some makeup? I believe we have almost the same skin tone.


He knocks on the Altean door a few times and waits patiently for the princess to answer.

The door slides open to reveal her with her hair down and in her regular dress.

"Yes, Lance? I thought Shiro told you to wash up before we have dinner. Coran is hosting it by the way." Allura states, bluntly.

Lance makes a disgusted face of the thought of eating Coran's cooking. "Ah-Yes, I am aware of that. It's just-Can I ask you something?" Lance hugs his abdomen and looks down at his shoes.

"Oh, well what is it?" Allura presses her hands to her hips and cocks her head to the side.

"W-Well, it's sort p-private." Lance glances up at the girl's eyes to let her know that this situation is important to him.

"Oh, yes well, come in!" Allura says cheerfully to try to lighten the tension. She gestures to invite him into her bedroom. They walk over to the princess's large bed and they both sit down.

"Do you have any makeup I can use? I know! It's a weird question, but I really don't want to explain it..." Lance's voice is small, embarrassed that he has to ask this of her.

"Well of course I do! I have tons of different kinds in my bathroom! Come on!" Allura grabs the Cubans hand and pulls him into the bathroom.

She pushes him on the edge of the tub and pulls out a huge box out of know where. Lance giggles how Allura is acting so exciting about helping him with makeup. She sets the box on the counter and many different shades of foundation, concealer, mascara, and eyeshadow fall out of it.

She sticks different kinds of tones to his cheeks to find the per-syse shade. She hums and scratches her chin and digs deeper into the box. She makes a squawking noise and pulls out some foundation and concealer. The bottles only have some left in them and she opens them up.

The Altean pulls the Red Paladin up off the tub and makes him stand under the light. She sticks the makeup up to his face and gasps with excitement. She clasps her hands and starts to put a little on him just to be sure it's the correct type of colour.

"This is the one you need, Lance! I can get you more since this one is running out. You'll probably get it by tomorrow morning. I'll have Coran help me with it! Also, I found some more face masks you can have. I don't use them all that much and I know you use them a the time so here you go!" Allura hands the packages to him.

Lance smiles at her slightly.

It's nice to see the princess having fun for once and not so stressed all the time. But how am I going to hind the terrible looking marks on my face? I need it tonight!

"Thank you so much, princess. I'm sorry to ask you this, but I can I get it sooner maybe?" Lance shyly asks.

Allura chuckles a little, "Why do you need it so soon?"

"I-I just need it soon is all. I'm sorry to rush you! Hunk and I can make dinner while Coran helps you. Err-well, Hunk can help make dinner anyways. Is that ok?" Lance says quietly.

Allura sighs and looks up at Lance. "Alright. I'll drop it off at your room later. It was fun hanging out with you, Lance." She smiles brightly at him.

Lance smiles back and thank her again. He looks at the floor and walks out of her room.


Lance peels his clothes off of himself and sinks into the lukewarm water. He splashed the water of his chest, arms and face. He pushes his head under the water and lets his head wonder.




Lance lifts his head from the water and touched his face. He smeared the makeup off his face and watches the water become dirty brown colour. He sighs and lets the tub drain.

He gets up and wraps a towel around his waist. He takes another towel and dries his hair and face. Some of the brown makeup getting on the white towel. He then wraps it around his head to help his head dry faster.

Lance sighs again and puts on his boxers and pants. He begins to go through the different Altean face masks Allura gave him and chooses one that smells like lavender. He applies it to his face and tries not to stare at the white patches that are scattered on his face.

He moves down his body and notices a huge white spot on his upper hip.

"Quiznak!" Tears spark in his blue eyes and he leans over the sink counter.

"Why does this happen?! Why, why, why, why, why!" Lance's voice breaks and sobs escape his throat.

A knock interrupts his sorrow and a bright voice yells from the other side.

"Lance, Coran and I got it done for you!" Allura yells.

"M-ay you pl-please just leave it by the door?" Lance's voice cracks with sobs.

"Lance, are you alright?" Concern clearly in her voice.

Lance opens him mouth to 'yes', but Allura opens the door. Before he could hide, he comes face to face with the princess, who's holding some makeup in her left hand.

Lance pulls the towel off his head and around his torso to cover himself. Allura stares at the towel that's now covering him with her mouth wide open.

"C-Can you just leave the bottles of makeup here and leave? I'll see you at dinner." Lance pleads.

"Lance," Allura takes the towel and throws it to the floor and reveals Lance's upper body, "Why didn't you just tell me? I can make you more if you like for the rest of your body. But really, it doesn't look that bad. If you walk out right now and show the rest of the team, they wouldn't care." Allura tries to comfort Lance.

Lance shakes his head and crosses his arms around his chest. "Why are you being so nice? You can laugh you know!" Lance shouts at her, feeling frustrated and confused.

"I'm not going to laugh at you, Lance. I believe this is normal. Coran told me that my mother had it before I was born. He helped her take care of it." Allura says.

"Again, why are you being so nice to me?" Lance mumbles.

"Why wouldn't I? You couldn't help this from happening. And it's doesn't change anything about you. You are still you. You have your personality! If you want, I'll keep this a secret from the team." Allura smiles.

Tear prick in Lance's eyes again and Allura goes and hugs him.

"You really don't think the team would care? They won't judge me?" Lance sniffs.

"Never. They will never judge you. Now come on, I think Hunk made cookies for dessert!"

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