Three out of Four (Voting closed)

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-a week later-
(Y/n) and Yang are preparing to spar however, this little spar is being done without weapons, strictly fists. Yang does have a slight edge as she is using the robotic arm thanks to the coercion of (y/n).  (Y/n) gets into his fighting position as he says to Yang.
(Y/n):"I hope your ready. Now that you've got both arms I'm not gonna be pulling punches."
Yang then motions her robotic arm as to say bring it on. The two then begin to brawl trading punches back and forth. At one point one of (y/n) and Yang's punches collide mid air sending a shockwave around them as they stand there deadlocked. (Y/n) then throws another punch with his other hand only for Yang to grab his fist with her other hand. (Y/n) then attempts to throw a knee of which Yang blocks easily with her leg. At this she begins to smirk that is until (y/n) goes to head butt her however, she doesn't waver as she was also going for a head butt. Both of their heads collide in the middle with a sickening thud, the two continue to stand there deadlocked looking into each other's eyes. (Y/n) then breaks away from her grasp allowing him to sweep one of her legs. As she falls she shifts all of her weight allowing her to place her robotic hand onto the ground allowing her to cartwheel over but not before (y/n) lands a kick on her side sending her spinning to the opposite direction of her cartwheel attempt. With the little bit of distance between the two they begin to fight for breath as they are both winded. They then converge on one another once again in hopes of landing the heaviest punches they can manage. Yang's monstrous punch connects however, so does (y/n)'s. Both punches landed in the cheek of their opponent causing both (y/n) and Yang to spin their backs to one another as they fall. Thankfully the proximity of them to one another caused them land in seated positions back to back propped up against one another as they tried to catch their breath. (Y/n) then says in between his gathering of air.
(Y/n):"You seem to have adapted to the new arm well."
Yang then replies.
Yang:"Yeah. It's weird it feels like I never lost it in the first place. It's taken time to get used to the fact I have an arm again though."
(Y/n):"That's funny. I said practically the same thing when I got a eye to replace the one I had lost."
That's when Tai and Neo walks up to the two and extend a hands to help them up. (Y/n) says as he takes Neo's hand.
(Y/n):"Thanks, Neo."
As he says this Neo hands him a piece of paper which reads.
"If I had a lien for every time I picked your ass out of the dirt I'd be a billionaire."
(Y/n) sees Neo has a grin as he reads it. (Y/n) then balls up the paper pegs her in the head with it while saying.
(Y/n):"Yeah yeah yeah whatever you say Neo."
The antics of the two elicits a laugh form both Tai and Yang. At this point Tai noticed the sun was starting to go down so he says.
Tai:"Well I think that's enough training for one day."
The rest agree with the statement Tai had made and thus they all headed inside. Later that night (y/n) was sitting on the couch watching TV when he heard a knock at the door. Upon hearing this remembering how the white fang had hunted him and Neo a day prior to them arriving here. Because of this he grabs his sword but keeps it behind his back as he opens the door. To his surprise it's not white fang but instead Professor Oobleck and Port were standing before him leading to Port saying.
Port:"Ah (y/n) it seems you have recovered from your injuries well."
(Y/n) then scratches the back of his head as he says.
(Y/n):"I guess I just got lucky. It's honestly a thousand wonders I didn't die."
Oobleck then adds on.
Oobleck:"Well, we're glad to see your doing fine all the same."
(Y/n):"Well thank you both."
They then head inside and Tai, Port, and Oobleck begin to hang out in kitchen. (Y/n) and Neo were outside smoking until, Yang comes outside and asks (y/n).
Yang:"Hey (y/n) you said you wanted my help. What do you want me to help you with?"
(Y/n) then puts out his cigarette as he then says.
(Y/n):"Well Neo and I were heading to Menagerie to take down a white fang stronghold. Now as I said before, you don't have to say yes but I'm asking if you would aid Neo and I in this. I'm also going to tell you there is going to be a lot of killing so, I want you to be sure of this before you agree."
Yang sits there for a second in silence leading to (y/n) saying.
(Y/n):"I think it would be best for you to sleep on it. It's a huge decision."
Yang then replies.
Neo then tugs (y/n)'s sleeve and motions her head to the wood line prompting (y/n) to whisper to her.
(Y/n):"You sure?"
Neo nods yes which causes (y/n) to tell Yang.
(Y/n):"Go get Oobleck, Port, and Tai. We're going to need all the help we can get."
Yang just looks at (y/n) and Neo who are just looking to the direction of the tree line before heading inside. A few moments later she comes back with the three huntsman as they arrive a whole horde of white fang soldiers erupt from the trees. Then a giant battle ensues (y/n) and Neo are bouncing around the battlefield cutting down white fang with ease. The others are just shocked at how (y/n) is mercilessly killing these individuals but they soon snap themselves out of this state and begin to battle as well, granted they are trying to spare these soldiers. Despite the fact that (y/n) and Neo are the only ones killing them the white fang forces seem to be dwindling. There is only one left and he is right over top of Yang and preparing for a downward slash (y/n) notices this but can't use his time manipulation for as long as he would need. When Neo puts herself in between Yang and the soldier and prepares to take the hit only for Oobleck to put himself in front at the last second taking the slice. This causes blood to spill out his mouth as he falls backwards into Neo. The soldier then says with a smirk while lifting the sword again.
