•Heart Beat•

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Description: Lance with Arrhythmia.

Relationship: Klance I guess

Warning: panic attack

(A/N~ I did so much research on this thing! I wanted to make sure I was getting all my doctor medical stuff right. So, if I didn't, please tell meh! Hope y'all like the story!)


-Lance's pov-

"Hey Lance? Wanna spare with me?" Keith runs up beside me after breakfast.

"Oh-uh-sure! That sounds fun!" I stumble over my words.

We walk to the training room and activate our bayards. We get into position and Keith attacks first.

After a few minutes of doing this, my heart suddenly skips a beat and I freeze with one of my hands pressed against my chest. Keith's eyes widen and does his best to drop his foot, but his foot still comes in contact with my ribs.

I stumble back from the impact and glare sharply at the red paladin. "Keith, what the hell?!"

"I should be asking you that!" Keith shouts, arms flailing about. "You froze for no reason! I could have seriously hurt you!"

I press my hand to my chest once more and feel the steady rhythm of my heart beating. "I'm sorry. Sometimes my heart skips a beat and it freaks me out."

Keith closes the distance between us with two large steps and grabs my wrist, he presses the small indent in my wrists. "Are you ok? Do you need me to call for Coran?"

"What?" I ask through a light laugh. "No, I'm fine. It just surprised me."

"Are you sure? Should I count your heart beat?" Keith asks to make sure his friend is fine.

"Really Keith, I'm good. Not to sure about my ribs though." I say, rubbing my side.

"That was your own fault, Cargo Pilot." Keith shakes his head and moves down to look at my purple colouring side.


I jolt awake with a gasp, and it took a solid minute for my mind to catch up to what had woke me up. My heart is racing; I can hear the loud, rapid-fire pounding in my ears as sweat forms on the sides of my temples.

My chest feels extremely tight and my mind is screaming 'HEART ATTACK' and before I know it, I'm stumping out of my bed and down the hallway. I reach the closest room to mine and pound on the door.

My vision is swimming and I gasp out the word "help!" right as I fall to the ground.

Keith's door slides open and his eyes widen once he sees me.

"Lance!" He lifts me up and holds me, "what's wrong?"

I shake my head as if I'm trying to say 'I don't know' and Keith frantically pulls me into his room. He sets me on his bed and his wiggles between my knees.

"Lance, I think you're having a panic attack. You need to focus on my breathing, ok?" Keith takes in deep breaths and watches as I desperately try to mimic it.

Once I feel a little better, I grab Keith's hand and place it against my chest.

Keith tries to count the beats, but they were all over the place. He pulls his hand away and gets to his feet. "I'll go get help." Keith says and runs out of the room.


"You have Arrhythmia," Pidge comments.

"Yes, that! It's where your heart skips a beat and today, your heart decided to have one and it triggered a panic attack. It usually caused by stress, caffeine, or high blood pressure," Coran explains.

"Well, we're going to have to lay off those space cookies, huh Lance?" Hunk says to try to lighten the mood.

"You'll be just fine, Lance." Shiro comforts.

"Yes, we can even take some days off from training to rest." Allura says.

"Thanks guys," I smile up at them.

"Ugh, you have to get better soon! I don't have anyone to spare with! Yeah, I have Shiro, but he's to tough for me to fight with." Keith states.

I perk up when I hear that Keith actually enjoys me sparring with him. "Yeah, I can do that!"

(A/N~ I never know how to end stories... so yeah... ALSO, I do to many klance fics. It doesn't bother me or anything, it's just all you people want from me is klance. I feel like I should do some different ships. So if you want me to write one with whatever ship in it, I'll do it! Anyway, hope you enjoyed this story!)

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