Chapter 27: Concerts and Happiness

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NOT EDITED! Zach Herron ^

Eveline's POV
I woke up with Colby holding onto me. It's been an everyday thing that's been happening. I try my best to wiggle my way out of his girl, but he only grips me tighter.
I whine
He mimicked
I smile a small smile. I wiggle.
Colby says grabbing ahold of me tighter then ever.
"I can't breathe"
I say trying to catch my breath.
He groans and lets me go. I slid out of the bed and used the bathroom. I got some clothes and went to take a shower. I took off my clothes and hopped in.
After my shower, I had a hard time finding something to wear to the concert I'm going to with Kat, but I decided to just wear their merch.

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I brushed my teeth and walked downstairs

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I brushed my teeth and walked downstairs. I walked into the kitchen seeing Kat talking to Sam.
"Yeah we're going so have fun being by yourself"
Kat says smiling.
Sam rolls his eyes and scoffs.
"Jeez. Love you too."
Sam says leaning in for a kiss. I smile. They are two cuties.
"Excuse me. I need your girlfriend we're going shopping then going to the concert."
I say. I walk up to the fridge and grab the eggs and bacon out of it. I grab a pan and make the food. I made plates and made extras.
"Come on Kat! Let's go!"
I yell for her while stuffing food in my mouth and run to the front of the house. Colby comes downstairs and looks ya me in confusion. I smile and kiss him.
I yell. Kat walks up to me and smiles.
"I Here"
I smile and walk out to the car with her.
We arrived at the mall and see Jake and Logan walking around. Yes Paul.
"Hey guys"
I say smiling at them.
"Oh hey Eveline. Haven't seen you in months since you used my boys to help with a cheating prank."
Jake says into his camera with Nathan behind the camera. I nod.
"It was a good video."
I shrug.
"I see you wearing my boys hoodie. Why?"
Logan asked holding his camera to his face.
"Stop. I'm too ugly for that and I'm actually going to their concert in LA. I got two tickets and two VIP passes from Jonah cause I slid into his DMs"
I said making a sliding motion.
Logan laughed.
"But you have a boyfriend."
"He doesn't know that."
I said winking. Jake laughed and Logan looked at me.
"She savage. But won't he find out."
Logan says confused.
"He knows that I have a boyfriend. I just asked him if he knew where I would be able to buy stuff for Harry Potter and we started talking. Besides, I know he's hot and all but I got a boyfriend that I've almost been been with one year."
I say. The boys nod.
"Well. I'll be there later on so see you there Eveline. Maybe I could pick you and Kat up"
Logan says. I nod and wave bye.
"My two internet crushes in front of me"
Kat giggles. I shook my head and laughed.
We ended up buying some VS stuff. I bought one for Colby for our one year, and Kat got some new clothes. We were eating lunch when Logan and Jake came back.
"What you want?"
I asked eating a French fry.
"I need your address."
Logan says grabbing a French fry. I look at Kat. She laughs.
"What's so funny?"
Jake asked.
I groan.
"you stole a French Fry. It's mine."
I take the half eaten French fry and eat it.
Logan stands there.
I say giving him a hand full of fries and my address.
"Don't be late, logey"
I say standing up grabbing Keys hand walking away with her. We reach outside and see tons of fans screaming.
I laugh.
"Honey. If anything, Colby will fuck me until I turn into a human water fountain."
I said then walked away. all the fans screamed and chased me and Kat into our car. They kept following us until we sped onto the highway.
"Gotta love the fans"
I say laughing.
I yell. I open the door and see Logan in his red car. It's a spicy car. I also see Brennen in his Lambo.
"Yo Brennen!"
I say
"Yo Eveline"
He says getting out of the car.
"Nice. Can I drive it later?"
I asked.
"Sure just make sure to wear brobly merch and drive safely."
Brennen says. I laugh and nod. I turn around and see Colby walking out with no Kat. The door was left open so I yelled.
Colby laughed and walked up to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck.
He says.
I say. I lean in for a kiss.
Logan said holding up his camera. I smile and lean in again kissing Colby. I pull away.
"Love you"
"Love you too"
Colby smiles. He walks away but I grab his collar and give him one last kiss. He smiles into the kiss and pulls away.
"Bye now."
Brennen said pushing Colby into his lambo. Kat finally comes out.
"What were yo undoing that took you so long?"
I groaned getting into Logan's car.
She sighs.
"Were you 'doing' Sam"
I smirked. She blushed.
"NO BRUH! I was fixing my hair and make up. I'm then I spilt soda and needed clothes. "
She said.
"Hmhmm. Sure."
I say. Logan turns on his new song. 'The Number Song'. Honestly I'm in love with it. We sang our hearts out until we reached the concert.
They sang. They began jumping up and down on the stage and all of the people at the concert sang along. Kat was dancing and I was singing.
They sang once more. They beat was loud, but the fans singing and screaming was louder. Logan was making an Instagram video. He looked like he was about to cry. After the concert we were able to meet them. Of course before anyone else since Logan bright us.
Everyone left and Logan brought Kat bad I behind stage.
Logan yelled. All 5 of them popped out and ran to Logan. Then Logan and time had a group hug.
"I missed my boys."
"Well. We missed you too Logan."
I smile.
"Hey Jonah"
I say smiling.
He looks at me with wide eyes.
"You made it."
He gasps. He hugs me.
"Of course. You're a fellow Harry Potter fan. " I say laughing.
"Your very beautiful"
Zach says. I blush.
"You're a cute one. But I have a boyfriend."
I say hugging him.
"And I'm 19."
"What can I say? I like my women older."
He winks. I laugh.
I sigh.
Jake says.
I go up to him in touch his hair.
"It's soft."
I gasp. He laughs. I hug Corbyn and kiss Daniel's cheek.
I took a picture them all of them.
"Bye guys."
I say to them waving bye.
I'm running out of ideas which means I'm going to be ending the book. This is not the last chapter. The last chapter is going to be their one year anniversary.
Bye loves!!!
(Also, if you guys know Why Don't We, comment your favorite song. Mine is Trust Fund Baby.)

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