•The Heart Of The Team•

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Description: Lance gets hurt on a mission and the team isn't taking it to well.

*Season 3 spoilers*

*Shiro's back and Keith is the black paladin*

-Lance's pov-

"Lance, stop messing around!" Pidge screamed at me.

"Haha, good one, Lance! But maybe you could help me with these Galra instead of celebrating every time you make a good shot?" Hunk yelled, but more sincere.

"Shut up, Lance now is not the time for your jokes and pay attention on what you are doing!" Keith scolded me.

"Lance, get back in formation!" Allura yelled at me.

Those were the last things I heard before I saw a Galra pointing its lasers at Allura and Blue.

The Galra shoots, but my lion is faster. I push Blue out of the way and get zapped.

No one heard my cries for help...

Electric waves go through my body and a sharp pain in my chest. I scream and cry, but no one takes notice in my pain. Red sends  me some comforting purrs to try and calm me down.

"Oh my god, guys. It hurts so bad!" I whimper into the coms.

"Lance, stop being so overdram-Oh..." Keith stops his sentence when his face pops up on my screen and he finally sees how much damage I have on my body.

I smile at his, showing all my teeth. There's some blood dripping down my chin and a hole in my chest. My hair is sticking on my forehead from sweat.

"Hey mullet," I whisper.

"L-Lance..." Keith whispers back, "Dock your lion in her hanger, ok? I'll go tell Coran to get a pod ready" he tells me. I can only muster a nod.

The rest of the team takes down the Galra and rush back to the castle.

Once I dock Red, I stumble out and fall into Keith's arms. "I got you, Lance. Everything will be alright. Just don't close those blue eyes, ok?" I nod and let out a pained groan.

Keith picks me up bridal style and runs to the medical bay. Everyone is waiting for me. They put me in a healing suit and then a pod.

The pod shuts and I fall into a deep slumber.

-Three Weeks Later-Keith's pov-

It's been weeks since we put Lance into a pod. I've been spending my time in the training room to get my mind off of him.

Everyone hasn't known what to do since Lance left us.

Pidge has been staying up all night trying to find Matt and her dad because Lance is usually the putting her to bed.

Hunk has made like... ten patches of cookies and Lance hasn't been here to eat any.

Shiro has been having more nightmares than usual and Lance can't help him through a panic attack.

Allura and Coran have been fretting over Prince Lotor non stop since Lance hasn't been able to calm them down with a joke or flirt with Allura which at least takes their mind off of all the stress.

And me... I have been training for hours.

The more I think about it, Lance is the one that keeps us healthy. The one that makes sure that we are getting enough rest, the one that reassures us, the one that comforts us, or the that takes our mind off of being defenders of the universe.

I hate to say this, but I miss him. I always thought of him as an annoying guy that likes sharks and flirts with anything that has two legs. But now, I see him more as the heart of the team.

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