Soldier:"Well not exactly what I was aiming for but..."
He is interrupted as (y/n) jammed his sword through the soldiers back lifting him up on the blade from behind causing him to let out some panicked gasps before dying on the sword. (Y/n) then turns his attention to the injured Oobleck as he yells to Yang.
(Y/n):"We gotta get him inside. Yang pick up his legs!"
As she gets to his legs (y/n) does a countdown as the two lift him up at the same time and get him inside laying him on the table in the kitchen. (Y/n) then gets flashback to when Alex  died as he is at the sink washing all the blood from his hands. (Y/n) then walks back to Oobleck and pulls his shirt off to reveal a cut across his stomach as his innards try to become outtards (y/n) puts his hands over the organs that are trying to push their way out. He then says.
(Y/n):"Shit! Alright um Neo I need you to get something to stitch this up with."
Neo then runs out to find that stitching kit she had used to patch (y/n) up last time. (Y/n) then looks to Tai who had just come in and asks.
(Y/n):"Do you have any liquor or rubbing alcohol to clean the wound?"
He then nods and begins to look through all the cabinets. (Y/n) then looks to Yang and says.
(Y/n):"Yang I need you to trade places with me for a split second ok?"
She says in a state of shock.
(Y/n):"Yang I'm gonna have to go through my bag to find some painkillers. If I don't he'll go into shock and die."
She then nods and says.
She gets next to (y/n) and puts her hands over his as he swiftly and delicately moves his hands leaving Yang to hold the organs in place. (Y/n) then runs to his duffle bag and begins to go through it as he looks for painkillers which he does find. Before returning to the room he slides his cloak off as to avoid staining the cloak. Once he returns Yang is looking worried at her former professor (y/n) then opens the pill bottle and gives a painkiller to Oobleck as he lightly slaps his face saying.
(Y/n):"Cmon Oobleck focus on me. Your gonna be fine."
(Y/n) then swaps places with Yang once again as Port enters midway through the swap to see Oobleck's intestines which causes him to run out of the room gagging. This causes (y/n) to sigh before asking Yang.
(Y/n):"Yang, I need you to find some sort of bandages. I'm going to have to stop the bleeding and I'm gonna have to do it quick once I got him stitched up."
Yang just nods as she runs to another room to find bandages. As she leaves Neo and Tai return with the sewing kit and a fifth of liquor. (Y/n) then looks to Neo and says simply.
Neo knew immediately what he meant and took (y/n)'s position with relative ease. (Y/n) then took a sip from the bottle of liquor and then lightly poured it across the cut of which Neo is practically holding closed. This causes Oobleck's whole body to tense up as (y/n) yells to Tai.
(Y/n):"Hold him down up there otherwise he'll rip this wound open further!"
Tai does as (y/n) says. (Y/n) then takes the sewing needle and begins to stitch the wound up. Neo and Tai are kinda surprised at the expertise of his stitching as he makes a professional looking suture. Yang soon returns with a roll of bandages of which (y/n) takes and wraps up the now stitched up wound as he finishes this he tells Tai.
(Y/n):"Get Port and tell him to take Oobleck to the hospital."
Tai nods and does that as Port takes Oobleck toward the nearest town as carefully as he can. Everyone takes a deep breath as they relax except for (y/n) who has gone to the bathroom for a shower. Upon making it to the bathroom he looks in the mirror and sees his face is covered in blood that is drying because of the battle, his hands are covered in Oobleck's blood, and his hair is matted in some spots because of the drying blood. He then gets into the shower and looks at his feet as he sees the water in the tub has a red hue. After his shower he comes out to see Neo, Yang, and Tai, who all seem clean, looking at him. Tai then asks.
Tai:"You mind telling me why the white fang are after you?"
(Y/n) then points to Neo as he says.
(Y/n):"Neo and I killed a team of the white fang which was their little execution squad. I guess you could say they aren't too happy about that. Me and Neo will get out of your hair it was stupid of me to think they wouldn't follow. Goodbye Mr Xiao Long and Yang."
(Y/n) and Neo then gathered their stuff and headed to the nearest town and got a hotel room. Upon making it inside they both begin to get ready for bed. Then there was a knock at the door, (y/n) opens the door to see Yang (in her vol. 5 outfit) which prompts Yang to say.
Yang:"After careful consideration I've come to a decision. I'm in."

A/n: That's part 31 completed. As always I hope you guys enjoyed and I wanted to ask who do you guys want (y/n) to develop feelings for. Yang or Neo? Leave answer in comments(as said in the title voting is closed). Other than that I'll see you all in part 32. Until then, Peace!

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