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-Weiss' home in Atlas (about a week after the events of last chapter)-
Weiss is sitting in her room just looking out the window lost in deep thought. That is until there's a knock at the door, which causes Weiss to ask.
Then a feminine voice comes from the other side of the door.
Seraphine:"It's Sera miss Schnee."
Weiss then goes to the door to open it and let Sera in.

(This is what Seraphine looks like)Once she had let the young maid into her room she says to the girl

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(This is what Seraphine looks like)
Once she had let the young maid into her room she says to the girl.
Weiss:"I'm sorry Sera. I was just kinda out of it I guess."
Sera then says brushing this off.
Seraphine:"No, don't worry about it miss Schnee. I know you've been practicing for the charity drive tomorrow and I hate that I had to bother you. But your father has requested your presence."
This causes Weiss to sigh obviously dreading having to talk to her father but she tells Sera.
Weiss:"Thank you Sera."
Sera then takes a bow before saying.
Seraphine:"You are welcome miss Schnee."
Sera then leaves allowing Weiss to head to her father's study. It doesn't take long for her to be right outside the room, she takes a deep breath and heads on in. Her father immediately greets his daughter by saying.
Jacques:"Oh Weiss there you are. Took Sera longer than I expected."
Weiss:"I was daydreaming, father. It took her some time to get my attention."
Weiss is noticeably tense when she speaks to Jacques. He then furthers the conversation by saying.
Jacques:"Well regardless, I trust you have been practicing your song."
Weiss:"Of course father."
Jacques:"Good. I do want to request you just relax for the day. We wouldn't want your voice to be strained before tomorrow."
Weiss just bows before saying and taking her leave.
Weiss:"Thank you, father."
Upon exiting the room she closes the door and puts her back to the wall as she looks outside again thinking.
Weiss' thoughts:"I hope your okay cousin."
She then begins to reminisce about the times she shared with her cousin. At first it makes her smile but then causes her to feel saddened at knowing none of his family would be there when he woke up. She feels like the whole incident that caused him to be in that coma is her fault. She at this point would give anything to check on him right now. After doing this for a few minutes, she is roused from her thoughts by Sera asking.
Seraphine:"Miss Schnee, are you ok? You look sad."
To Sera it is easy to tell Weiss looks completely defeated and sad. Weiss then says turning to Sera with developing tears in her eyes.
Weiss:"It's just, I keep thinking about someone I left behind."
Sera seems intrigued by Weiss' statement thus prompting her to ask.
Seraphine:"What was their name?"
Weiss:"His name was (y/n) Villalobos. He was my cousin."
Sera gasps as her whole heart skips a beat, as she thinks.
Seraphine's thoughts:"He shares my last name. Does that mean?"
Sera breaks herself from these thoughts for right now at least so, that she can comfort Weiss. She does by telling her.
Seraphine:"I'm sure he would understand why you're not there."
To which Weiss hugs Sera before saying.
Weiss:"Thank you, Sera. I'm glad I have you as a friend."
Sera then responds with a big, warm, smile.
Seraphine:"Likewise, Weiss."
After this they both head their separate ways. Weiss to her room as it is nighttime while, Sera is heading to the servant quarters, where she sees her legal guardian, Kline. Kline seems happy to see Sera as she walks up and greets him.
Seraphine:"Hey Kline, how was your day?"
Kline then happily responds.
Kline:"Good. You?"
Sera sighs as she sits in a chair.
This causes Kline to chuckle before Sera recalls her thought about the boy who shared her last name. This causes her to ask.
Seraphine:"Hey Kline, do you mind if I ask you a question about my real family?"
Kline then responds pretty quickly with.
Kline:"Of course not Sera."
She begins to fiddle with the bow on her head as she feels nervous at asking her question. Before she can ask Kline says.
Kline:"You know if the bow is bothering you, you can remove it now. It's not like any of the Schnees will see."
This causes her to undo the bow revealing a set of black wolf ears. Upon freeing them she takes a deep breath in relief as she says.
Seraphine:"It gets itchy in that thing. Anyways, I wanted to ask, do I have a brother?"
This causes Kline to sigh and say.
Kline:"Yes, you do have a brother."
Sera:"Well, how come I've never got to meet him?"
Kline:"Trust me. I had planned on reuniting you two a long time ago but, after the death of your mother no one could find him. It was a huge surprise that Weiss got to meet him."
Sera then looks at her feet out of disappointment and says.
Seraphine:"Yeah I guess I hadn't thought of that. Sorry Kline."
Kline at this point has realized that she is sad as she hasn't ever met anyone from her blood family. He then tells her.
