Wolf Amongst Them

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(Y/n) is standing in a black void with nothing around as he asks confused.
(Y/n):"Where am I? What's going on?"
(Y/n) can't t see nor hear anything, until he hears a child crying and thus begins to walk that direction. As he is doing this he notices the area around him changes from the void to that of a burning house. Upon realizing this he looks down as he sees a child crying over his mothers corpse. He knows where he is, he just doesn't know why. He then looks up as he feels a presence walk past him it turns out to be the man that killed his mother, and it asks (y/n) in a voice that causes his blood to run cold.
Murderer:"It's a beautiful sight is it not?"
(Y/n) then begins to jerk around to face the man only for the whole scene to change back into a void. (Y/n) then turns to see a younger version of himself holding Alex as he died in his arms. (Y/n) unbeknownst to himself has begun to tear up, shake, and hyperventilate as the same man is behind him again and asks.
Murderer:"I know you hate me. I bet you want nothing more than to make me suffer. Don't you?"
(Y/n) is about to speak but no words come out as he is then knocked to the ground and the scene changes again. This time, however, it's not an event (y/n) has seen. All members of his team are lying beaten, bleeding, and begging for (y/n)'s help. Ruby starts this by saying in a wheezy and hoarse voice between coughing up blood.
Ruby:"(Y/n) please help! I *Cough* I can't move."
As she says this that man walks up behind her jamming his sword through her throat causing her to gag and gasp for air panicking, until her body falls limp. Upon seeing this Yang begins to cry and scream in a grief stricken screech causing her voice to crack in the process.
Yang:"RUBY!!! How dare you *sobbing*!? How dare you, you BASTARD!!!"
The man then states in a devilish voice as he walks toward Yang.
Murderer:"Now that's not a nice thing to say."
He then buries his sword through her chest as she stands to face him as tears stream down her face as her amethyst eyes become jaded and she slumps forward with blood dribbling out of her mouth. (Y/n) at this point is trying to stand but he can't it is as if the gravity is increased. He has also come across another startling discovery and that is no matter how much he tries he can't look away or close his eyes. Then Blake says in a shell shocked and panicked state.
Blake:"(Y/n) help us we can't do this without....."
She is interrupted by the man separating her head from her shoulders. Then Weiss looks on in fear as the man inches toward her. Weiss then says as she begins to cry and shake uncontrollably.
Weiss:"(Y/n),PLEASE HELP ME! I'm so scared. I don't wanna die*intense crying and sobbing*.
The man then slashes diagonally across her chest causing her to fall to ground in two separate pieces. The man then begins to walk towards (y/n). At this point (y/n) is violently shaking but it's not mainly because of sadness but instead because of the anger that is constantly building up within him. The man then states in that same devilish voice.
Murderer:"So, you beginning to notice the pattern? That everything you care about is taken away. To me it seems like you are a bad luck charm kid."
Once he finishes this he begins to laugh as if he had heard a real good joke. (Y/n) then breaks his silence saying through sobs.
(Y/n):"Mark my words."
The man then looks at him intrigued.
-Team RWBY's dorm-
(Y/n) then snaps awake with his hands trembling as the images from the dream repeat themselves seemingly without end this actually causes him to gag. Thus he hopped out of his bed and ran into the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. (Y/n) runs some water in the sink and splashes it on his face. He then catches a glimpse of himself in the mirror, he looks pale, his eyes are red from tears, and his eyes actually have bags underneath them. While he is observing this there is a knock on the bathroom door followed by Yang's voice asking.
Yang:"You alright in there? It sounded like you threw up."
(Y/n) then responded by saying.
(Y/n):"Yeah I'm fine."
Yang then responds groggily.
Yang:"Well then hurry up I gotta use the bathroom."
