Chapter 25: Disney

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I got this idea because Sam and his girlfriend Kat went to Disney Hollywood Studios And I'm going to Disney today. In Florida of course, but this chapter is in California. Enjoy Reading.

Eveline's POV
I was attacked in my sleep. My eyes widened as I see Colby laughed laying between my legs. He put his arms in either side of me was he crawled up to kiss me. But me being me declined. He playfully frowned.
"No kisses for you"
"You woke me up from my slumber. That's not very nice."
He sighed.
"We are going somewhere."
I look at the clock
"At 5:30 in the morning"
I was annoyed. Although I love Colby with all my heart, and we may be going somewhere.. I deserve sleep. I need it.
"It takes a while to get there and you need to get ready. Love you"
He sat up and walked downstairs. I sigh and grabbed some clothes than walked into the bathroom taking a shower.
I stood in the mirror and liked my outfit.

(No sunglasses and the shoes are light pink vans)My hair was down with full curls with a flower crown

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(No sunglasses and the shoes are light pink vans)
My hair was down with full curls with a flower crown. I slipped on my shoes and did a little make up. Not a lot because Colby doesn't like a lot of make up and than I put some chapstick on. I walked downstairs and saw everyone awake, well mostly everyone. Kat fell asleep on Sam while Corey fell asleep on Devyn's lap and Jake fell asleep on the couch with his head hanging off. I giggle to my self at my friends. No. My family. I look at Colby staring at me.
I look down at my outfit thinking something is wrong.
"Nothing. It's just that... you're so beautiful"
I blush
"Your not to bad yourself"
He smiles and kisses me.
"I finally got my kiss"
I laugh. Jake opened his eyes.
"Stop being so cute."
He huffed.
I rolled my eyes.
"We can be cute because we're dating." I say smiling.
"Are we almost there?" Corey asked.
It was 7:30am and Corey has been asking the same damn question since we got in the car.
"Shut your mouth Corey. If I said no 30 minutes ago, it's no, if I said no 10 minutes ago, it's no, it's been 5 minutes, why would the answer change"
Colby was driving and with Corey asking every five minutes if we were there was annoying Colby. I sat up front next to Colby.
I stretch over
"Calm down babe. I love you."
I whisper then kiss kiss cheek. His face flushes to a little pink as he turns into a different line. I grabbed his hand and put it on my thigh and put my hand over his. He squeezed my thigh and I smile.
"I love you too"
Corey finally stopped talking as he listened to me and Colby talking
"What's wrong Corey? You stopped talking"
Sam asks
"Nothing. I'm just listening to my favorite ship."
Corey said smiling at Colby and I.
"Thanks Corey"
Colby said smiling at me.
We went a little ways down the road where we saw the sign.
         'Welcome to Disney'

I look at Colby and smiled a big smile.
Corey squealed.
"We're finally here"
I laugh.
"Finally. I was going to lose my back sitting in this car." Sam said moving around as Kat sat next to him looking at me annoyed. I hit Sam's head getting his attention.
"Don't got my head because my hair is more beautiful than you."
Sam said laughing.
I give I'm a death stare and he stops laughing and his attitude changes.
I laugh.
"Stop moving. You're hitting your girlfriend every time you move Stop"
His attention was brought to Kat who didn't know what was going on.
She said confused as Sam looked at her.
"I'm sorry. My baby."
Sam began hugging onto Kat who didn't know what's was happening.
"We are to stay together. We don't want to lose Jake because his 5 year old self wants to wonder off and meet Mickie. "
Colby said with a map.
"Hey! I'm 7 years old for your information sir."
Jake said pretending to be mad.
I laughed.
Colby rolled his eyes and looked down at the map. I walked up to him.
"What's wrong baby?" I asked kissing his shoulder.
He shrugs me off.
"We need to be somewhere important before the end of the night. "
Colby walked away with everyone following.
"Love you too".
We walked to different parts of the park and went on some rides. Only like four because some ride caused us to wait in lines for 2 to 3 hours. By the end of the night everyone was tired and our feet were hurting. Colby pulled me away from everyone.
"Colby? We can't lose everyone."
I was confused as to why Colby pulled me away from everyone.
Kat and Sam walked away towards the car with Corey and Devyn while Jake was sitting in the car waiting for us.
"Colby? The fireworks are going to start."
He didn't listen he kept pulling me. I look up seeing the fireworks.
"Eveline, from the moment I saw you I knew that you would be mine. I love you with all my heart. I love everything about you. And if you were any different, I would still love you. You have a beautiful heart, you are just so beautiful. Inside and out. And your body is perfect don't judge yourself. I love you for your flaws and your imperfections. I want you to be mine and to stay mine. So please take this ring. Not for marriage, but for a promise. For you to always be mine and for me not to hurt you like in the past. I love you Eveline."
I was crying.
"Yes Colby. I love you. "
He slipped the ring on and kissed me.
No it is not the end. Sorry I didn't post yesterday. I was busy. Love you guys.

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