Kline:"I'm sorry I didn't tell you but you should probably head to bed."
Sera then says as she leaves the room.
Seraphine:"Goodnight Kline."
Kline:"Goodnight Sera."
-timeskip to the night of the charity drive-
Weiss was once again deep in thought as she is staring at a painting. That is until a boy walks up and begins to say.
???:"It's beautiful."
Weiss seems to rather not care about what this boy is saying as she responds with.
Weiss:"Yes it is beautiful."
???:"So that was my attempt at breaking the ice. How am I doing so far?"
She sighs as becomes annoyed by this boy before saying.
Weiss:"Your leaving a lot to be desired."
Henry:"Well I've appreciated honesty. The names Henry, Henry Merigold."
Weiss:"Weiss Schnee."
Henry:"I know I saw your performance obviously. You were wonderful and I promise I'm not saying that cause your pretty. Plan on buying it?"
He motions toward the painting. Weiss just responds simply.
Weiss:"No I don't think so."
Henry:"Yeah it's a bit pricy."
Weiss replies in an agitated tone.
Weiss:"Its to raise money."
Henry:"Oh really for what?"
Weiss looks livid as she is about to go off until another voice sounds off from the other side of her.
???:"You seem pretty ill informed to be here friend."
Henry:"I mean I only come to these things for food and drinks."
This cause Weiss to turn towards Henry and say.
Weiss:"Get out!"
Henry does eventually leave as Weiss then realizes there is still a presence to the other side of her. She whips around and shouts in that direction.
Weiss:"And what of you?!?!??!"
Upon finishing her question, her eyes widen in shock as she is face to face with (y/n). However the only thing that tells her that it's him is the scar over his left eye. Which prompts her to ask almost in disbelief.
(Y/n) does a light bow before saying.
(Y/n):"In the flesh."
Right as Weiss is about to hug (y/n) someone from the crowd begins to mock Vale. This doesn't sit well with (y/n) but for Weiss it seems even worse as she begins to shout at them.
Weiss:"None of you know anything about what happened!"
As she is shouting (y/n) has noticed a glyph forming behind her and from it forms a boar like grimm, of which is solid white with light blue accents. The boar then rushes the woman that made fun of Vale. Right as it jumps through the air it is pinned to the wall on the opposite side of the room by a ice arrow. This cause Weiss to turn back to (y/n) to see Neige who is only as tall as (y/n) with a ice bow drawn. This prompts (y/n) to tell the Neige.
(Y/n):"Thank you, Neige."
Neige then kneels to (y/n) as it fades into the glyph. Everyone then turns to the boy who just says.
It doesn't take long for the whole party to dissipate until Jacques walks up to him and Weiss and says as he grabs Weiss' arm.
Jacques:"You two are coming with me."
-back at Weiss' home-
The two are in Jacques study at this point (y/n) has let his Faunus ears be known as he could really care less about what Jacque was going on about. His attention is regathered by Sera who enters the room as he immediately sees a flash of his mother as he starts to stare this causes Sera to ask.
Seraphine:"Um is there something wrong?"
(Y/n) immediately says as he snaps out of his trance.
(Y/n):"No you just remind me of someone."
This causes Sera to think.
Seraphine thoughts:"Is this my brother?"
(Y/n) is continuing to not pay attention to Jacque until he is about to slap Weiss. Before his hand connects (y/n) grabs it and opens his eye of Balor. This causes Jacque to say.
Jacques:"Get your hand off me you filthy fucking mutt."
(Y/n):"Wow what a way to speak to your family."
Jacque jerks his hand away from (y/n) before saying.
Jacques:"The fact your mother carried the Schnee name is a disgrace to all who bear it."
(Y/n):"That's real funny coming from a man who married into their wealth and thinks he is a fucking god. If you ask me you are a pretty pathetic excuse of a man that deserves nothing more to die alone without a single soul to care. I'll take my leave now."
(Y/n) then turns to Weiss and asks.
(Y/n):"You are welcome to come if you'd like."
(Y/n) was walking through the front gate to see Yang, Blake, Seth, and Neo waiting for him. Upon seeing (y/n) Yang asks.
Yang:"Well is she coming?"
At this point a voice comes from behind (y/n).
Weiss then runs to Yang and hugs her along with Blake. A second voice says from behind (y/n).
Seraphine:"Is it ok if I come too?"
(Y/n) then turns to her as he says.
(Y/n):"Um sure. If you don't mind me asking who are you?"
Sera smiles and tells (y/n) as her wolf ears stand up making them visible.
Seraphine:"My name is Seraphine Villalobos and I'm your sister."

A/n: That's part 42 complete. I hope you guys enjoyed and hope to see you all in the part 43. I'm sorry it took so long for me to get this chapter out I retyped this several times before settling on this one. Regardless I'll see all of you next time. Until then, Peace!

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