•What Happened?•

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Description: Lance's gets captured and after the team finally rescues him, but he won't talk about what happened to him except for Keith.

Relationship: Klance; Keith and Lance

Warning: Torture; blood; ptsd (post traumatic stress disorder)

(A/N~ Sorry for spelling mistakes)


-Lance's pov-

It's dark and gloomy.

There are purple lights that lightly dim my cell. The dark purple blending into the black metal that traps me in here like a cage.

I don't know how long I have been here with the Galra, nor do I care. Since day one, Hagger and Prince Lotor take me to a room, strap me to a table, and start asking me questions about Voltron. And since day one, I refuse to answer their questions.

The witch always blasts me with her magic which makes me scream out in pain until my throat goes raw. Lotor usually does nothing really except ask me the questions and tells Hagger to hurt me. Sometimes though, he'll take me to a wide, open room, with innocent aliens there. He'll beat me until black dots dance in my vision.

Today is a little different.

Two Galra soldiers take me to the usual room with the table and strap me down. I wait impatiently for my captors to come what feels like hours until I hear the door slide open. I hear two sets of feet walk over to me, their shoes' heels echo against the metal floor.

"Hello again, Blue Paladin," a rough, female voice greets me. "Care to tell us any secrets today?"

I just keep staring up at the lights and ceiling that hang above me.

The witch gives a disapproved hum. "Lotor and I have decided to try a different technique today. Maybe it will change your mind and make you talk."

I continue staring and hear the two Galra whisper a few words to each other.

The prince to my left clears his throat and peers down at me, "I hope you realize that it didn't have to come to this if you would have just told us about Voltron. I'm giving you one last chance. Now, tell us the secrets of Voltron, the Lions, your other fellow Paladins, the Alteans. Tell us or the witch is going to do far worse things than she has yet done to you. Just imagine what could be worse than us starving you again or beating you." Lotor threatens.

I suck all the saliva in my mouth into one and spit on the prince.

Lotor steers backwards and wipes away my saliva from his cheek. He glares at me and throws his hand back. It's in a tight fist, his thumb tucked under his index finger, the look of pure disgust and anger written on his face. He goes down on me many times until the witch cuts in.

"-Enough, Lotor. He clearly isn't going to speak. Step back so I can begin." Hagger demands.

Lotor nods, wipes my blood from his fist, and takes a couple steps away from me and goes behind a railing to protect himself. I taste copper in the back on my mouth so I spit again, this time on the ground.

Hagger does some more moving around that I can't see and suddenly, I feel a sharp pain pierce my body. A scream rips out of my throat. I try to get away from the pain, but the straps are holding me down. I keep on thrashing and screaming until everything goes black.

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