The Crumbling Facade

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(Y/n) awakens from his slumber the next day feeling different. He feels really well rested and at ease which is a completely new feeling to him. However, he still can't stop thinking about how he abandoned Yang. It just has been continually eating away at him ever since he left Mistral. He is then brought away from these thoughts due to the smell of bacon and eggs. Upon making it to the kitchen area he sees his mother cooking, this actually causes a memory of when he was little to play out in his head. She is the first to say anything by greeting her son with cheer in her voice.
Demetria:"Good morning."
(Y/n):"Good morning mom."
His mother then slides him a plate with food on it and he begins to eat. She begins to fully take in the difference in appearance her son has. To be honest, when she looks at him she sees a lot of his father but that's a good thing. He then turns his attention to Demetria and asks.
(Y/n):"Where is everyone else?"
Demetria:"They left earlier to go explore Vacuo."
(Y/n):"What? What time is it?"
Demetria:"About around 1 or 2. Why?"
(Y/n):"Why didn't they..?"
Demetria:"They didn't wake you because from what they told me you needed to rest. Also it seemed like it was a big deal you were actually sleeping peacefully."
(Y/n) just hangs his head before, she asks him something which actually elicits a deep exhale from (y/n).
Demetria:"Son. If you don't mind me asking. What have I missed in my absence?"
(Y/n) looks saddened by her request but says simply at first.
(Y/n):"Nothing that was extremely good."
She can tell she's going to feel terrible by the end of this but she has to know. She takes a seat across from her son and says.
Demetria:"If it becomes too much you can stop."
(Y/n):" it's fine. I guess I'll start back after your... um... we'll say departure. The same guy that killed you took my left eye and left me to die. After that I slept in an alleyway as I had nowhere else to go. I spent most nights freezing and starving, my only source of comfort was the trash bags I slept on. I lived that way for a whole year."
Demetria already has a face that conveys shock and complete sorrow for her son. This causes him to think.
(Y/n)'s thoughts:"I haven't even made it a quarter of the way through and she already looks like she's going to start crying. Why does this feel so hard for me to talk about all of the sudden?"
He soon continues talking about this by saying.
(Y/n):"Then once I had started to give up someone came along who actually showed concern for me."
Demetria:"Who was it?"
(Y/n):"Raven Branwen. She took me to the one who would actually trained me to become a skilled fighter. His name was Alex and he became a father figure to me. He taught me how to always remain calm even when everything falls apart. He even gave me one of his eyes. Though that didn't last long either as he died trying to protect me because I fought recklessly. He died in vain because of me and I still haven't forgiven myself for that."
After saying this (y/n) takes a second to compose himself. This is seeming to prove way harder than he had expected it to be. Regardless he continues.
(Y/n):"Then something happened that made me believe, maybe things were starting to change for the better. I got accepted into Beacon and actually made some friends. That's something up until then I had never experienced. I was happy again."
(Y/n) stops as he is lightly hyperventilating and beginning to tear up. His mother takes his hand as she says almost bursting into tears herself.
Demetria:"Hey! Don't push yourself, I said if it becomes too much you can stop."
(Y/n):"No. It's fine. I can do this."
She reluctantly releases his hand and looks at him with sad eyes as he continues with.
(Y/n):"But just like everything else in my life Beacon fell. I lost friends during its fall, I also fell into a coma for several months trying to protect one of my friends. During the time I was out, my girlfriend at the time she um she moved on to someone else. So once again I was completely alone and I just kept in mind what Alex said. No matter what happens good or bad just keep striving for your goal and don't let your emotions get the better of you."
She couldn't help but ask.
Demetria:"What was your goal?"
(Y/n) looks down and seems like he is hesitant to tell her the truth but he decides to tell her as she deserves to know.
(Y/n):"I....I wanted to avenge you and destroy the White Fang. I traveled so long that I had shaken away almost every emotional feeling except pain and sadness. Until one day I was cold, starving, and bleeding out I guess it kinda came full circle. I would've died if it hadn't been for Neo, she saved my life. She's one of few I completely trust. I soon achieved a portion of my goal and I killed the man who killed you. After that I kinda just traveled all around Remnant before I met two people I never thought I'd meet."
Demetria at this point is trying so hard to keep herself from crying. (Y/n) can't tell if this is harder on him or her. Despite this he presses on by saying.
(Y/n):"I met my sister and I even got to meet dad."
Demetria:"You got to meet Dean?"
(Y/n):"Yeah... I spent most of my life despising him for not being around. I was actually glad to realize all that anger was misplaced. After that I joined the bandit tribe with him and now I'm here."
Demetria can't believe all that has been told to her. She then begins to ask practically begging and pleading for him to talk about something good that's happened.
Demetria:"Please tell me there was something that happened that made you happy. Something that made you think all the pain was worth it. Please God tell me something good has happened to you son! Please!"
She is in complete tears as she lost all control. Her whole heart is hurting because, of all the pain and hate her son had to bare on his own. It kills her to hear that. She's just hoping (y/n) has had some form of happiness. (Y/n) finally answers with tears coming down his own face.
(Y/n):"There is one person that whenever she's around I feel warm and safe. She cared about me like no one else other than you ever has. She was not bothered by me being a faunus and despite all my damage and flaws she could look me in the eyes and say she loves me. But she probably hates me now, I can't say I blame her. I abandoned her and it's ate away soul ever since I did."
Demetria:"Why did you leave her if she meant so much to you?"
(Y/n) breaks down completely as he is crying loudly before saying.
(Y/n):"Because I didn't want her to sacrifice her happiness for me. I'd much rather me be alone with her hating me, than for her to become like me. To become a mess, who can't sleep, and who just isn't happy. I refuse to threaten her life by letting her follow me down my depressing path she doesn't deserve that. I told her day one she deserves way better than me anyways."
His mother just instinctively just wraps her arms around her son. They are both crying their eyes out into each other's shoulder. (Y/n) eventually asks in the midst of their hug.
(Y/n):"Why are you crying so much?"
Demetria:"Because if I had been stronger none of this would've happened. You wouldn't have had to deal with everything on your own. You didn't deserve that no one does. It's all because I wasn't there. I'm sorry for being the worst mother. I'm so sorry."
(Y/n):"Are you kidding me? Your were the best mother I could've asked for. You did nothing but give me love and care. I never doubted your love nor would I ever. I would never blame you for what happened. Sometimes bad things just happen to good people mom."
Demetria:"But you were just a child, I should've been there for you. The times you needed me most I wasn't there. The moments when you needed a guide, you needed to feel loved and not alone, and I wasn't there. I can't just let that go."
(Y/n):"Your here now and even though I don't know why I'm glad you are. I love you mom and I've missed you so much since that day."
Demetria:"I love you too, son. I'm sorry I couldn't be with you across your journey."
(Y/n):"Its okay mom."
The two soon pull back noticing both of their faces are soaked with tears and their eyes are red and puffy prompting (y/n) to say.
(Y/n):"So yeah that's what you've missed mom."
Not long after he says this there is a knock at the door. (Y/n) gets up and opens the door to see Dean. Who he hugs tightly however, Dean looks behind (y/n) to see Demetria. Thus Demetria says to the now bewildered Dean.
Demetria:"Hey Dean."

A/n: That's another chapter completed. I hope you all enjoyed and hope to see you all in the next one. Until then, Peace!

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