Chapter 18: Christmas Tree and Some Fighting for the Holiday Cheer

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( long title name I know sorry)
Eveline's POV
I was awoke to a big clash downstairs. I quickly sat up shaking Colby. He groaned. "What babe?" He asked in his morning voice checking the time. "I heard a crash." I say whispering. "Baby it's 7am, go back to sleep." He said turning around going back to sleep. I laid back down trying to sleep, but curiosity got the best of me. I got up and threw on some shorts, one of Colby's merch shirts, and I threw my hair into a bun. I opened Colby's door slowly then shut it. I tip toe down the stairs and see Sam with Kat and Corey with Devyn with boxes. I walk towards them confused. "What are you guys doing?" I asked "getting the Christmas tree out for us to set up later." Sam said. "Really at like 7 o'clock in the morning?" I asked. They nod. They go back to setting up the Christmas tree as I cook breakfast.
I had cooked some eggs, bacon, toast, and tons of other requested stuff. Sam and Corey finished getting all the boxes from storage and were going to set up the Christmas tree after breakfast. I made everyone's plate and we ate. After we were done eating I got a plate of food and carried it to Colby's room. I walked in and he was getting dressed. "Hey babe." He said kissing my cheek putting in a shirt. "Hey. Here's some food. Anything planned for today." I asked. "Yeah. Gonna spend the day with Brennen." He said eating. I nod. "Have fun." I say then walk downstairs. Sam and Corey were having problems with the constructions because the tree stand wasn't going together. "WAIT!" I yelled. All the attention was on me as I walked over to Sam. "Do you even read?" I asked as I grabbed the constructions and turned it so it wasn't upside down. "Ooh" Sam said with a hint of pink in his cheeks. He was embarrassed. I smiled and kissed his cheek. Kat smiled. "BFF's yay." She said smiling and laughing. Kat walked up to Sam and kissed him. They had a good relationship. Lots of kisses and happiness. Unlike mine. Sadness I know. I watched the guys put up the Christmas tree with Katrina. We were making lunch. We made homemade pizza and lemonade. Colby was still out with Brennen getting lunch so we didn't bother with him and making food for him. We ate and set up the Christmas tree. It was a pretty tree and it looked even prettier with all he decorations. Sam and i's relationship grew into a BFF one as Katrina says. It was getting late and everyone was heading home or to bed. I ran to the door and locked it. "No one is leaving. We haven't eaten, put the star on the tree, or have a dance party" I said. "Dance party?" Katrina asks. "It's something she wants to start doing in the New Years. " Sam said. "Oh. Aw best friends learning more about each other. Yay." Katrina said giggling. I smile and pulling her into the kitchen. "Let's make food"I say. "Let's make spaghetti" Katrina said. "You just read my mind girlfriend." I say laughing.
Colby's POV
I was currently at Brennen's shooting a vid. It was getting late and I was getting tired. "Dude. I'm getting tired I'm gonna head home." I say yawning. "Yeah it is around 10 I should edit my video and post it. Bye bruh. " Brennen says waving. I got in my car and started my car and began to drive. I wasn't really tired anymore, but missed my roommates. A song came on that reminded me of Eveline. "I need your love, even everything's wrong you make it right" it sang. I changed the song. "Now-now-now now or never." The sang continued. I liked this song. Words pure. Tells a story. What I really like are rap songs, but every now or then you need some today's hit in our life. I arrived at home and saw lights on. I checked the time and it was 11. I locked my car and went up to the door. It was locked. I rolled my eyes and unlocked it walking in slowly. I listened for voices. I heard laughter. "Put me down Aaron" I heard Eveline scream laughing. "Not until you take back what you said about my dancing" he said back. "Fine. I'm sorry I said you danced like a dying walrus now put me down." She screamed. "Yeah but my best friend down" screamed Sam. I looked into the room seeing Eveline over Aaron's shoulder, Sam and Kat with swords and Corey with a wand, Devyn recording it with a dying Elton and Amanda in laughter. Elton then joined in with a shield and sword and hit Aaron in his butt. "Put down my sister." He said. "Fine" he said as he dropped her into Sam's arms. "My hero. Now let's go get your princess and eat lots of pizza." She said laughing. They all took off their gear and laughed. "How did this happen exactly?" Elton said. "How does anything happen?" Corey said laughing. "One word, Eveline." Sam said pointing to Eveline who eating pizza with everyone laughing. "I wanted a dance off so I had one. It just so happened that Aaron can't dance." Eveline said turning around seeing me in the door way. "Hey baby" she said smiling. "Hey. What's going on here?" I asked. "Eveline wanted a dance party so we did and she made fun of Aaron's dance moves and it just turned horrible. " Elton said sighing grabbing some pizza. "Yeah horribly funny." Corey said. "We got footage for vlogs." Devyn said. I nod and walked away to my room leaving everyone alone. They are having fun without me. I'm the odd man out.
