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Description: The team gets to go back to Earth and stay at Lance's household for awhile. Lance's parents aren't the most loving ones they've met...

Warning: mention of abuse

Relationship: Allurance if you squint


-Lance's pov-

I've always had a rocky relationship with my parents. It was nothing terrible, just getting yelled at and blamed for what my older siblings did. They'd throw me in the corner of the basement until the next day as a punishment. If I needed it, they'd hit me. It would mostly be a light smack to the head, but nothing to horrific.

We lived on a farm which is at least three to five miles away from any other type of human contact so is pretty quiet. I love the smell of the fresh cut grass and sound of the wind blowing our apples tress around.

My family has a huge produce business. We pretty much sell all our food to the whole city of Varadero.

I started helping on the farm at a young age. When I was around six, I would scare away the birds that would try to eat our crops since we did have enough money for some type of scarecrow yet. I would get up around four in the morning and eat with my mother and then head out for the fields. I would work long nine hour days and then finally be able to go back home to the cool house. The fields are hot from the beating sun and the fact that I'm either running around or just standing in it.

When I was ten, my cousin taught me how to work a plough. It wasn't the fancy kind with the big tractor. Instead, we had to use cattle or horses to move around. At the end of the hot days in the Cuban sun, I would have to dismantle the blade from the plough and carry it back to the farm house to clean it.

As years went on, my family would teach me how to help around the farm or house. I'm happy that I can help as much as I can. It feels like I have a purpose/responsibility for something. Sometimes it would be challenging with school and working and I would get stressed, but my parents would yell at me to 'suck it up and deal with like a man'.

Sure, I would still get some smacks or scraps that hurt like heck, but I was still happy! All though, my papá would only do this when I really messed up and that was he'd get the belt.

When I turned seventeen, money was low again from a bad Hurricane that ruined all our crops and there as a rumor going around that the Galaxy Garrison was looking for new recruits. I decided to investigate and sighed up right away.

I had to fly to the States and learn a whole new language. I had to relearn everything I knew in Spanish into English. It was different, but I pulled it off!

Iverson was kind of puta to me. Always telling me to do better or reminding me how I shouldn't be there. It really stung.

Then, voltron happened and now I'm in space with six other people and trying to save the whole entire universe. Funny how the universe works, huh?

Space sucked.

Okay, so yeah, space wasn't too bad. It wasn't like I didn't want to go to space, after all, I did sign up for a space exploration program in the hopes that one day I'd be able to. The difference, though, between my dreams of space and what was actually happening was huge.

I don't know how long it's been since I have been on earth, since there was no real way to tell time the way humans do, but I figure that it had been almost two years.

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