•A Love Like Yours•

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Description: The team is being mean to Lancey Lance and hot brother and walking L'Oreal model help him out.

Relationship: Matt x Lance x Lotor

(A/N~Ok, so Lotor and Matt don't get along in the beginning whatsoever so yeah. Also, Lotor is not a perv in this fic :O enjoy!)


-Matt's pov-

Life's been good since I finally got reunited back with Shiro and Katie-err-Pidge. When I joined team voltron, I was so happy Pidge found such great friends. She's always been kind of a loner. But one of Pidge's friends, Lance, has been on my eye.

We didn't get along that well at first because I tried to flirt with Allura and Lance got jealous, but I think he's over that now. The Red Paladin is so funny, sweet and caring to everyone on the team.

Let's just say that I fell head over heals for the Cuban.

There's a problem though... I haven't flirted with anyone for awhile and being in space hasn't helped me out all that much. The other problem is that Lance is always hanging around someone. I can never have a chance to talk to Lance by myself, he's always with the other Paladins, Alteans, or that Galra Prince that has recently joined the team too.

"Ok, you got this Matt, you got this." I mutter to myself as I stand outside of the common room that Lance is currently sitting alone in. A perfect chance to speak to him about something I've been dying to tell him.

I take a few deep breathes, still muttering to myself, going over pick up lines I've been practicing since I joined the team.

"What are you doing?"


I spin around and see my sister standing behind me, computer in her hands and looking at me with a confused look.

"Ah-Uh-Um-Nothing! Nothing at all!" I nervously laugh.

Good going, Matt. Now she knows you're up to something.

Pidge looks over my shoulder to the room where Lance is chilling. I can immediately tell when she figures it out, a cocky grin on her face, her eyes sliding back and forth between Lance and I.

"Wait-Katie, Plea-!"

It's too late. As soon as I move to stop her, she hands me her laptop, slips under me and runs into the room, plopping her body right onto Lance's...lap...

"Oh, hey Pidge! Uh-what's up? Lance's beautiful voice lilts from the room.

"I'm boorreed! Ooh, do you wanna hear a cheesy pick up line?" Pidge calls out, knowing full well that I am standing right outside the door.

"Um-sure! I guess..." Lance looks off to the side, looking uncomfortable with the situation he's in.

"Do you work at a coffee shop? Because I like you a latte." Pidge giggles.

Damn that gremlin! Why is she like this?!

Lance's laughter fills the room and the hallway, making my heart beat faster than it already was.

God he has such a sweet and contagious laugh, it could make anyone laugh along with him, even if they don't know why their laughing in the first place.

I can see that Pidge is looking back me with the biggest shit-eating grin plastered on her face.

I turn around and storm off, trying to think of another way to flirt with Lance without Katie there to ruin my chances with him.

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