Eveline's POV
I sigh and clean up the mess with everyone else. "I'm gonna go talk to him. He seems pretty upset." I say giving a small smile as they nod. I walk up the stairs seeing Colby take his shirt off throwing it behind him and plug his phone in. I close the door and walk over to him. I put my arms around him from behind. "What's wrong babe?" I whispered as I have his back small kisses. "Nothing." He says with a sigh pulling away from me. "No something is wrong. This won't be a health relationship with secrets and lies. Just tell me so I can help you." I say. " maybe I don't what your help." He snaps causing me to jump. " I'm gone for one day, ONE DAY, and you are best friends with my best friend, flirting with another guy, and just being so full of yourself. " Colby said mad. "Sam and I are friends, Katrina only put us as best friends cause we were hanging out, I am not flirting with anyone. Aaron just grabbed me. And I'm not full of myself. I wouldn't be 'best friends' with your best friend or 'flirting' with another guy if you were here. But your not. Your with Brennen. You know I hate that you're always with him. " I say mad. "I'm not always with him. I was hang out with you guys a couple weeks ago harm the carnival was in town." Colby said. "Yeah the carnival. That was here like a month ago! What about Thanksgiving?" I asked. He didn't answer. "With Brennen. It was our first Thanksgiving together. FIRST THANKSGIVING AND YOU LEFT TO GO HANG OUT WITH FUCKING BRENNEN, WHAT NEXT YOU FORGET MY BIRTHDAY, OUR ONE YEAR!?" I screamed. He just stared at me. "You can never take back our first thanksgiving, and you did forget my birthday." I said with tears. He looks at me in confusion. "I wanted you to stay with me on Thanksgiving because it was my birthday. I celebrate my birthday on Thanksgiving because I was born at 11:59pm but in my birth certificate it says 12:00am Black Friday. You weren't there for Black Friday either. You were with fucking Brennen and came home and started a fight with Nick that wasn't needed." I said. " I'm sorry I wasn't there for your birthday or for our first Thanksgiving. But you didn't tell me any of this." Colby says putting a shirt on. "BECAUSE YOU NEVER ASK! You never ask. You never listen. You are always out. You had no right to start a fight with me over laughing and hanging out with friends. " I said in defense. "yeah my friends." Colby says. "You know what your right they're your friends so I obviously don't need to be here. " I say walking out of his room. He followed in confusion. "What does that mean?" He asks. I look at him and slam my door. I am fed up with all the fight and crying. Colby doesn't love me. No one can. I may be 'best' friends with Sam but at least I talk to him. I wasn't even flirting with Aaron, he may have been, but I wasn't. I was so mad. I grabbed one of my book bags packing some clothes in it. I put my tooth brush, brush, perfume, and deodorant in the bag. I put on my hoodie with the out lines of Lucas and I. I was only wearing my converse, high waisted shorts, and a crop top. I put my hair into a messy bun and put my phone charger in my hoodie pocket. I left the shirts of Colby's merch, the merch of mine that involved Colby. I just couldn't handle it anymore. I put my book bag on bad grabbed my car keys. David had known it was my birthday, but not my boyfriend. David had gotten me a tesla for an early birthday present Liza wasn't mad about it because she know I always wanted one and that I needed a car, it was her idea for the car. I opened the door seeing Colby standing there. "Where are you going?" He asked. "I'm going somewhere. I'm done Colby. I can't handle the fighting anymore." I say almond down the stairs. Sam and everyone else where downstairs. "Please don't go" Colby said grabbing my arm. "Let me go. Don't touch me. I said I'm done Colby. Don't makes this hard then it already is. " I said with a shaken breath. "All of this over a fight?" He asks "it's not just the fight. You are accusing me of stealing your best friend, flirting with other person. I can't handle all the fighting. Just admit it Colby. Us breaking up was bound to happen." I say walking to the door. "I'm sorry. I will spend more time with you. Please don't break up with me. I need you. Your mine, your my other best friend, my world, my soulmate, your the love of my life and I love you please don't leave me. " Colby says. I close my eyes. "I'm sorry Colby. I love you too. But I need to leave. You need a ride home Kat?" I asked Kat. She nods and kisses Sam good bye. We get into my car and drive away. I put the car on auto drive and start crying. "What's wrong Eveline?" She asks. "Colby. He just doesn't understand that with my bipolar that I get mad easily. And we just chat be together because it is hard for us to get along. I just can't stand all the fighting. I'm sorry. I just..." I breathed in and out. "I just need a break. I need to clear my head." I say. We eventually arrive at her apartment and she leaves. I go to Liza's and stay is the her.
David's POV (new POV)
I was currently hanging out with Liza in her new house when there was a knock. We went and opened the door. "Eveline?" Liza asked. Eveline then just collapsed into a hug from Liza and began crying. "What's wrong" Liza asks. I put my camera away and help carry Eveline into Liza's living room. Eveline wasn't that heavy. "Colby and I got into a fight I just can't handle it anymore. " she says crying. "David can you go get my dog please" Eveline asked. I nod and leave her with Liza. I get the dog but was questioned by Colby. "Where is she?" He asked. "She's safe" I say. "Who is she with?" He asked. "With Liza. Listen I gotta go. Eveline mad Liza want some food and I gotta get some so I need to leave. And also you need to fix what happened with Eveline because if you don't she'll be ruined." I said before leaving Colby and going to get my girls some Mc Donald's.
End of chapter 18.
This chapter as about 2,200 words. Good or nah?? Eveline and Colby didn't break up, and I forgot to include the birthday part in my Thanksgiving special so sorry for that. Hope you enjoyed the chapter though.

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