Numbers Four and Five

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For once (y/n) isn't the first to wake instead it's Yang. She notices that (y/n) does have an arm draped over her as her back is pressed to his chest, this causes her to smile and close her eyes again not wanting to leave this position. That is until there's a knock at the door, which causes (y/n) to roll to the opposite side of the bed as he puts the pillow over his head remaining asleep. Yang just sighs as she rolls out of the bed and opens the door to see Neo which causes Yang to say while rubbing her eyes.
Yang:"What is it Neo?"
Neo hands a paper to her which reads.
"Mrs Belladonna told me to gather everybody's clothing so she can wash them."
Yang:"Ok then. Both of ours are in the bathroom."
Neo then enters and heads into the bathroom along with Yang. Everything is fine until Yang notices the spot where (y/n) had pinned her to the wall when they had that deep passionate kiss in their underwear. It's marked by a bloody back print and two bloody hand prints on both sides. To keep Neo from seeing it on the way out she stands in front of it. Luckily for her it worked as Neo didn't see it. Once they had left the bathroom, Neo hands another note to Yang which reads.
"Should we wake him for breakfast?"
Yang:"Yeah we probably should."
Neo then slips out of the room to avoid being the one to wake him up. Yang just sighs as she shakes (y/n) causing him to say.
(Y/n):"I'm up, I'm up."
Yang:"Well then come on breakfast is ready."
This causes (y/n) to sigh and role out of the bed. The two then head down for breakfast, everyone is there except Blake which prompts (y/n) to ask Seth.
(Y/n):"Where's Blake?"
Seth:"She's in her room and says she won't come down. She want even let me in to talk with her."
(Y/n) just sighs as he gets up, causing Yang to ask.
Yang:"Where are you going?"
(Y/n):"I'm going to get Blake."
(Y/n) walks upstairs to Blake's door, he can hear sobbing from behind it. He then knocks on the door and he gets a very distraught sounding Blake to respond with.
Blake:"Go away!"
(Y/n):"Blake come on open the door."
Blake:"I said go away I don't wanna talk to anyone."
(Y/n) just lets out a sigh before making two ice needles with one of his glyphs as he tries to lock pick the door. After a good three minutes of fiddling with it the door unlocks. Upon opening it he see's Blake bawling her eyes out as she is standing in front of the door to the balcony. (Y/n) then walks up and asks.
(Y/n):"Can we take this out on to the balcony so I can smoke?"
Blake just nods shakily as they both head onto the balcony as both are sitting on the railing. (Y/n) then lights a cigarette before offering one to Blake. She says with tears still streaming on her face.
Blake:"Thanks but I'm fine."
(Y/n):"You know you're an awful liar."
Blake just looks to him kinda shocked as he continues.
(Y/n):"Its very apparent you are the furthest thing from fine."
Blake then responds in an offended tone.
Blake:"I just lost the one I love how would you..."
She stopped and covered her mouth at realizing what she was about to say to (y/n). (Y/n) then hangs his head as he continues to take drags off his cigarette. Until he then says.
(Y/n):"How would I feel? I'd feel betrayed and saddened at the mere mention of their name. I wouldn't be able to sleep as I'd keep dreaming about them. I'd hate myself because I wasn't good enough for them apparently. Or at least that's how I would feel based off my personal experience."
Blake sits there and begins to tear up again as she says through sniffles.
Blake:"I'm so sorry for what I did. You have every right to hate me."
(Y/n) looks at her as she breaks down into tears again with her hands over her face. He then brings her into a hug as to comfort her as he says.
(Y/n):"I told you yesterday, I don't hate you, Blake."
This causes Blake to say through tears.
(Y/n):"Because you're still my friend."
Blake pulls away from the hug and wipes her tears away before telling him.
Blake:"Thank you, (y/n)."
(Y/n):"Hey Blake, you could always come with me, Yang, and Neo if you'd like."
Blake:"You'd let me come with you?"
(Y/n) just replies as he is leaving the room.
(Y/n):"Sure I mean I'm gonna need all the help I can get."
He then goes to the room him and Yang had stayed in and began to gather his things as they are about to head out. Seth walks in and asks.
Seth:"Hey if you don't mind me asking what's the next step for you and the rest of your team."
(Y/n):"Well first were gonna go find another friend of mine and then were gonna go after another white fang stronghold."
Seth:"Sounds fun mind if I come?"
(Y/n):"Not at all gather your stuff because, we're about to head out."
With that (y/n), Yang, and Neo sit downstairs and waits for Blake and Seth. It doesn't take very long for them to descend the stairs with their things with that they headed to the same ship that had brought (y/n), Yang and Neo in. Upon making it on the boat Seth asks.
Seth:"You said we were going to find a friend of yours first, right?"
(Y/n):"Yeah, why?"
Seth:"Who are they?"
This causes the rest of the group to lean towards (y/n) as they are all just as curios as Seth. (Y/n) then says.
(Y/n):"We're going to find my cousin."

A/n: That's part 40 completed. I hope you guys enjoyed and I hope to see all of you in part 41. Now I do have to tell you this one important thing and that is you guys probably won't get another chapter until Thursday night. The reason for this is that I have college finals this week. Other than that I'll see you guys next chapter. Until then, Peace!

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