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Description: Lance has insomnia and since he can't sleep, he takes it upon himself to make sure everyone gets a good nights sleep.



-Lance's pov-

I've never been good at sleeping. It is such an easy thing to do for most people, but for some reason... I can't master it.

I walk aimlessly around the castle's halls, tapping my thighs and letting out a quiet whistle.

I haven't slept in three days and every morning, I sneak some of Pidge's coffee so I will have enough energy for training or a mission. I've been training at night to see if I can maybe surprise everyone how well I've been training, but instead, I find Keith going against a bot.

I sneak around the deck and watch him for a little bit.

I squint when I notice how Keith's movements are so sluggish and slow.

I walk over to him, "Hey, Mullet!"

Keith jumps and drops his bayard, "Ahh!" Keith screams. "L-Lance? What are you doing here this late? I thought you went to get you 'beauty sleep'?"

I did tell them that. I usually say that as a excuse so no one worries on how little I sleep.

"I-I was, but I got thirsty and I heard a noise coming from here so I came to check it out," I tell him, scrunching my shoulders up.

Keith glares at me before shaking his head, "What do you even want?"

"I um-" I stare at Keith bags under his eyes and how weak he looks. "You should get some rest, Mullet. Tomorrow we have training and you're going to need all your energy to defeat me!"

Keith rolls his eyes, "Yeah, yeah. I'll get going. See ya, Cargo Pilot," Keith puts away his weapon and leaves for his bedroom.

I smile happily and make my journey to the kitchen.

I hear some rattling of pots and pans banging together as I walk in.

Hunk seems to be putting away dishes and extra foods while Pidge is drooling on her laptop in the corner of the room.

I sigh, "hey, buddy. Why don't you go to bed and I'll finish cleaning all this up?" I suggest.

Hunk stares at me with wide eyes and whispers, "no, no, no, Lance! I made this mess so I'll clean it up!"

I make my lips go into a straight line, "it's all good, man. Get some rest. You deserve it!" I whisper back, making sure not to wake the sleeping girl across the room.

Hunk nods, "okay, but I'll get Pidge!"

"Nah, man. I got everything under control," I throw my hands around to the mess sitting in front of us. "Go to bed. I'll see ya in the morning."

Hunk is a little hesitance, but then nods, "alright. Goodnight, Lance! But go to bed after this, okay?"

I nod and Hunk gets up to leave.

I let out a breath of air and finish cleaning the dishes.

I turn my attention to the genius who's head is bent in a awkward position. I walk over to her and grab her laptop and set it on the counter. I lift her up to my chest and gradually walk to her room. She stirs once or twice, but never wakes up. I tuck the green paladin in bed and leave.

I start to walk back to the training deck, but I get stopped once again by a strange noise. I follow the murmuring to the bridge and find Allura, Shiro, and Coran sitting in a circle.

They all seem to be talking about Lotor and Hagger.

They should get some sleep! They can all worry about this in the morning!

I stride over to them and plop my butt next to Coran.

The older man lets out a yelp while Allura and Shiro gasp.

"Whatcha all doing?" I ask as I raise my eyebrow.

Allura sighs, "geez, you scared me, Lance. We are just talking about a plan for the Galra," the princess explains.

I nod, "okay, but it's late. You all should get some sleep."

They all look at each other and Shiro nods, "Lance is right. We all need to recharge so we will be rested in the morning."

Allura and Coran hum for agreement.

"Alright, goodnight everyone! I'll see you bright and early!" Coran cheerfully yells.

Shiro and Allura day their goodnights and leaves.

I sigh and drag myself to my bedroom.

I've been doing this for them for days. I haven't slept and sometimes I have to wait in their rooms until they fall asleep. They should enjoy the feeling of shutting off their minds and getting some rest.

I throw my body in my bed and close my eyes.

Maybe tonight... I can sleep... just a little.

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