(Y/n) opens the door and walks out and notices they are all awake. Which causes him to think.
(Y/n)'s thoughts:"I really hope they didn't see me when I woke up."
He then asks.
(Y/n):"Hey guys why are you all getting ready? We don't have class today."
Weiss then says cheerily to (y/n).
Weiss:"I'm glad you asked my dear cousin. It's because Vale has already started to set up for the Vytal festival."
Then Ruby leans in to (y/n) and whispers.
Ruby:"We think Weiss wants to observe the incoming competition from Vacuole for the tournament."
Blake then asks.
Blake:"So, (y/n) are you gonna come with us?"
The visions from his dream seem to persist as whenever he looks at any of his teammates he sees the way they died. Thus is why he responds with.
(Y/n):"Nah. I think I'm gonna go train instead. Sorry."
As he says this they are all dressed as Weiss says.
Weiss:"Suit yourself."
And they leave. Leaving (y/n) with his thoughts as he begins to get dressed.
(Y/n)'s thoughts:"I swear I won't let anything like that happen to them or anyone else."
-time skip to night-
(Y/n) has been training all day in this horde style arena. He is fighting the last few bots in the current wave as he opens his eye of Balor. He does this because of one of the new abilities his eye has picked up which allows him to slow the flow of time as he processes and comes up with a strategy, when he does this to him everything looks photo negative as opposed to the usual colors, this newfound power is not without drawbacks however its time it can be used at max with only using this power is a minute or two. After he has come up with his strategy he makes a series of glyphs and begins to bounce between all of them still using the eye of Balor to avoid attacks until he goes to slash the last bot. When he's mid air the blood vessels in his eye spike towards the pupil causing a severe streak of pain throughout his whole head leading to him closing the eye as he is hit by the bot. After that the arena lights up and an A.I. voice states.
A.I.:"Wave 50 failed. Due to aura depletion. You eliminated 299 bots out of 300."
(Y/n) just picks himself up and says as he leaves.
(Y/n):"I guess that's enough for today."
He starts to make his way back to his dorm realizing how late it is. As he's making his way down the halls he is about to round the corner to his dorm as he notices a black blur go jetting passed him which causes him to look around to see who or what it was, sadly to no avail. (Y/n) then continues onto the room as he sees Ruby and Yang standing there shocked and Weiss was sitting there looking very angry and betrayed. (Y/n) then asks very confused.
(Y/n):"What happened?"
After briefing him on the matter he begins to run his hand through his hair causing something to happen to which he wasn't wanting to do. His wolf ears had stood completely up causing Ruby, Weiss, and Yang to gasp. Leading to (y/n) asking.
Ruby then said.
Ruby:"You have a second set of ears."
Then Yang adds.
Yang:"You're a Faunus?!"
(Y/n)'s ears then lay flat like a dog who is in trouble as he states timidly and softly.
Yang then asks.
Yang:"Why didn't you tell us?"
Ruby then followed up by saying.
Ruby:"Yeah, you act like we would've shunned you."
That's when (y/n) looked to Weiss as she got into her bed in huff putting her head on the pillow. Leading to (y/n) saying.
(Y/n):"That's why. I've spent my whole life hated by so many for these ears. That's why I hid them I didn't want to lose my friends and it seems like I lost my cousin."
As he says this he gets changed and gets ready for bed. Until Ruby told him.
Ruby:"Well, (y/n) your still me and Yang's friend."
Leading to (y/n) saying with a warm feeling in his chest being that these are the first people besides his mom to not hate him for being a Faunus.
(Y/n):"Thanks Ruby."
As he says this Ruby gets into her bed and says.
Ruby:"Goodnight (y/n)."
(Y/n):"Goodnight Ruby."
Upon saying this he begins to drift off to sleep.

A/n: That's part 9 finished I hope you guys enjoyed. I'm gonna ask this one more time. Who do you guys want (y/n) to fall in love with Ruby, Yang, or Blake? Leave answer in comments. Other than that I'll see you guys in part ten. Until then, Peace!

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