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Description: Lance was diagnosed with ADHD when he was younger, but the team has no idea until he runs out of medicine.

Relationship: Keith x Lance x Shiro

Warning: none

-Lance's pov-

I look down at my last pill. I glare at the bright orange bottle that has been filled with my medicine since the day we entered space with pure dread.

I knew this day would come...

I sigh and set the bottle down on my bed. I throw the last pill in my mouth and begin to pace around the room.

I gave one of my pills to Coran awhile ago so he can make more, but the chemicals in the meds were different from the ones we have in space and Coran said that I would have to wait. Coran tried to explain to me that he would have to find the permanent substitute to make the correct ingredients and it would take some time, but I wish we could go faster.

I have to tell Shiro and Keith soon...

It feels wrong hiding things from my partners. I probably should have told them in the beginning of the relationship, but it just doesn't feel right going up to your boyfriends now and saying something like 'Hey, I have ADHD! Love you!'

I sigh again.

I wonder how tomorrow will turn out?

The doors open and I carry on with my day like usual.


Today has been fine without any pills to take. I ate breakfast with the team, listened to Shiro and Allura explain the plans for the day, and trained.

But when it's finally time for us to get some shut eye, I feel really anxious.

I pull my arm to try to stretch it, but I am unable too. I twist and turn in bed until I become exhausted and pass out.


The next day, my head is pounding and the lights hurt my eyes.

"Quiznak." I choke out and squint my eyes.

I extend my arms out until my joints pop and get out of bed. I bump into a few things while trying to get into my clothes and out of my bedroom.

I make it to the dining room and take a glass of water and chug it. I gulp and attempt to join in on the teams conversations. From there it feels harder.

When is time for training, Keith and I are doing hand to hand combat when I get a fit of rage pass through me. When Keith and I usually are sparing, it's filled with teasing between us, but I just got annoyed. I've been trying to not try as hard, but I think Keith is starting to notice.

"Aw, come on Lance! You can't be out of breath already?" Keith snickers.

I clench my fists, "Shut the quiznak up, Keith! I'm just not going as hard because of a reason! Not because I'm tired or something! You and I both know I can still kick your ass!" My head is pounding even worst now and I feel lightheaded.

I look down at the floor and huff, "I'm leaving." I walk out of the training area.

I storm through the castle's hallways until I find a silent place in the observation deck.

It's like my mind is all over the place. One moment, I want to punch something and now I just want to cry...

I lay down on the floor and stare at the stars we pass by. The silence and the glow of the stars help me fall asleep.

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