Life of the Nomad

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(Y/n) wakes up the next day to find that Neo is still asleep. Her body is splayed out as from her waist up is out of the sleeping bag and the only thing that can be heard is her very light breathing. (Y/n) just looks to her and shakes his head before getting up and grabbing a few bottles from his bag and filling them with some snow from the outside, he then rekindles the fire as he puts the bottles next to it. (Y/n) then makes his way to the kitchen and begins to look for any food of which he finds two cans of beans which cause him to think.
(Y/n)'s thoughts:"Well it's not eggs and bacon but it's better than nothing."
(Y/n) has a pretty definite limp being that his leg is still in pain and can't support his full body weight. Regardless, he makes his way back to the room Neo and him slept in, he began to open the two can of beans and makes a holder for the two cans as he dangles them over the fire to cook. He then finds his cloak and pulls out a pack of cigarettes he had tucked inside the pocket of his cloak. He just begins to look at the fire as he smokes, he had taken up this habit because it was an excellent stress relief for him and he also figured if it were to kill him it would probably be a more peaceful death than anything else he would receive. He doesn't get to enjoy his peace long as he feels something on his head causing him to look up to see Neo has put her head chin first on his head causing him to ask.
(Y/n):"Yes, Neo? Can I help you with something?"
She then without hesitation points to his cigarette.
(Y/n):"You smoke?"
She just nods yes causing (y/n) to grab one from the pack for her. Which he then hands to her and lights it for her. After one puff she seems relieved.
(Y/n):"Guess it's been awhile since you've had a smoke?"
She pulls her head off his and sits next to him looking at the fire as well. They sit there for awhile not exchanging any words just enjoying their smoke. Until (y/n) picks up the holder for the cans of beans which were really hot though thanks to (y/n) and Neo's gloves they could only feel warmth from the cans. (Y/n) then hands Neo a spoon he found in the kitchen of this home as they both began to eat, it wasn't a very great tasting meal, honestly it was still kinda cold but better than starving they both figured. He also checked the bottles he had put by the fire which were now full of water and gave Neo one as he drank one himself. With food and water in their stomachs they began to assemble all of their things and anything helpful from the home, such as old clothes for bandaging, Neo found a full liquor cabinet and thus brought that for cleansing purposes, and (y/n) found several types of prescription pain killers as well. Once they had virtually picked the home clean they both were prepared to continue on their journey. (Y/n) and Neo begin to walk for awhile through the huge expanse of snow as they hunt for team DEMN. They then come upon a town as night falls though upon entering (y/n) looks to Neo and says.
(Y/n):"Hey it may not be a good idea to show your face. We don't want anyone who works for Cinder or the white fang to know your alive. That'll take our element of surprise away."
Neo's hair color then becomes solid black as her eyes go from multi color to both being solid blue. This shocks (y/n) causing him to say.
(Y/n):"You're just full of surprises aren't you?"
Neo then takes a bow before entering into the town and find a hotel which they find pretty quickly. The only room left however was a room with only one queen bed, which doesn't seem to bother Neo but all (y/n) can think is.
(Y/n)'s thoughts:"Yay, another night sleeping on the fucking floor."
Upon making it to the room Neo plops down onto the bed as (y/n) sits down on the edge of the bed grabbing the remote to the TV. He turns on the TV only to see news about the fall of Beacon which makes him feel tense so, Neo takes the remote from him and turns the TV off. After doing this she goes into the bathroom to change which allows (y/n) to change as well. When she comes out she realizes (y/n) is making a pallet on the floor for him to sleep on. She then with a frown taps (y/n)'s shoulder prompting him to ask.
She then points to the bed which he follows up by saying.
(Y/n):"I was gonna let you have the bed."
She then shakes her head and points at him and her and then to the bed again. Causing (y/n) to ask.
(Y/n):"So, you want us to share the bed?"
She then nods yes. (Y/n) then says.
(Y/n):"Fine I'm not gonna argue with you on this."
As he says this Neo just grows a smile because of her victory as she gets into the bed. (Y/n) then gets into the bed as well. Though unlike Neo, (y/n) can't fall asleep he tosses and turns until he finally gets up and puts on his jacket so he could go onto the balcony to smoke. Once he gets out there he pulls out a picture that he has kept with him since even before he went to Beacon. It's a picture of him and his mom when he turned seven, he just lets out a deep sigh as he feels regret and sadness from looking at the picture. He then says.
(Y/n):"I'm sorry mom I truly am. I wish I didn't have to do this."
He begins to tear up a bit that is until he feels a presence behind him. He turns to see Neo wearing her coat looking at him with a face of worry and confusion. She just walks to his side and looks at the picture he has, she can tell it's of him and his mom. She then tugs his cloak signaling that he needs to get some sleep so he finishes his cigarette and gets back into bed and actually falls asleep. As he does he hears his mother's voice.
Mom:"I love you, son."

A/n: That's part 25 complete. I hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you in part twenty six. Until then, Peace!

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