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-11 years ago-
There is a young (y/n) who is sleeping in a bed. This doesn't last long as his mother comes in and sits on the edge of the bed as she lightly taps her son to wake him up. After a few moments (y/n) opens his eyes slowly to see his mother who is looking down at him with a smile. She then says.
Mom:"Good morning, son."
(Y/n) then says in groggy voice.
(Y/n):"Good morning, mommy."
He yawns as he says this causing his mother's smile to get bigger. She then asks.
Mom:"You do know what today is right?"
(Y/n) looks a little confused at first but then his eyes widen and seem to get brighter at realizing what today is. His mother then says before he can answer.
Mom:"Happy birthday, (y/n)."
(Y/n) then jumps up hugging his mom, who is giggling at her sons enthusiasm. His mother then hands him a little present box that looks like a jewelry box. Of course the now seven year old (y/n) had no clue as to what this could be. She then said.
Mom:"Go ahead, open it."
(Y/n) then lightly undid the ribbon and opened the box to find his mother's necklace that was a metal star attached to a chain. He looks at it a little confused at first. His mother then says in explanation.
Mom:"That was my calming necklace, son. Whenever you feel nervous, afraid, or unsure just rub the star it always made me feel calm especially when I used to go on missions and I didn't know if I'd come back. Also, as long as you wear that necklace, no matter where you are, no matter what you do I'll always be with you my son."
(Y/n) just sits there looking at it in its box. Before taking it and putting it on. He then hugs his mother tightly as he says.
(Y/n):"Thanks, mommy. I love it!"
She just returns the embrace and hugs her son tight and then says.
Mom:"Well I'm glad you enjoy it."
-later that day around dinner time-
(Y/n) had just finished his dinner of one of his favorite food, (f/f). His mother then surprises her son with a birthday cake which says "Happy 7th Birthday (Y/n)" his mother then says.
Mom:"Before you eat any of this cake let me get a picture."
She then sets up a camera and gets next to her son hugging him close as the camera took a snapshot.
-present day-
(Y/n) opens his eyes slowly and sits up to see Neo and Yang are still asleep in respective beds. (Y/n) spent the night on the floor as to let Yang use the bed he was going to sleep in. He decides to let them sleep in a while so, he goes to the little balcony and lights a cigarette and begins to smoke. That dream is bothering him so, he pulls out the picture of him and his mother on his 7th birthday. He then thinks to himself.
(Y/n)'s thoughts:"Eleven years ago was the last birthday I celebrated with my mother. On top of that I'm gonna spend my eighteenth fucking traveling, great."
(Y/n) finishes his smoke as he comes back in and wakes both Yang and Neo. Upon doing so they begin to fight over the bathroom, he uses this time to get ready and figure out what the shortest route to Menagerie is from here. (Y/n), after looking through a few maps he has, he figures out that the best way is by boat which leaves from the port of this little town. (Y/n) then tells Yang and Neo once they had both gotten ready.
(Y/n):"I hope you two don't get seasick easily because we have to take a ship to get to Menagerie."
Yang just simply asks.
Yang:"I'm guessing that's the fastest way?"
(Y/n):"Well unless we're all gonna grow gills. Yes."
Yang then says jokingly trying to elicit a laugh from (y/n) however her attempt fails.
Yang:"Things happen, crazy things."
With that said the three get all of their stuff together and head out. They soon make it to the port and board the ship. They all go to the rooms surprisingly the ship had three rooms left for (y/n), Neo, and Yang. They spend all day enjoying the food court and other things of the sort. (Y/n) is the only one that is simply just looking at the beautiful ocean, it's peaceful and calm which also puts him at ease. It was actually getting late and everyone begins to get ready for bed coincidentally all their rooms were next to one another. (Y/n) after a few hours emerges from his room and heads up to the top of the boat. He gets up on the side and sits down feet dangling over the edge staring at the blue calm water with the moon up high, illuminating the boat and everything else around. He grabs a cigarette and pulls out that photo of him and his mother. He just sits there enjoying his smoke as he reminisces about that day as he thinks to himself.
