•Black Paladin•

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Description: After Shiro goes missing, the Black Lion chooses Lance as her new paladin.

(A/N~ So sorry for any spelling mistakes!)


-Lance's pov-

Shiro has been gone for three weeks now.

Everyone has been acting sad and angry since he has been gone. Allura goes to bed early, Coran has been keeping himself busy by cleaning the healing pods, Pidge has become more clingy to everyone and sarcastic, Hunk has been sighing more and cooking and Keith... he has been more mean and hasn't left Black's hanger or the training room.

We are all in the bridge, including Keith. Allura and Coran are sitting side by side with sad faces, same with Pidge and Hunk. Pidge almost sitting in Hunk's lap. Keith and I and sitting farther away from the group.

Allura breaks the silence, "I know this is a tough subject for everyone, but... I think it is time for a new Black Paladin."

Hunk, Pidge, and Coran gasp while Keith and I glare at her.

The princess continues, "I'm sorry, but the universe needs Voltron. We have to have a Black Paladin. Let's go down to the lion's hanger so we can introduce ourselves to her."

Everyone hesitates before nodding. We all get up and gradually make our way there.


-Keith's pov-

I sit down in the Black Lion's pilot seat and hold the controls with both of my hands. I take a few deep breaths and close my eyes.

"Come on. No one else can pilot you! Shiro wanted me to lead so let me lead!"

The lion stays still.

I sigh and walk out to the others.

"The stupid Lion hates me! She doesn't seem to care about Voltron!" I yell.

Coran steps forward and sets a hand on my shoulder, "Calm down, lad. We need a Black Paladin to lead Voltron."

Allura, Pidge, and Hunk nod.

"Just-Just let me try again," I turn back to the Lion and hear Lance yell something after me. "Don't force it!" The others tell him to shut it to let me concentrate.


-Lance's pov-

Keith has been trying to bond with the Black Lion for weeks now, but can't get it. I've been trying to tell him that he can't force it, but he keeps telling me that I'm just in the way and shouldn't bother him.

I walk into the Black Lions hanger and notice that Keith is there AGAIN.

I cup my hands around my mouth and yell, "KEITH, COME DOWN HERE A 'SEC!"

He shoot me a murderous glare and makes his way towards me. M "What do you want, Lance? I don't  have time for you to fool around."

My eyes widen from his tone, but I shake it off as him just missing Shiro.

"I think I have a reason why Black isn't responding to you. I've been saying this for awhile actually, bu-"

Keith cuts me off and shakes his head, "no offense, Lance, but you're the last person I would want to take advice from. You joke around too much and say dumb things. You need to actually be smart so you will be a good Paladin like me and the others. Maybe you should work on that?" He pauses and looks away from me, "I'm going to rest and then try again later." He walks past me and host my shoulder.

I stare at the ground with water in my eyes. I rub them, but they seem to fall. A sob wrack out of me and I hug my arms around myself. I stay there for some time before hearing Coran's voice. Panicking, I run straight into Black's piloting area so I can hide.

"Why does Keith hate me so much?" I sniff. "I know I can be silly, but I only do that to try to cheer everyone up."

Black lets out some comforting purrs.

I smile, "thanks, girl."


"Okay, Paladins. We are going to try again with the Black Lion as a team. Please follow me to the hanger." We follow the Altean princess and stand in front of the humongous Lion.

"Keith, you are up first." Allura point at the robotic cat.

Keith nods are drags his feet up to the Lion.

Again... nothing happens.

"Ugh, this isn't working! We need Shiro back! No one can do it! Keith, try harder!" Pidge yells sounding frustrated.

I turn my lips into a solid straight line and tighten my fists, "Oh my gosh! Have none of you heard hat I have been trying to tell you!" Keith walks back out of the Lion and stands with the others. "You can't force a Lion's bond with it Paladin. It needs to be special! Personal! I've been trying to say that but you just yell 'shut up, Lance!' Or 'Go away, Lance! You're just in the way!' I bet if I try to be the Black Paladin, I could do it!"

The others just stare at me with nothing to say.

Tears fill my eyes and I let out a frustrated sob. Turning to the Black Lion's particle barrier, I take a deep breath and close my eyes. I wait a few seconds and feel the wall between the Lion and I fade.

I open my eyes to see that the barrier is gone and Black's mouth is open for me to enter.

A smug smile appears on my face.

"Told ya."

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