Cat and Dog

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After (y/n) told the rest of his team that Blake was going to the dance they got real excited. This was only furthered by (y/n) telling them she was going with him. This prompted Weiss to take (y/n) shopping for a suit to wear. (Y/n) and Weiss are now walking down the street to a clothing shop. Once inside Weiss asked (y/n).
Weiss:"So, (y/n) do you have anything in mind?"
(Y/n) then responded hesitantly.
(Y/n):"Um not really."
Weiss:"Ugh. Alright well at least we've got plenty of time for you to try a bunch of outfits."
(Y/n):"It's gonna be a long day, isn't it?"
Weiss:"Could be. Look if you just had an idea we could start from there but you don't so we have to start from scratch. Plus, we need to get this done in a decent amount of time as I need to go get my dress sometime today!"
(Y/n) just sighs as he realizes no matter what this is gonna be an all day thing. He then says.
(Y/n):"Well let's get started then."
Weiss and (y/n) spent the next several hours to get the exact suit that both could agree upon. The one they had agreed upon was a black suit with a grey dress shirt and a teal blue vest with a teal blue long tie. (Y/n) just looks himself in the mirror while he asks Weiss.
(Y/n):"Well, what do you think?"
Weiss:"I think it looks great. Now let's get this rang up and go pick up my dress."
She says in a hurried voice. They then head across town to get her dress of course they had plenty of time but Weiss was adamant that they needed to hurry. Once they had solved that, it actually was pretty late and the sun was going down. As they realized this there was a chorus of growls coming from Weiss and (y/n)'s stomachs. Thus they head to a restaurant that Weiss knew of but she remembers something before heading in. She then turns to (y/n) before they go in and says.
Weiss:"Hey (y/n). There is one thing you may want to do before we go in."
As she says this she points to his wolf ears. (Y/n) just says.
(Y/n):"Not very open minded people are they?"
Weiss just looks at the ground and says.
Weiss:"Y'know we can just go somewhere else to eat."
(Y/n) then stops her by saying.
(Y/n):"Trust me when I say I'm used to that kinda treatment. I'll lay them down so we can eat here because I'm too hungry to walk anywhere else without food."
Thus Weiss and (y/n) go in and order. As their food arrives and (y/n) begins to eat Weiss says.
Weiss:"(Y/n) do you mind if I ask you two questions?"
(Y/n) just looks up from his food as he tells Weiss.
(Y/n):"No I don't mind."
Weiss:"What did you tell Blake that made her change her mind? I mean she wouldn't even consider it with us."
(Y/n) then stopped eating and set his fork down before giving Weiss the short version.
(Y/n):"Well I told her that I knew how she felt. She wasn't necessarily quick to accept that. So, I told her a story about my mom and how close she was to me. After that I told her how driven I became after her death that I cost someone else their own life because of my recklessness."
(Y/n) then went back to eating as he really didn't want to delve back into that topic extensively as he had with Blake. Weiss could tell that and decided to let it go. (Y/n) then said finishing his food.
(Y/n):"You've still got one more question."
Weiss then asks nervously not even finishing her question.
Weiss:"Do you um."
(Y/n):"Spit it out, Weiss."
Weiss then takes a deep breath before asking.
Weiss:"(Y/n), do you love Blake?"
(Y/n)'s face turned a solid crimson shade as he stuttered.
(Y/n):"Um.....well.....I um......I don't..."
Weiss then interrupts.
Weiss:"You do, don't you?"
(Y/n) then says calmly.
(Y/n):"You're right I do. She's beautiful, smart, nice, and she just seems to understand me, as cheesy as that sounds, but it's true."
Weiss then asks her cousin.
Weiss:"Well if that's how you feel. Why haven't you told her?"
(Y/n) then sighs and says.
(Y/n):"Weiss, all the people who I love and are involved with always get hurt or worse. I don't want that to happen to her. She can do better than me anyway."
Weiss:"Thats not true! (Y/n) if you just refuse to pursue happiness because you're afraid, you'll live your entire life alone and you're too good a person for that. You should tell her how you feel."
(Y/n) just smirks and says.
(Y/n):"Thanks cousin, I will. Now let's head back."
All of team RWBY are getting ready for the dance. (Y/n) is nervous and he doesn't quite know why, he's suffered from anxiety ever since he was little but this is different. He has never felt like this in his life. Blake in her black dress then walks up to (y/n) and asks.
Blake:"Are you ready to go?"
(Y/n) just looks at her for a second before saying nervously.
(Y/n):"Yeah, sure um let's go."
Blake notices that (y/n) is very nervous. Honestly, she is too. It isn't long until they arrive at the dance with team JNPR and the rest of their team in tow. Before they go in Ruby exclaims.
Ruby:"Wait! Before we all go in and get split up we need to get a group picture."
She then asks Neptune.
Ruby:"Hey Neptune. Can you take the picture since you're the only one not on either team?"
Neptune:"Sure, I can do that."
Once the picture was taken everyone kinda split up as (y/n) and Blake went to get some punch. (Y/n) was so nervous he could barely make conversation and Blake wasn't fairing much better. Yang then made an executive decision to play a slow song. Once that happened Blake's face went red only for (y/n) to extend his hand to her. They then headed onto the dance floor as they began to share a close romantic dance. When the song ended Blake and (y/n)'s faces were inches from one another. (Y/n) then instinctively closed his eyes and leaned in and Blake did the same, they were inches from meeting in the middle. Until laughter snapped (y/n) and Blake back to reality as they look in the direction of the laughter only to see Jaune in a dress. (Y/n) then brought his attention back to Blake, upon doing this they realized how close they were to one another and this cause them both to blush so much their face was a blood red. (Y/n) then said.
(Y/n):"I'm sorry, Blake. I kinda got caught up in the moment."
Blake then just sat there a little embarrassed before catching (y/n) off guard with a kiss on the cheek. (Y/n) felt his face practically light on fire due to the amount of blushing he was doing. Blake just giggled before saying nervously.
Blake:"I like you (y/n). Thanks for convincing me to come."
(Y/n) said just as nervously.
(Y/n):"I like you too, Blake."
The rest of the night went well for (y/n) and Blake as they just kinda talked about each other. Once the night had concluded all of team RWBY headed back to there dorm and got ready for bed. Ruby was the last one in and she seemed the most tired. Thus, (y/n) decided to leave it be for now.

A/n: That's part 14 done. I hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you in part fifteen. Until then, Peace!

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