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Description: Lance gets hurt and decides not to tell anyone

Relationship: Klance

Warning: none


-Lance's pov-

It's just another mission.

Another day.

Another long and boring mission for today...

I am trying to race back up to Pidge and Hunk during the battle when three abnormally large Galra soldiers with hammer-like weapons stop me. My bayard is practically useless in this situation when the three soldiers surround me.

Before I have the chance to call for help, the three are already on me. They knock me off my feet and I fall to the floor. The Galras smack their weapons on my back repeatedly and I hear what seems to be every rib in my body crack from the force.

Not even a minute later, Hunk and Pidge come to aid me. Hunk fights the three Galra while Pidge is trying to distract them.

I hop to my feet (which was a bad idea 'cause it hurt like a bitch) and I wave away the two Paladins concerns, telling them that my armor took the majority of the beating.

A few hours in the pod would be good though...

When we all get back to the castle, Coran informs us that the pods are down from a blast hitting the ship to hard.


Pidge, Keith, and I are a little beaten up from the battle so Shiro and Hunk helps bandage ourselves up the old fashion way. I just wrap a bandage around my wrist that had a little cut on it and tell the others that it's my only injury.

Shiro nods and instructs me to help the others while Allura goes to sleep and Coran pilot the castle. I lead Keith and Pidge to their rooms to be more comfortable.

While wrapping Pidge's side up, I sigh which causes me to flinch. Sharp pain flares across my ribs, but I ignore it and continue to help out. I press an ice pack against Pidge's side and apologize profusely when she hisses in pain.

Keith got smacked in the head hard so I hand an ice pack to Keith and wake him up frequently just to be sure if he has a concussion or not.

Running from each room makes my chest begin to tighten and throb, my breathing becomes more difficult as well. My mind is screaming "can you help? I think my ribs are broken!" But I can't. The others need me to help so I ignore the strange crackling from my ribs and lungs. The pain is making me sweat and I press on. I tell Hunk and Shiro to go to sleep and recharge from the exhausting day we all had.

However, after a couple hours of running between the two rooms, my movements become more sluggish and clumsy. I would get worried glances from Coran, but I would throw back light-hearted jokes and smiles that didn't quite reach my eyes.

My breaths become more weak and choppy. I can't get in a comfortable position. Every time I try to twist my body, pain burns my body and I let out quiet whimpers.

Lucky, Keith woke up and I don't have to check on him as much. But of course, Keith isn't making things easy for me. I walk into his room and find him out of his bed, slumped against the wall about to fall to the floor.

I run over to catch him and he falls against my chest. His weight pressing on my ribs makes me gasp as white dots dance in my vision. Keith looks up at me and his eyes widen.

"L-Lance? You ok?" Keith's voice cracks as he speaks.

I swallow back scream as Keith uses me to regain his balance.

"Lance, what's wrong?" His voice coming out stronger. It's filled with concern and question.

The room starts to spin...

"I-" I gasp from a sudden sharp pain that's feels stronger than the others I've had. I try to blink away my blurry vision; I can see Keith's lips moving and his head looking back and forth, but the sound sounds mumbled like we are underwater. The tight pressure in my chest is too much and I'm not able to get any air into my lungs. I can make out Keith's panicked face, then everything goes black.


"When will the pods be up and going?" Shiro steps near the cryopod Lance is healing in.

"Coran said it won't be much longer."

Who's talking?

"Why didn't he tell us something was wrong?! Tch, idiot..."


Cold air surrounds my body as I fall and start a coughing fit.

"Whoa Lance! Easy! Someone tell Coran he needs to be quick on making that goo!"

My eyes flutter open and I see Keith hovering over me. He's stroking my hair and giving some comforting coos.

"H-Hurts..." I breathe out.

"I won't doubt it," Keith huffs, "Pidge said you got a lot of your ribs broken."

I'm able to catch my breath so I sit up,"You guys needed help," I wipe away my watery eyes, "I didn't think it was that bad." I lie.

Keith shakes his head in disbelief. "Yeah we needed help, but so did you! Now come on... you need to get some rest."

Keith drags me to my bedroom and I tuck myself in.

"Thanks Keith." I smile up at him.

Keith sighs. "Let us take care of you now, ok?"

I nod in defeat and Keith leans against my headboard, stroking my head in reassurance that everything is ok.

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