The Weak Stand Tall

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The next few weeks (y/n) notices how Jaune has literally become Cardin's whipping boy. It also seems as if Jaune is sleeping very little because he is constantly dozing off in Oobleck's class. (Y/n) is sat next to Blake as Oobleck is covering Faunus related history all the while moving at insane speeds across the room though this doesn't really bother anyone at this point in the school year. That is until he asks.
Professor Oobleck:"Now which one of you young scholars can tell me what many theorists believe to be the turning point in the third year of the war?"
Weiss just raises her hand.
Weiss:"The battle at Fort Castle."
Oobleck:"Precisely! And who can tell me the advantage Faunus had over General Lagune's forces?"
As he asks this (y/n) notices Cardin about to hit Jaune with a paper football as he says in thought.
(Y/n)'s thoughts:"Jaune please tell me your a heavy sleeper."
However, (y/n)'s hope was squashed pretty quickly as Jaune snaps awake as he is hit by the paper football. Causing Oobleck to ask him the question which is followed by a very unsure Jaune stating.
Jaune:"The answer is sir. The advantage of the Faunus is."
While he is saying this (y/n) notices Pyrrha trying to signal to Jaune the answer. Despite her best efforts he answers with something painfully incorrect.
Jaune:"Uh binoculars."
(Y/n) just face palms and states.
(Y/n):"Swing and a miss."
Oobleck:"Very funny Mr. Arc. Cardin perhaps you would care to share your thoughts on the subject."
(Y/n)'s thoughts:"Of all the people you could've asked, why him!?"
Cardin:"Well I know it's easier to train an animal than a human soldier."
(Y/n) has somehow managed to push down the anger he feels towards Cardin's ignorance, though Blake could sense him tensing up. Until Pyrrha interjects.
Pyrrha:"You're not the most open minded individual are you Cardin?"
Cardin:"What you gotta problem?"
Pyrrha then says as she begins to sit back down.
Pyrrha:"No, I have the answer. It's night vision. Many Faunus are known to have nearly perfect vision in the dark."
Blake then adds on with.
Blake:"General Lagune was inexperienced and made the mistake of trying to ambush them at night."
As Blake looks to (y/n) to finish this as she can tell it's bothering Cardin and can also tell (y/n) despises Cardin so it's a win-win.
(Y/n):"Which would then lead to a blind fire fight for the General leading to his capture and subsequent defeat. This is also the biggest reason he is hailed as a failure. All common knowledge for those who pay attention during class."
(Y/n) says all the while looking at Cardin who then begins stand as he looks in the direction of (y/n) as Oobleck says.
Oobleck:"Mr. Arc and Mr. Winchester you two will stay after class for additional readings."
The rest of the class and the day is pretty usual for (y/n) and the rest of team RWBY. As they go back to their dorm and begin to study and do homework which actually keeps them up for a considerable amount of time before they all kinda fall asleep mid way through their work except for two. Those two would happen to be (y/n) and Blake. The only reason (y/n) was still up was right before he fell asleep Blake said in a whisper.
Blake :"Hey (y/n) you awake?"
(Y/n):"As of right now, yeah. Why?"
Blake then asks in a whisper in a different tone of voice of which (y/n)'s tired ears can't discern.
Blake:"You seem really angered by Cardin when he mocks Faunus. Have you dealt with people like him before?"
(Y/n) replies with a sigh and whispers back to Blake.
(Y/n):"Yeah, I've dealt with the whole bullying thing a lot when I was younger. That's also why I got really good at hiding my ears, and why I try to refrain from showing them to people. Now as much as I would love to have a heart to heart conversation I'm tired and it's late. Goodnight, Blake."
Blake then replied with a yawn.
Blake:"Goodnight, (y/n)."
As (y/n) drifts off to sleep one sentence echoes throughout his head.
Mom:"Don't hide them, they make you look cute."
As this echoes (y/n) just smiles warmly and falls asleep.
-timskip a few weeks later-
The past few weeks were more or less the same with exception of Jaune becoming Cardin's errand boy which honestly has (y/n) rather surprised and confused. Today, Ms. Goodwitch is taking the class to the forest of Forever Fall.
