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As team RWBY round the last corner they see the door to Professor Port's class, just as they make it through the doorway the bell rings as (y/n) utters between trying to catch his breath.
(Y/n):"My lungs. They're on fire."
Until their Professor says.
Port:"Ah team RWBY it would appear you are actually on time, barely. Now go take a seat."
They just pick a set of five seats nearest to the door. (Y/n) sat in between Blake and Yang as Port began to tell a story that was so boring as (y/n) basically whispered to his whole team.
(Y/n):"This is worse than listening to paint dry."
As Blake interjects.
Blake:"I'm pretty sure the expression is "Worse than watching paint dry" (y/n)."
(Y/n):"Maybe the expression wasn't correct, but that wasn't what I was saying."
Blake along with Ruby, Yang, and a very annoyed Weiss looks at him as Blake asks.
Blake:"Then what did you mean?"
(Y/n):"While watching paint dry is boring enough as is. I believe this is somewhere beyond that as you feel progression as the paint dries signifying it'll eventually end. Whereas this is like listening to paint dry as there is no telling when it'll end. It's like torture."
(Y/n) says while placing his head on the desk making three of the four huntresses giggle trying to hold back from bursting into laughter. As the Professor's lecture continue (y/n) is half listening as Ruby doesn't seem to be fairing any better as she literally fell asleep at one point. As Ruby keeps doing things to express boredom (y/n) notices Weiss is becoming increasingly angry as (y/n) leans in and asks Yang.
(Y/n):"Which do you think will happen first? Ruby dies of boredom, Weiss has an anger related heart attack, or Port finishes his lecture."
Yang just sits there with a hand over mouth trying not to erupt into laughter. Once she gains her composure she punches (y/n)'s arm and says.
Yang:"Stop making me laugh."
(Y/n):"Ow, fine I'll stop. I feel like I've been in here for hours and it hasn't even been one. Ugh."
At that point Weiss looks as if she's seething as her whole face expresses anger and agitation literally shaking. As Port tacks the only thing (y/n) has really managed to pay attention to this whole time to the end of a sentence.
Port:"So who among you believe you possess these traits?"
As Port finishes his question Weiss' arm flew straight up without hesitation while saying.
Weiss:"I believe I do sir!"
Port:"Well then step forward and face your opponent."
As he motions toward a cage with a boar like grimm. Weiss then gets changed in her combat gear and stands before the cage as team RWBY cheers her on
Yang, Blake, and (y/n) simultaneously:"Go Weiss!"
Ruby:"Yeah represent team RWBY!"
Weiss just turns to Ruby and says in a aggravated tone.
Weiss:"Ruby, I'm trying to focus!"
Ruby:"Oh I'm sorry."
Port then says while opening the cage letting grimm free.
Port:"Alright, let the match begin."
Weiss is then charged by the grimm but its attempt at a quick strike was easily dodged by Weiss as she lands a blow. The fight itself didn't last long as Weiss was able to throw the grimm boar to its back with her glyphs. Though (y/n) was able to tell Weiss was becoming distracted by Ruby's advice and thus led to the crucial flaws in the way she handled the battle. After that was through the bell rang as this happened Ruby rushed to talk to Weiss as they walked down the hall. As expected Ruby and Weiss devolved into a argument but this time (y/n) with his Faunus ears though they were hidden was able to make out the basis of Weiss' argument for thinking Ruby shouldn't be the team leader. Weiss then stormed off in a direction as (y/n) passed Ruby saying.
(Y/n):"I'll go talk to her."
(Y/n) then saw Weiss leaning against the railing while looking toward the sunset. (Y/n) then walked up next to her as she asked in a agitated tone.
Weiss:"What do you want?!"
(Y/n):"A million lien and a big house."
(Y/n) says sarcastically as Weiss glares at him saying just as sarcastically.
Weiss:"Real cute."
(Y/n):"Bitch, I'm adorable."
Weiss lets out a very loud sigh and basically yells in frustration.
Weiss:"You're just as childish as she is!"
(Y/n) then says in a low voice.
(Y/n):"This coming from the one throwing a temper tantrum."
Weiss then replies with a very loud.
Weiss:"What did you say?!?!!"
(Y/n) can see the anger in Weiss' face as he clears his throat as he states blandly.
(Y/n):"This coming from the biggest spoiled brat herself."
Weiss then whips around in complete shock and disgust in her voice as she says.
