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(Y/n) lies in a hospital bed in a comatose state. He is physically unresponsive to the world around him. As he lays there he keeps catching glimpses of Yang, Weiss, Blake, and Ruby who was accompanied by Ren, Nora, and Jaune. What they said he couldn't discern, all he could do is watch and hope he could regain responsiveness. He didn't stay in the real world for long as he kept falling into dream states.
(Y/n) arrives at the same pond he has visited so many times before, this time however, the whole forest was on fire. (Y/n) approaches the cloaked figure slowly as the figure says.
Cloaked figure:"I told you the peace and tranquility won't last forever. So why are you here?"
(Y/n):"Its funny, isn't it?"
The figure just turns to (y/n) and asks.
Cloaked figure:"What?"
(Y/n) then just says very blandly.
(Y/n):"I was the one to start a conversation with a question. It makes the answer all the more clear."
Cloaked figure:"What answer?"
(Y/n):"I now know who you are."
The figure then asks with complete intrigue.
Cloaked figure:"Who am I?"
(Y/n) then takes a second to walk toward the figure as he is now looking him eye-to-eye as he says.
(Y/n):"You're me."
The figure then pulls down his hood to reveal his face. It's a future variation of (y/n) as he says.
Future (y/n):"I'm sorry I couldn't just tell you what was gonna happen."
(Y/n) then just puts his hand on his future self's shoulder as he says.
(Y/n):"I know."
As (y/n) does this the whole forest fire engulfs both of them. Upon this happening (y/n) woke up.
(Y/n)'s eyes snapped open as he began to breathe deeply followed by coughs. (Y/n) then sits up as his whole body feels weak, he then begins to think to himself.
(Y/n)'s thoughts:"How long have I been out?"
A nurse then enters the room expecting him to be out cold still. Only to find he was sitting up and was about to get up off the bed. She then rushed his bed and said while grabbing him to make sure he stayed on the bed.
Nurse:"Whoa whoa whoa! Sir please stay down and rest."
(Y/n) then reluctantly positioned himself so he was sitting up on the bed again. (Y/n) then asked the nurse.
(Y/n):"At least tell me this. How long have I been here?"
Nurse:"A month and two weeks."
(Y/n) then says in shock with a hoarse and dry voice.
(Y/n):"I've been out for a month!!"
Nurse:"Sir, please calm down."
(Y/n) then does as she says and asks.
(Y/n):"When will I be able to leave?"
Nurse:"Well, we will get the doctor in here now that your awake. After that you'll have to do what he says. Your gonna have to go through physical rehabilitation."
(Y/n) just sighs as he falls back onto the bed. (Y/n) then asks.
(Y/n):"Well, how long will that take?"
The nurse looks as if though she doesn't wanna say as she can tell he doesn't want to be here long. (Y/n) then says.
(Y/n):"Look, just tell me."
The nurse then reluctantly says.
Nurse:"Well sir. Um it could take anywhere from another month to a whole year."
(Y/n):"What would I have to do to make it go faster?"
Nurse:"I mean all you can do is just listen and do what the doctor tells you. Even then I can't promise it'll be quick."
(Y/n) then sinks further into the bed as he says.
(Y/n):"Dammit all."
The nurse then says to try to comfort him.
Nurse:"I also feel like I should let you know, you had a bunch of people come visit you. All left you cards and some even left you some gifts."
(Y/n):"Who and what did they leave?"
Nurse:"There was a girl with black hair that had red streaks along with three others, who left you a picture and some cookies. A blonde haired girl who seemed to be missing an arm came in with an older man with blonde hair, they left you a get well soon card. There was a Schnee who also visited you she seemed distraught, she brought you a blue scarf and your sword as she put it. When her father came to get her she refused to leave your side, I'm guessing she's related to you?"
(Y/n) just ignored the nurses last question as he asked his own.
(Y/n):"Was there anyone else?"
Nurse:"Um well let me think um. Oh, there was a Faunus girl with black hair she had tears in her eyes the whole time, she left a ribbon that I think goes into a bow."
(Y/n) then grabbed the sheets tightly and asked the nurse.
(Y/n):"Can you get the picture that was left for me as well as the cookies and some water?"
The nurse then nodded as she went and grabbed the things (y/n) asked for. She first handed him the picture which was of team RWBY and Team JNPR with (y/n) in the middle the night of the dance. Upon flipping the photo over he was able to read an inscription.
Hey (y/n) just wanted to tell you me, Yang, Ren, Nora, and Jaune are thinking of you. Hope you get better soon. If you want to come find us, we'll be heading to Haven. See you later, (y/n). Sincerely, your friend, Ruby.