Upon arrival (y/n) just replies with a very awestruck.
(Y/n):"It looks amazing here."
As Ms. Goodwitch says addressing the whole class.
Ms. Goodwitch:"It's beautiful, isn't it? However we are not here to sight see. Professor Peach has asked for all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside this forest. And I'm here to make sure none of you die while doing so. Each of you is to gather one jars worth of red sap. However, this forest is full of the creatures of grimm. So, be sure to stay by your teammates. We will rendezvous back here at 4 o'clock. Have fun."
As Ms. Goodwitch finishes addressing her students (y/n) and rest of team RWBY head into the forest but not before (y/n) and Pyrrha notices Jaune going to help Cardin. This sight honestly makes (y/n) feel sick to his stomach but he can tell this bothers Pyrrha far more than him. Regardless he just follows the rest of his team. Nora, Ren, and Pyrrha also tagged along and not before long everyone started feeling up there jars with relative ease. Well except for the fact Nora keeps eating one of the two Ren keeps filling until he shews her away while filling them up. So Nora notices (y/n) laying against a tree as if he's asleep with his full jar and decides to take it. Only for her to jump out of her skin when (y/n) utters without even opening his eyes.
(Y/n):"Nora, don't you even."
(Y/n):"Because I enjoy the silence here and it's hard to appreciate it without closing my eyes."
(Y/n) reasoning seemed to work on Nora but that wasn't the reason for it he was actually focusing his Faunus hearing which he has leaned to do without making his wolf hears obvious. The reason for this was because he could hear Cardin planning something against someone in the surrounding group. When all of the sudden (y/n) hears an ursa growl. Ruby then asks.
Ruby:"You guys hear that?"
As the rest of Cardin's team excluding Cardin run past as one with a light green mohawk states.
Mohawk:"There's a big ursa back that way it's got Cardin."
Upon him saying this (y/n) begins to open his eye of Balor to find the location and then states.
(Y/n):"Got it."
He then heads in Cardin's direction thanks to the training (y/n) had been doing with Weiss, he was able to use his glyphs to bounce from tree to tree almost matching Ruby's speed until he arrives at the point he found with his eye. Pyrrha, Weiss, and Ruby weren't very far behind him as they showed up next to him. (Y/n) then began to ready his sword only for Pyrrha to say.
Upon her saying that (y/n) notices Jaune fighting back against the ursa fairly well. That is until he begins to attack recklessly as he goes in for his final attack (y/n) notices Pyrrha lift her hand as Jaune's shield blocks the ursa's strike allowing Jaune to cut off its head. Upon this happening Ruby looks to Pyrrha and asks in a very confused voice.
Weiss then also asks with a very confused.
Weiss:"How did you?"
As (y/n) just looks to Pyrrha with a befuddled face waiting for an answer. Pyrrha then responds with.
Pyrrha:"Well, Ruby has her speed, you and Weiss have your glyphs. My semblance is polarity."
There is silence until it's broken by Ruby saying.
Ruby:"Oh you control poles."
This causes (y/n) to face-palm as Weiss says.
Weiss:"No, you dunce it means she has control over magnetism."
Ruby then responds softly.
Ruby:"Magnets are cool too."
As she is saying that (y/n) and Pyrrha begin to walk off until Weiss and Ruby ask.
Weiss:"Where are you guys going?"
Ruby then says.
Ruby:"Yeah we have to tell them what happened."
Leading to (y/n) saying.
(Y/n):"I don't know what you're talking about by the time we made it here Jaune had already dealt with the ursa. We'll let Jaune have this one."
Pyrrha then smiles as (y/n) begins to walk back toward the group with Weiss and Ruby in tow. Once back at school it was late as team RWBY headed back to their dorm and getting a night of sleep without stress of homework.

A/n: That's part 8 done. I know nothing too interesting happened in this one but I hope you enjoyed all the same and I'll see you in part nine. Also leave in the comments who you want (y/n) to start falling for this is only between Yang, Blake, and Ruby. Until then, Peace!

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