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Description: The Paladins have a decision to make.

Relationship: none I guess

Warning: extremely graphic sort of...


Galra soldiers throw the team into a huge room that's lit up purple and there's no windows or doors...

No escape...

There's some civilians cowering in a corner that they were trying to help before this mess happened.

The soldiers strip them of their armor, leaving them just in their black air-tight suits. The Galra leave a blaster in the middle of the large room and lock the doors once they leave. The door doesn't have a doorknob or anything... it just blends into the wall like there's nothing there.

Someone tall appears in one of the corners of the room and walk into the light. Just like in one of those drama films. The person-creature-alien? Looks up and stares directly in Lance's eyes. They have long white hair, yellow eyes, and purple skin. He also has... Altean markings? What?

"Greeting Paladins! I am Prince Lotor. I have taken over the Galra empire since what you did to my father. Honestly, I should thank you. My father was getting in the way of my plans for you. I've been watching you all for quite sometime now. I know everything about you," he pauses and walks closer to them...to Lance... "I know your every fear, desires, emotions, everything! I have a game for you all to play!"

He looks at everyone one of them and grins. "The game is where I leave a gun here with you and start a timer for thirty ticks. Now, you have to make a decision during that time. I want one of you to die! So, you have to decide which one of you wants to shoot someone. You can either choose a civilian or one of your teammates you want to kill! There is a bomb that will explode if you don't kill anyone once the timer is done. But if you do kill someone, it will stop and you can all leave! Sound fun?"

Lance blinks at him for a moment, taking in on what he has just explained to them.

Oh god no... what am I going to do?

"Get ready Paladins." Lotor leaves the room and a giant clock starts to count down from thirty.

"Shiro, what do we do?!" Hunk yells.

Lance looks over at the innocent aliens in the corner. They are shaking and there are children they are trying to hide behind them.

Well, they aren't an option...

"We need to calm down. We'll get through this!" Shiro says with uncertainty clearly in his voice.



I need to do something! No one here deserves to die. They are all have things they need to do and places they need to be. They have families... my family thinks I'm dead... I could do it? I'm not the best at what I do and someone else can totally do it!




Lance runs over to the gun lying on the floor and stare at it for a moment. The others are yelling at him to put it down and how stupid he is for even considering to kill someone who hasn't done anything.

He look up at the team and then at the civilians, then the gun.

They'll be fine without me...

"Hey Lotor!" He screams. "I'll kill a Paladin for ya!"




He looks down at the guns barrel and pushes it up against his head. He takes one last look at his team... his friends... his family... and pulls the trigger.

His usual energetic body falls lifelessly to the floor. A pool of blood grows around him. He doesn't move. He doesn't jump back up and yells 'just kidding!" He stays there. Eyes closed... never to be opened on his own again.

The clock stops and Lotor re-enters the room. "Well played, Paladin."

Keith runs up to punch the prince in the jaw, but some soldiers get in his way and push him away.

Pidge and Hunk look at the long-time friend as he lays in the pool of his blood. They are both holding onto each other and sobbing.

Shiro gazes down at the body of one of his teammates on the ground. His eyes are filled with tears, but they don't fall.

Keith, still in shock, gripping his fists together tightly. He runs up to his friends body and pulls him close to his chest.

"You idiot! You selfish idiot! There were better ways to get out of here! You didn't have to do this," Keith sobs into Lance's cold chest. "You always had to have the attention on you, huh?"

(A/N~ Hi, sorry for the cappy ending. Was this okay? I hope it was! Sorry it's so sad! But what's the difference from the other stories? Am I right! Anyway, tell me what ya think!)

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