(Y/n) just sat there and sighed as the nurse brought him the cookies like he asked.
-timeskip one month later-
(Y/n) was now in a little apartment room as he is putting on his standard gear. He had just finished enough physical therapy for them to let him leave. (Y/n) was almost completely dressed until he pick up his white cloak which honestly was surprising that it even held together it was full of rips and tears. (Y/n) then thinks aloud to himself.
(Y/n):"Maybe it's time to retire you old friend. I promise when we get home you'll get a just retirement."
(Y/n) then began to leave with a duffle bag full of the stuff his team left for him.
(Y/n) was back in his home town, he doesn't feel nostalgic, instead he feels sick as there was nothing but pain and hate for him here anyways. This wasn't helped by the repeated images from the fall of Beacon that were broadcasted on TVs. (Y/n) then was before an old house that belonged to Alex, he walked up to the door and opened it up and headed up stairs as it was night time. He went into the bathroom to get a shower as he starts it up he catches a glimpse of himself in the mirror as he notices his right eye is red. It looks almost like the inverse of the eye of Balor, it's sclera is black with a red upside down star as the iris and a feral slit pupil. As quickly as it appeared it vanished leaving him in a state of confusion. He decides to not worry about it for now so he gets a shower and then heads off to bed. He wakes up the next day and begins to set up things as he comes up with a plan to destroy the white fang like he had all those years prior. He then says to himself.
(Y/n):"What could I possibly do to hinder the white fang? Well Alex did have a shit ton of books on the white fang maybe they'll have something."
He then begins to read through mountains of books until he comes across a wanted poster that fell out of a book. Which read "wanted dead or" the word alive is marked. The picture is of a team of four all wearing white fang masks. (Y/n) then reads further to figure out their team name which is team DEMN (demon) and why they are wanted and why Alex kept this. They are wanted for multiple accounts of murder and burglary, they also used to be professional hunters. (Y/n) notices only one name of the four is known which happens to be their team leader, Daemon. (Y/n) then reads something inscribed on the back of the poster he presumes is from Alex, it reads.
Team DEMN used to be led by a respected Faunus and huntsman named its been scribbled through so he can't read the name Now its being led by a sadist known as Daemon. This team is essentially the hit squad for the white fang, they are also their strongest members excluding their higher ups of course. This group is extremely dangerous to everyone and should be dealt with extreme and lethal force. Mercy is not an option with them they will only come back stronger and even more dangerous. This is the team responsible for killing Demetria.
(Y/n) stops cold as he realizes how to damage the white fang and this requires him to kill all of team DEMN. However, he isn't bothered by the idea of killing these four individuals he is at a stand still because, he realizes at this point he is not strong enough to take them on by himself. He then says aloud.
(Y/n):"Either I need to form a team or I need to train and get a lot stronger. Regardless I have to have a hand in their destruction, because I had a chance to kill their leader and I wussed out."
He then decides to look for a book on the eye of Balor. Though he doesn't find a book about that eye, he does find a book about something called The Eye Of The Witness. Intrigued he opens it up and sees the image of the eye which was exactly what his right eye looked like in the mirror. After reading the book he figured out the eye of the Witness is awoken when an individual is subjected to consistent injustice throughout their life. The eye's power is really unique and useful as well, it can send a person into a nightmare realm(works like tsukyomi, I think I spelled that right if I didn't it's Itachi's mangekyo power) however, once that is cast the user's eye of the witness will close and be unusable for three days. This eye has the power of a perfected eye of Balor, meaning it can be used for infinite amount of time as long as nightmare realm isn't accessed. (Y/n) then says.
(Y/n):"I guess I have a lot to practice between this and my summon. Ugh."
He then slinks back into the chair he's sitting in. After doing that he notices his tattered white cloak on a hook, he then grabs some black and blue fabric Alex had lying around since he made weapons and clothing before his death. (Y/n) then after hours of work has created a black cloak with dark blue seams and an insignia on the back that is a white wolf howling at a blue moon, this cloak also extends further down covering all the way to the start of his shins. He then realizes he had wasted a whole day doing this, thus he crawls into bed and tosses and turns all night as he keeps seeing all the things that occurred when Beacon fell he does however, fall asleep for maybe two hours.

A/n: Alright that is part 20 done. I hope you guys enjoyed. Would you guys rather (y/n) form his own team or him become strong enough to take on team DEMN on his own? Leave answer in the comments, please. Other than that I'll see you guys in part twenty one. Until then, Peace!

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