(Y/n)'s thoughts:"Y'know come to think of it I don't think anyone has even told me happy birthday since then."
He then sighs before being snapped from his thoughts by Yang stating.
Yang:"(Y/n), why are you up?"
(Y/n):"I was having trouble sleeping. Why are you up?"
Yang:"Yeah I was also having trouble sleeping. I guess it's the motion of the boat."
Yang then hops up on the side of the boat sitting next to (y/n) as she sees the photo and asks.
Yang:"What's that (y/n)?"
(Y/n):"Oh this. It's a picture of me and my mother on my 7th birthday."
He then hands it to Yang to look at. She then says in a teasing fashion.
Yang:"You were a cute kid."
(Y/n) says pretty much unfazed by what Yang said.
(Y/n):"Thanks, Yang. I'm glad my mother isn't the only one that thinks that."
Yang lightly chuckles at this but, can tell (y/n) doesn't seem happy. This causes her to ask as she scoots closer to him.
Yang:"(Y/n), why do you have this picture with you?"
(Y/n) then seems a little saddened as he says.
(Y/n):"I keep it because it's the last happy memory I have of my mom."
Yang then asks.
Yang:"I guess she meant a lot to you?"
(Y/n):"You could say that. I had no one but her until I met the one who trained me but, that also didn't last long. Besides them I had no one else until I got to Beacon at least."
Yang then responds.
Yang:"What about your friends and dad? Where were they?"
(Y/n):"I didn't have any friends, in fact I was ridiculed every day because I was a Faunus. My dad left not long after I was born so, I know nothing about him."
Yang just sits there feeling worst and worst for (y/n). She then says.
Yang:"I'm sorry (y/n). I mean I don't really know much about my mother but I always had my dad and Ruby. I can't imagine how it must feel to have had no one."
(Y/n):"Its fine Yang. It's not like it's your fault. Just so y'know it's not a great feeling to never even be told happy birthday."
Yang has now moved even closer to (y/n). At this point she can't get any closer without touching him. She then asks.
Yang:"Well, when is your birthday?"
(Y/n) then feels Yang's hand resting on top of his. He then turns to Yang, upon doing so (y/n)'s multi colored eyes catch Yang's amethyst purple eyes, the two honestly stare into the others eyes for a good bit as if they both got lost there, before Yang asks lightly as a light pink hue crept across her face.
Yang:"(Y/n). When is your birthday?"
(Y/n) then has a slight red blush across his face as he says.
(Y/n):"It was today."
Yang then leans toward (y/n) and he does the same. They soon met in the middle in a quick and gentle kiss. Yang begins to slink back and then says to (y/n).
Yang:"Well, happy birthday (y/n). There now you have someone to tell you happy birthday."
Yang has now leaned on (y/n)'s shoulder. (Y/n) feels a little shocked for a second. (Y/n) then says as he lays his head on Yang's.
(Y/n):"Thank you, Yang."
They both spend about another hour in that same position, just a talking as they watched the beautiful scenery before them. After awhile Yang lifts her head as she yawns and then says.
Yang:"Well, (y/n) I'm gonna go to bed because I'm tired. I think you should do the same."
The last sentence she uttered while rubbing his knuckles on his hand. (Y/n) then replies.
(Y/n):"Yeah you're probably right."
Yang then takes his hand as they walk back to their rooms. Upon making it to the rooms, Yang let's go of his hand as she says.
Yang:"Goodnight, (y/n)."
(Y/n):"Goodnight, Yang."
As (y/n) goes into his room he can feel this warmness in his heart. Something he hadn't felt since his mother hugged him that day 11 years ago. As he closes his eyes he sees an image of his mother smiling before he falls asleep.

A/n: That's part 32 completed. I hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you guys in part 33. Until then, Peace!

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