It's so Cold... (True Ending) Rewrite

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A/n: This begins at the same time of the last one.
-timeskip 3 days later-
(Y/n)'s eyes slowly open to see he is in a hospital room. He looks to the left to see his father sitting there with his face in his hands. He finally looks up to see his son staring at him. At that he got up and wrapped his son in a rather tight hug. He was crying and a mess prompting (Y/n) to ask.
(Y/n):"Dad. What happened?"
He just says in a deadpan voice.
Dean:"Things are pretty fucked son."
He breathes in deeply and says.
Dean:"Several are in critical condition. Yang is still comatose. Weiss, Ren, and uh... Sera they didn't... they're no longer with us."
Upon saying this Dean falls to pieces once again, (Y/n) stays silent for awhile before saying.
(Y/n):"It's my fault."
Dean then looks to his son and he sees two tears fall from his face. At this his father asks in confusion.
(Y/n):"It's my fault they didn't make it."
He lifts his son's head only to feel is heart hurt as he sees him crying. He's only ever seen him cry once but it's even worse than the last time because there's just a dead pan expression on his face that is accompanied by his tear soaked face. His tears become more frequent as he sees his sons face. He then says.
Dean:"Don't say things like that. You did all you could. Hell you almost threw away your life protecting Ruby."
(Y/n):"If I'd just been stronger or faster they'd all still be here."
Dean:"Stop saying that (y/n)! It's not your fault."
(Y/n) snaps as he shouts before falling to pieces before his fathers very eyes as he says.
(Y/n):"It is my fault! I fucked up and I couldn't protect the ones I loved! I failed everyone because I'm nothing more than a pathetic child. I..I don't know what to do anymore. Everyone who gets close to me just gets hurt and I can't stop it."
He is a complete mess now and Dean sees this so he just hugs him and holds him as he tries to comfort his only living child by rubbing his back.
-timeskip a week later in Meadow-
(Y/n) and Yamato on standing on both sides of Dean as they are all watching as Sera's casket is lowered into the ground. Dean is standing ver stoically as his face was contorted in a grimace of pain, (y/n) on the other has a completely emotionless face. Yamato is trying to comfort Dean as they begin to cover the casket with dirt. As this is happening (y/n) just turns around as he begins to walk off Yamato notices this and is about to stop him but Dean just shakes his head at Yamato's action thus prompting him to let (y/n) go. (Y/n) just walks back to the home he lived in with Alex as this was the only place he had that he could go to. He opens the door and walks inside he then closes the door and rests his back against it before sliding down it. He just grabs his knees and brings them to his chest as he begins to tear up and says while looking to the sky.
(Y/n):"Is this some kind of sick fucking joke!"
He is just overcome with sadness and regret. He spent that whole night having nightmares about all the people who he lost that kept saying "Please save us (y/n)". He wakes up the next day to see a news broadcast about a white fang attack that left several kids orphaned and alone. This made his stomach turn in disgust thus he began to gather gear.
-timeskip 2 days later-
Dean, Yamato, and Neo all were going to check up on (y/n). It has been a few days since anyone has seen him and everyone is worried because they know he is in pain. Upon coming to the doorstep of the home, Dean knocks while saying.
Dean:"(Y/n) are you there? Hello?"
Yamato:"Do you think he left for groceries?"
Neo just shrugs before Dean opens the door and enter to see no one prompting him to call out for his son.
Dean:"(Y/n)? Are you upstairs? (Y/n)?"
They search the entire house and find no trace of (y/n) or his gear this causes them all to freak out.
-cemetery in Meadow-
(Y/n) is wearing a white on black duster with a hood and a wolf howling blended with the Schnee star on the back.

(Looks like this) He is standing in silence in front of his sisters grave as wind flows past him as he stabs his swords in the ground, before walking off into the woods and disappearing

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(Looks like this)
He is standing in silence in front of his sisters grave as wind flows past him as he stabs his swords in the ground, before walking off into the woods and disappearing.

A/n: That's the final chapter completed. I hope you have all enjoyed this book and I hope to see you all in the sequel. For the amount of support this book have received I just want to extend giant thank you to all of you who have read this little book of mine. Until then, Peace!

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