Weiss:"Excuse me!?!?"
(Y/n):"Weiss let me ask why you think you're better suited to be leader of team RWBY?"
Weiss looks at him and calms herself and utters.
Weiss:"I'm just outright better than her."
(Y/n):"A little egotistical are we?"
Weiss:"Not in the slightest! Don't tell me you honestly think Ruby is a great leader. I could even live with you being team leader over her."
(Y/n):"I must say I do like her as a leader because she is trying to make this team come together."
Weiss:"Are you really saying you like her as leader because she's TRYING?!??!!"
(Y/n):"Better than what you've contributed. Which has been nothing more than negativity and distain. I honestly think it bothers you because for once something wasn't handed to you."
Weiss gets closer to (y/n) and commences to yell.
Weiss:"I've never been handed anything!!"
(Y/n):"Oh really! Well I'm gonna ask you a few questions then."
Weiss:"What why!!!!??!"
(Y/n):"Just humor me."
Weiss crosses her arms and lets out a sigh before saying.
(Y/n):"Have you ever been so hungry you ate something that you realize wouldn't yield much sustenance?"
Weiss:"What?! No of course not."
(Y/n):"Have you ever lost a sense?"
Weiss seems like she can see his side of the argument as she says lightly.
(Y/n):"Have you ever not slept in a house? And I don't mean for fun I mean had no choice."
Weiss:"No I haven't."
(Y/n):"See my point? I just asked you questions almost any normal person would answer in the same way you did."
Weiss:"What does that prove?!"
She yells actually wanting to know his reasoning.
(Y/n):"Well it proves you were handed far more than me. All I'm trying to say is that first impressions are deceptive. What do you think when you see me?"
Weiss just sat there and looks (y/n) up and down before beginning with.
Weiss:"I see a very talented, modest, and powerful huntsman in training."
(Y/n):"While I appreciate that, but I used to be nothing of the sort."
Weiss looks at (y/n) in shock and asked.
Weiss:"What do you mean?!"
(Y/n) then sighs before stating.
(Y/n):"I used to be a weak child. Who had no one that cared for me. I practically starved to death once or twice."
Weiss:"What does this have to do with Ruby being the team leader?"
(Y/n):"Ruby is young give her time to adapt and grow. As you can see with me, time can change a lot."
Weiss the looks at the ground and sighs.
Weiss:"Fine I'll give her a chance."
(Y/n) then begins to walk off but before he can Weiss says.
Weiss:"(Y/n) before you leave I want to ask you two questions."
(Y/n):"Ok, shoot."
Weiss:"What were your answers to your questions?"
(Y/n):"Well I ate a rat once because otherwise I would've starved."
Weiss literally began to retch as he said this. (Y/n) waited for Weiss to finish dry heaving before continuing.
(Y/n):"I lost my left eye at the age of seven."
Weiss looks as if she feels bad for him.
(Y/n):"And lastly I practically spent a whole year sleeping in an alley/gutter from age seven to eight. Now what's your second question?"
Weiss just stares at his pendant and asks.
Weiss:"Where'd you get that necklace?"
(Y/n) then hung his head as he had the memory of his mothers death flash through his head.
(Y/n):"It was my Mom's before she passed and it's the only thing I have to remember her by. Why?"
Weiss seems completely stupefied by (y/n)'s answer as she begins to ask.
(Y/n):"Yes, Weiss?"
Weiss:"What was your mother's name?"
(Y/n):"Her name was Demetria Schnee. Why?"
Weiss:"OH MY GOD!"
She says as she hugs him tightly. (Y/n) seems a little confused as to what is happening. That is until Weiss pulls away and says.
Weiss:"Your mom and mine were sisters thus, making us cousins!"
(Y/n) looks completely shocked as he can see he still has at lest one member of blood left in the world before she asks.
Weiss:"Why don't you use any glyphs?"
(Y/n) begins to scratch the back of his head as he says.
(Y/n):"I was never taught how."
Weiss:"Well I could teach you about how to use them."
(Y/n):"Well for now lets get back to our teams dorm, Weiss."
Weiss shakes this ecstatic face away as she smiles and says.
The two begin to walk back to the dorm.Upon entering they realize the others are asleep as well as there is a fifth bed. (Y/n) then decides to get changed into his sleeping clothes and crawls into his bed and drifts off to sleep.

A/n: Alright that's part six I hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you guys in part seven. Until then, Peace!

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