DEMN Hunters

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Without warning Estra, wielding two sai, rushes toward (y/n) saying.
Estra:"It doesn't matter whose son you are you will die before you even get to fight Malik."
(Y/n) just turns to Neo who smirks and steps in front of him as Estra goes for a stab. Estra lets out a laugh as he says.
Estra:"Bold strategy using your friend as a shield."
The sai then find their place in Neo's stomach however, (y/n) doesn't seem worried also something peculiar happened when they made contact. Instead of making a noise of a blade going through flesh it made a sound like glass breaking. (Y/n) then lifts his right hand creating a black glyph underneath Estra, then he makes a second glyph of which is yellow on the glass Neo's back. He then utters.
(Y/n):"Don't underestimate me."
The glyph then glows golden yellow before creating a hurricane force gust if wind into the glass Neo causing it to burst into thousand shards all finding their home deep in every limb of Estra's. He sits there for a second in shock as all of the punctures begin to pour blood and causes him to fall limp. This causes Malik, Daemon, and Nier to look on in shock at how easily Estra was dealt with, he just looked like an amateur at the hands of (y/n). (Y/n) then asks very blandly.
(Y/n):"Do I have your attention now?"
They still sit there in shock and awe until Nier breaks the silence.
Nier:"You definitely are Dean's son. I do hope you realize we are leagues are above him."
At this point (y/n) realizes she has a very odd set of eyes, they look completely glazed over, like a sheet of clouded glass. Malik then pipes up and says.
Malik:"I want to battle you, it'll be like fighting with Dean from all them years ago."
(Y/n) then says.
(Y/n):"I don't care who this Dean is, but I know I'll give you everything I have."
Malik:"I guess you didn't get to meet him did you."
Daemon then shouts.
Daemon:"Malik! Nier! Enough of the talking, kill them."
Malik begins to ready two wooden batons that looks like police nightsticks and gets into a fighting stance as he says one more thing to (y/n).
Malik:"I wish we could've met under better circumstances."
(Y/n) just stays quiet as he gets into a fighting stance while readying his sword. Then they both rush each other at lightning speed. The two exchange blows back and forth leaving Malik covered in cuts and (y/n) covered in bruises they both get interlocked as (y/n) blocked Malik's attack. (Y/n) then rears his head back before head butting Malik in the face cracking his nose causing his nose to bleed. Then Malik puff his cheeks up and (y/n) can feel the heat coming off of his face before, he then breathed fire on (y/n) creating a giant poof of smoke. Malik then states.
Malik:"You fought well like I said I'm..."
Then he is impaled by an ice sword from Neige of which is in its armored state. (Y/n) is breathing heavily as he says.
(Y/n):"That was insanely close. I underestimate Neige more often than I should."
(Y/n) then looks down at his sword which didn't melt but is solid orange because of the heat. He looks to Neo and Nier who are perfectly keeping up with one another. (Y/n) looks to Daemon as he points the orange blade at him as he says.
(Y/n):"If know you want to kill me yourself. Then bring it and end me in seconds, pussy."
Daemon then laughs and says.
Daemon:"You've already done better than your mother and Alex but it'll end here."
(Y/n) then says with pure venom in his voice.
(Y/n):"I told you never to speak their names, ever."
(Y/n) then reaches to something he had holstered on his belt, he pulls his right arm back up to reveal he has Alex's sword, which he then flips open and is now dual wielding Demetria's and Alex's swords. (Y/n) and Daemon locked eyes and dashed at one another. They are locked in a stare off as Daemon begins to cackle as he begins to say something only for (y/n) to bury his foot into his stomach. (Y/n) was only using his eye of Balor as him and Daemon are going back and forth, when the injuries (y/n) had sustained from his battle with Malik became apparent. (Y/n) then fell to one knee and watched Daemon swing his sword at him on for (y/n) to disappear and reappear on the other side of the sword and grab Daemon's wrist. Daemon then says.
Daemon:"How are you that fast? You weren't that fast when you stopped time."
Daemon then looks up to (y/n) to see (y/n) activated his eye of the Witness. Daemon' pupils then got real tiny as he began to try to put distance between him and (y/n). Daemon then stutters.
Daemon:" did you...?"
(Y/n) then says.
(Y/n):"What is it Daemon? You look scared."
Daemon:"Ge...get away from me!"
Daemon then tries to run only for (y/n) to reappear right in front of him as he slashes the back of both of Daemons legs. Daemon then falls to his knees as (y/n) stands in front of him. (Y/n) then says as he slices his right arm off with his mother's sword.
(Y/n):"I do this for Demetria, my mother.
(Y/n) then sliced through Daemons left arm with Alex's sword.
(Y/n):"Also for Alex, my teacher."
(Y/n) grabs Daemons face and makes him look into the eye of the witness, making him experience his worst nightmare for 5 minutes in the real world but 5 days in the nightmare realm. (Y/n) follows up by saying.
(Y/n):"And that's for making the monster that I am today."
(Y/n) then buries both swords into Daemons chest killing him as his right eye closes with a blood tear. (Y/n) just takes a deep breath as he turns to Neo who has stabbed Nier. He makes his way over to her, upon making it there Nier says to him.
Nier:"You awakened the eye of the witness at such a young age. You definitely are Dean's son."
(Y/n) just remains quiet as he is extremely fatigued and wounded. Nier then says coughing up blood.
Nier:"I'm guessing we're not you last target. So I'll give you this info since I can't pay your father back directly for all his help so I'll help you . There are two white fang strongholds that control everything. They are located in Menagerie and Mystral. I'm sorry I aided them in such despicable acts."
Her eyes then close as her breathing stops. (Y/n) then turns to Neo who is breathing heavily as she also took one hell of a beating. He then says.
(Y/n):"We did it, Neo."
She just gives a thumbs up as he begins to look for the little girls parents. Of whom he finds and they seem relatively safe, he informs the two of their daughters whereabouts. They then leave back to town. Neo then hands a piece of paper to (y/n) which reads.
"Well now what?"
(Y/n) just simply responds with.
(Y/n):"Well as it happens Menagerie is way closer than Mystral so I say we start there. What do you say, you in?"
Neo then gives a smirk and nods yes.

A/n: That's part 27 completed. I hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you in part twenty eight. Until then, Peace!

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