Chapter 2: Welcome To LA

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Eveline's outfit ^
Elton's POV
Next week Eveline is suppose to move in so we are cleaning out a room for her. Everyone walked into Target to get some stuff for the house and for Eveline Corey, Gabe, Sam, Colby, Aaron and also Devyn, Katrina, and Brennen. "Hey guys. Wanna play hide and seek?" I asked pulling out my camera shaking it. "Is this for a video?" Gabe asked. "Yeah. Wanna play?" I asked again. "Sure dude." Corey says. I click the on button on my camera and start recording. "Hey guys I'm back with another video. Today we are doing hide and seek. I'm here today with Gabe, Brennen, Corey, Sam, Colby, Devyn, Katrina, and myself. Oh and Aaron." I say laughing. Aaron waves walking next to Gabe. "Your my only friend Gabe." Aaron says and pretends to be offended and pretends to cry. "Ok. So guys, who is gonna be it?" I asked. "Well you, I guess. " Gabe said shrug. I look around to see where I could count when I see a certain someone. "EVELINE?!" I yelled. She turned around and squatting covering her face and cries with tears. I handed my camera to Gabe and ran to her. She stood up and hugged me and she wouldn't let me go. I pulled away. "What are you doing here?" I asked her. "Um. I came to LA early and needed food for Lucas and his apartment that I'm helping him move into now. Oh my gosh. " she says looking at everyone. She stops at a certain someone. At Katrina. Katrina picked up her face from her phone with wide eyes. "Eveline..." she whispered. "Oh my gosh. This day is full of surprises. Katrina. I haven't seen you in a long time Kitty Kat." My sister says giving Kat a hug. "Well Evie Bear, I moved to LA remember." Kat said. Everyone then focuses on me after what happened. "Ok so now then. I am it first and who ever I find first gets thrown into the pool when we get home along with me because I'm it." I say looking at everyone. Eve nods and pauses her movement. "Dude this is my song" she says dancing. "How can you hear anything?" Colby asks. "Well Colbster. Can I call you Colbster, I don't care what you think I'm calling you that. Anyways, I'm a magical unicorn and one of my superpowers is super hearing." She says smiling. "Your such a dork. If you can hear what are they saying" Corey asks. She nods and starts singing, "You know I love it when the music stops so come and strip that down for me, baby, there's a lot of people in the crowd. But only you can dance for me, so put your hands on my body and swing that around for me, baby, you know I love it when the music stops so strip that down for me, yea yeah yeah" she sings. "Damn girl. Still got that voice." Katrina said laughing. "Only for you babe, only for you." My sister says laughing with Katrina. "Sam, I think your girlfriend as a lesbian lover." Gabe says to Sam. Sam sighs. "There is enough Kat for everyone people." Katrina says laughing. "Ok guys. We are getting off topic lets start playing guys." I say walking I the front of the store with everyone going to hide.
After three minutes I went around and tried to find people. I found Corey and Devyn right away with Corey trying in hats. I laughing and then found Kat following us. Kat shows us where she found Brennen and got him out. "Ok so I think Colby would try to hide in the stroller area with the boxes because of Sam and Colby's overnight." Corey says passing it. We pass it like five times trying to find Eve, Colby, Sam, Aaron, and Gabe. We go to the strollers again. "I thought he would be here." Brennen says sighing. I look at the lady and see you looking at the boxes I look at where she is looking at and see brown hair and blonde hair. I move the box seeing Sam and Colby. "You guys passed us like 10 times" Colby said laughing. "You guys scared me. He scared me when I saw him. I saw him and I was like ' I'm staying out of this ' "some lady commented. "Oh well we're sorry" Colby says. She nods and walks away. "Gabe, Aaron, and Eve are next. " I say evilly. I look up seeing Gabe crouching. "Find you" Devyn says jumping. "Where is Aaron and Eve?" I asked. "I saw them running back there. Past you. I don't really know. " Gabe said shrugging. I go to the back seeing nothing. I text Eveline.
You and Aaron win. We have been trying to find you guys from over two hours. We are going now. "I just texted her saying we are leaving. " I said looking at my phone. I feel someone hit my arm. I look up from Gabe and see Aaron and Eve in the car. Eve came out. "Hope you don't mind. Put my stuff in the back from my best friends car. " she says. She and Aaron began laughing. "You guys are stupid. We past you guys like a bunch. " Aaron said laughing. I groan. "I guess Corey and I are taking a swim. " I say groaning again.
We got home and I got Eve to record Corey and I jumping into the pool. I went first and got push in by Sam and Colby. Corey got tossed in on Gabe and Aaron's shoulders. Eve was happy. Later that night, I helped Eve move into her room. She smiled. Not a full one, but a happy one.
End of chapter two.
I need ideas people. Please comment. I want to know what chapter you guys want Eve and Colby to find feelings for each other. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Good or nah??

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