The Family of Wolves

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-back with Team VYNS, Demetria, and Dean-
Everyone is just sitting and waiting for the rest of the group to come back with Ymir. After waiting for about 5 minutes they hear the door open and look to see Emerald, Mercury, and Cinder. At seeing this and realizing what must've happened Dean uses his eyes to warp behind Cinder and attempts to stab her only for it to be blocked last second by someone. That person then also swings a sword at Dean that he was able to avoid by warping back to (y/n)'s side it doesn't take long for one of the figures to cackle before saying.
???:"If it isn't the two wolves that tried to kill me."
This is then followed by two different figures saying.
??? 2:"Dean?"
??? 3:"It's been too long."
The fourth one remains silent before Dean asks.
Dean:"Who are all of you?"
They all four lower their hoods revealing all of team DEMN. This causes (y/n) to draw the totsuka blade and activate both his eyes as he says.
(Y/n):"I killed you once don't think I won't hesitate to do it again."
Daemon is the first to respond by saying in a very uncharacteristic tone than like every other time (y/n) has encountered him. His tone is like that of one consisting of seriousness and shame.
Daemon:"The hatred you have for me and Estra are well placed. However, the other two are innocent."
Estra then says in his mocking tone.
Estra:"You see little wolf, the fact Daemon took your eye wasn't to send a message. It was for my own personal gain. Hahaha."
Daemon turns and looks at Estra as he asks.
Daemon:"What the hell are you talking about Estra?"
Estra:"Did you really think Sienna wanted you to try killing one of her most loyal soldiers? I made it up and you fell for it hook line and sinker. With that boy's eye I was able to control all of you three so that you believed you were doing this because you wanted to. But now it seems to have worn off, oh well it doesn't matter anymore."
Daemon looks shocked and angry as he shouts.
Daemon:"You made me ruin my friend's life over some stupid eye? You son of a bitch!"
Cinder:"Enough of the argu..."
They are all shocked as (y/n) has closed the distance between him in Estra in the blink of an eye. As he is looking eye to eye with Estra he summons the ice ribcage and uses the arm to punch Estra across the room. (Y/n) then says.
(Y/n):"You ruined my life and I'm gonna pay you back a thousand fold!"
Cinder just points at (y/n) before saying.
Cinder:"I guess team DEMN gets their rematch against (y/n)."
Daemon, Nier, and Malik look as if they don't want to do this, it's like they are being forced against their own will. They all rush (y/n) and go to hit him only for Dean, Sera, and Demetria to block the strikes. While they are all interlocked Daemon says to Dean.
Daemon:"I'm sorry for this."
Dean:"So am I."
Dean begins to do battle with Daemon while, Demetria fights Nier, and Sera takes on Malik. This leaves Estra to (y/n), causing him to utter.
(Y/n):"I hope for your sake that whoever brought you back made you stronger."
As he says this Estra smiles and reappears beside (y/n) and says in his ear.
Estra:"Oh mistress Salem gave me far more power wolf boy."
(Y/n) just turns and swings his sword only for his wrist to be grabbed and Estra says.
Estra:"Too slow."
He then kicks him in the face causing (y/n) to slide backwards. Cinder then comments.
Cinder:"Hm it seems like they are all preoccupied. Allowing us to go straight into the maiden's chamber."
Then her path is blocked by Yamato and Neo. This actually causes Cinder to give off that evil looking smirk before saying.
Cinder:"Mercury. Emerald. I guess you two will battle the fox and our old companion."
Thus, Yamato and Mercury do battle, while Neo and Emerald also fight. (Y/n) and Estra are going at it with all they have. Despite his efforts it seems like the roach is actually managing to match and as the fight goes surpasses (y/n)'s power. Thus, causing Estra to land a lot of hits with his sai on the young wolf faunus. (Y/n) is breathing heavily as his body is covered in cuts as apparent by the condition of his cloak and duster which are just littered with holes, tears, and light red stains from the wounds. He tries once more to rush and stab Estra only for him to side step the attack and elbow (y/n) in the stomach with enough force to make him cough up a little blood. (Y/n) starts to fall to one knee only for Estra to grab him by his hair and pull him to his face so that he is looking into Estra's one eye of the witness. Estra then says.
Estra:"I'm curious. What does the user of the nightmare realm fear?"
He then puts on a sadistic looking smirk before placing (y/n) into the nightmare realm.
-nightmare realm-
For (y/n) this place is complete and utter hell. It feels like days he's here as he witnesses the death of all his friends, his family, and Yang. He's never cried so much thus, he falls to his knees as this happens Estra appears there and he says.
Estra:"You seem to care a lot for that blonde girl. Maybe I should amp up the things that happen to her here? You can hear her screams can't you? She's crying out for you to help. '(Y/n) please help me. I'm so scared. Don't let them hurt me.' Maybe I should have some fun with her myself, she's a very attractive girl after all. How much longer can you keep your composure?"
After he says this he makes (y/n) devolve into his child state. This causes (y/n) to curl into the fetal position as he cries and says.
Child (y/n):"Why does everything have to hurt? W...why can't I be happy? I just want everyone to be ok and happy. Please make it stop."
