The Unstoppable Eye

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After a few feet of walking (y/n) asks Ruby
(Y/n):"What's the girl in whites name?"
To which the girl in white turns to him and says with agitation in her voice.
Girl in white:"My name is Weiss Schnee. And why are you still here?!"
(Y/n):"Honestly I feel like between the arguing and possibly being lost I believed you two could use all the help you can get. Plus, I kinda don't think there is anyone left to pair with."
To this Weiss just turns and keeps walking as she says.
Weiss:"We are not lost!"
(Y/n):"Then explain why you keep changing the direction we're going."
She then begins to pace back and forth all the while saying.
Weiss:"Its definitely this way. No this way."
She does this for a few minutes until Ruby interjects with.
Ruby:"I think (y/n) is right. We're lost just admit it."
And as if on cue another argument begins between the two. Thankfully, because (y/n) has listened to this for the past hour he has just learned to tune it out. As their argument concludes they begin to walk a direction in hopes that it's the right way.
-time skip to when somehow Ruby, Weiss, and (y/n) are riding the nevermore-
(Y/n):"Why did we do this? This was an awful idea!!"
Ruby"We could just jump."
Weiss and (y/n) simultaneously:"What are you crazy!?!?! We'll die if we....
At this point they both realize that Ruby has jumped. (Y/n) then looks Weiss and says.
(Y/n):"Well I guess if I'm gonna die might as well die in a splat rather than a chomp."
(Y/n) then jumps as he starts to free fall he actually manages to catch up to Ruby on the fall. (Y/n) tries to reach out to Ruby to pull them both to the trees where they can land without a completely lethal fall. That is until the two are slammed into mid air by the blonde boy from earlier. Leaving (y/n) plastered against a tree with a Ruby that is slammed into him until the blonde boy slams into both sending (y/n) further into the tree. Until Ruby looks forward and jumps down to begin fighting the death stalker and (y/n) follows suit until he sees the nevermore shooting feathers at Ruby and the blonde girl he saw coercing with Ruby earlier. (Y/n) can only get to the blonde quick enough so he dashes in front of her as he practically forces his left eye open as he begins to swing his sword knocking all the feathers out of the air in front of him and the blonde. He then turns to where Ruby was to see that Weiss had protected her, (y/n) then lets out a sigh of relief as he closes his left eye while holding a hand over it with an audible grunt of pain as he turns to the blonde and asks while extending his hand.
(Y/n):"You alright?"
Blonde girl:"Yeah I'm fine thanks to you."
At this point the blonde kinda recoils looking at (y/n) as she realizes not all the feathers were a miss. His left arm which is holding his blade has blood in his hand which is still gripped around the sword. The piece of his cloak that is covering his torso also has a tiny tear in it and has a growing red stain. At this she can also tell (y/n) looks extremely fatigued, as he falls to a seated position as he says with a light smirk.
(Y/n):"I overused the eye and still missed some of the feathers."
The blonde girl:"Are you alright?"
(Y/n):"Yeah I'll be fine."
He says as he is barely able to pull himself to his feet at this point he also realizes he can't even open his left eye. Thankfully it seems Weiss was able to more or less subdue the death stalker until (y/n) notices the fact they are right next to the artifacts to which he notices the artifacts are chess pieces. (Y/n) just grabs the black knight piece and then asks.
(Y/n):"So back to cliff right?"
(Y/n):"Alright let's wrap this up before our feathered friend comes back."
The blonde girl:"Agreed."
As they begin to quickly make their way to the cliff (y/n) realizes the nevermore is persistently following them and is now waiting next to the cliff.
(Y/n) and the blonde girl say simultaneously: "Oh that's just fantastic!"
Then the death stalker erupts from the woods as well. To which utter chaos ensues as the group is split in half as the nevermore broke the bridge. (Y/n) is on the side with a girl with black hair, a girl with solid red hair, and the boy with black hair and a pink streak. (Y/n) looks at them and asks.
(Y/n):"Hey I got something I can do to end our little scorpion friend, but I'll be incapable of helping in the fight against the nevermore."
The three look at each other and gives him a nod. So (y/n) closes his right eye and takes his fingers forcibly making to left eye peel open upon doing so the whole left eye looks bloodshot. As he dashes toward the death stalker it swings its stinger down as (y/n) simply deflects it to the left as (y/n) becomes a blur of white as he rushes it as he severs its tail completely. Upon doing so he begins to flip backwards when he feels himself being suspended in the air as he looks down he sees one of Weiss' glyphs thus he began to leap at the scorpion slicing it and landing on another glyph. He does this a few times with insane speed until the whole death stalker is in pieces. (Y/n) then lands on his feet as he turns to look at his handiwork his whole brain feels like it's on fire as he falls to his knees dropping his sword at his side covering his left eye with both hands as he lets out a scream of pure agony. He eventually gathers his breath as he feels a warm liquid flowing from his left eye he hears a shriek only to see the redhead run up to him and ask.
Redhead:"Oh my God your eye is bleeding are you okay?"
(Y/n):"I'll live, just help the others with the nevermore I'm just gonna lay here."
She then notices that his aura has been fully depleted as she is about to ask about this she realizes he has passed out.
(Y/n) opens his right eye to see Ruby dashing up the cliff with her scythe wrapped around the throat of the nevermore until she reaches the top and decapitates the nevermore. To which all (y/n) can say is.
He then realizes that the blonde girl from before has walked up and extended a hand and says.
Blonde girl:"Not gonna lie what you did to that death stalker was pretty awesome."
(Y/n):"Thanks it took a lot more than I expected."
(Y/n) then takes her hand as she lifts him up off the ground and says.
Blonde girl:"My name is Yang by the way."
(Y/n):"My name is (y/n)."
-time skip to the auditorium-
(Y/n) watches as Ruby, Weiss, a girl named Blake, and Yang are called to the stage and made team RWBY to which (y/n) realizes something that makes him a little anxious and that's that there is no students left without a team other than him as he is thinking this the headmaster call him to the stage. (Y/n) makes his way up there as the headmaster says.
Headmaster:"There seems to have been a miscalculation in our number of artifacts and students."
(Y/n) feels his heart sink and his anxiety he had as a child seems to flair up as he looks physically tense. The headmaster continues on though stating.
Headmaster:"However the amount of peril you subjected yourself to, to protect your fellow hunters. I believe justifies me making you apart of the first five person team in the history of Beacon."
(Y/n)'s anxiety all fades away as he looks at the screen as the headmaster picks a team at random. Then the team on the screen just makes (y/n) smile.
Headmaster:"Ah so it'll be team RWBY to be the first five person team. So would the leader of team RWBY come claim your new teammate."
Ruby begins to makes her way to the stage to collect (y/n). Upon doing so (y/n) feels overjoyed not only did he actually become apart of a team but he's on a team with people he gets along with. Well some of them. Upon making it to their dorm he immediately realizes something there are only four beds regardless he decides to get a shower. After showering and putting on some gym shorts and and a t-shirt that of which he bought before team allocation was performed. Upon coming out of the bathroom he realizes all of them are already asleep. He then notices a blanket and a pillow on the floor of which is same one Ruby gave him to use as he slept when he woke up this morning to which he gladly uses as he drifts off to sleep.

A/n: Alright that's part 4 done. I hope you guys enjoyed and I want to ask you guys what you want this eye power to be called as I haven't been able to come up with a good name so which ever one sounds the coolest I'll use. Other than that I'll see you guys in part 5. Peace!

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