Estra just grows a smirk looking down at the weeping child which he then kicks in the ribs sending sliding across the ground, but instead of getting up the child remains on the ground and continues to cry. This causes Estra to say.
Estra:"You're completely broken. I'm gonna help butcher your family and friends in the real world now and then I'm going to take your other eye. Hahahaha!"
(Y/n) feels useless and helpless. He just keeps weeping until he feels a hand rest on his head as he hears a voice say.
???:"Hey are you just gonna lay there and mope or are you gonna fight?"
Child (Y/n):"What's the point I can't leave this hell and I can't win."
???:"If that's your mentality then I've already failed Demetria."
Child (Y/n):"Huh?"
The child looks up toward the voice with his tear soaked face before his eyes widen in shock as he see's a knight made of ice. This prompts the child to ask.
Child (Y/n):"N..Neige? You can talk?"
Neige:"Yes I can."
Child (Y/n):"What did you mean about failing my mom?"
Neige:"Your mom was so gifted she could create two different knights one was me the other is Neve. When you were born she gave my power to you and said whenever you were in danger I was to help you. However, I couldn't help until you could create decent glyphs, but I made a promise to my former master and friend to protect her son and if you give up instead of fighting back it proves I was a failure at my job."
Child (Y/n):"It's not your fault Neige I'm just not strong enough."
Neige:"Get up! Get up and show me that fire you've always had even when you were starving in the alley, that same fire that allowed to get up after every beating you took, that same fire you used to defeat team DEMN the first time! Show it to me!"
The child begins to stand up and changes back into his older self before wiping his face. Neige follows this up by saying.
Neige:"Now come on kid. You've got a roach to send back to hell."
(Y/n) just smiles and bumps fists with Neige before breaking out of the nightmare realm using his eye of the witness.
-real world-
(Y/n) comes back to on his hands and knees breathing heavily for a second before he opens his eyes. He then summons the skeletal arm which grabs Estra's leg which causes (y/n) ask.
(Y/n):"Where do you think you're going?"
Estra:"How were you able to break free of the nightmare realm?"
(Y/n):"Fuck you that's how."
Then more skeletal arms erupt and grab all of Estra's limbs restraining him allowing (y/n) to stab him in the chest with the totsuka blade. All of the other members of team DEMN suffer a similar fate. While Dean has his sword in Daemon's stomach Daemon says.
Daemon:"Like I said before I'm so sorry I ruined everything. I didn't know Estra was..."
Dean:"Its fine. I understand. I'll see you on the other side someday friend."
Daemon:"It better not be soon. *chuckles followed by coughing* Hey make sure that (Y/n) understands I'm sorry for all the things I did. He's an insanely strong kid Dean."
Dean:"I know."
-flashback to when Dean was only 6-
Dean and his mother were walking down the streets of Menagerie when he notices Daemon sitting on the curb crying prompting him to ask.
Dean:"Hey Daemon are you okay? Your crying."
Daemon:" mom and dad died while trying to expand the territory."
The young hyena faunus continues to cry until Dean's mother says while kneeling down to Daemon.
Dean's Mom:"Hey well why don't you come home with me and Dean. You can stay as long a you'd like."
Daemon:"'d do that for me?"
Dean's Mother:"Of course. You and Dean are practically family especially with how much you two hang out. Plus, Dean was already having Malik and Nier over anyway so it's no trouble."
Daemon just smiles through his tears as he hugs Dean and his mother before saying.
Daemon:"Thank you so much."
-present day-
Daemon:"We've certainly come a long way haven't we?"
Dean:"Yeah...yeah we have."
As Daemon says this his body emits a yellowish glow as his body disappears leaving nothing behind. Dean stands as he says.
Dean:"Goodbye Daemon. I wished things could've been different."
Dean then wipes his eye of the one tear rolling down his face. He then hears Estra start to laugh before he says to (y/n).
Estra:"You really think just killing me will make me stop. Salem will just bring me back anyway."
He then grunts as he feels fire course through his veins before (y/n) says.
(Y/n):"I kinda gathered that thus, is why I stabbed you with the totsuka blade."
Estra looks afraid as he says in shock.
Estra:"The..the..the blade!?"
(Y/n):"This weapon has the ability to seal souls within it subjecting them to a hell where they will burn and suffer forever."
Estra:"You wouldn't."
(Y/n):"Wouldn't I?"
Then everyone watches as Estra is turned to ash and the totsuka blade grows orange. At seeing this Cinder says.
Cinder:"You four are a thorn in my side. Luckily, I still have one more pawn."
Then all of the sudden Demetria falls to her knees and grabs her head while screaming occasionally.
Demetria:"No no no I won't be under your control! No!!!!"
She then screams really loud as her aura wraps around her and she looks at her family and says with tears rolling down her face.
Demetria:"I'm sorry."

A/n: That's another part completed. I hope you all enjoyed and hope to see you all in the next one. I would also like to extend my greatest and sincerest apology for how long this took I've just been feeling really down about myself recently not to mention all the stress from college, but I'm on spring break so I'm gonna try to wrap this book up before I have to go back to college. Other than that I'll see you all next time, Peace!

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